

Read – Job 7

What does it say?
Job explained his restlessness, sharing details about the physical and mental suffering he was enduring. He asked why God was testing him every moment of his day.

What does it mean?
Job’s suffering was so multifaceted that he didn’t have a moment’s relief. Even if the physical pain eased enough to allow sleep, nightmares would awaken him. The effects of restlessness and hopelessness wracked Job’s body and emotions to the point that he begged God to leave him alone, if only for a brief moment. Job didn’t understand why God allowed him to suffer so greatly or why He wouldn’t at least forgive him of his sin and restore him. His only comfort was in knowing that one day he would die, and the suffering would end.

How should I respond?
Suffering will not always be understood on this side of Heaven. Some suffering is the result of natural consequences: fall off a roof, and you’ll likely break bones. But what about suffering that can’t be explained, as when a newborn baby dies? Unexplained adversities cause many to ask the age-old question, “Why does God allow bad things to happen?” How do you respond when God doesn’t give relief right away? Making the decision to love the Lord in spite of tragic circumstances is a matter of trust. Jot down ten things you know to be true about God’s character. When you can’t see what God is doing, you can always trust Him. Will you give Him your hopelessness today?



Read – Job 6

What does it say?
Job spoke to his three friends, asking them for comfort rather than arguments.

What does it mean?
When Job needed comfort, his friends poured salt into an open wound. His emotions erupted after being rebuked by Eliphaz. Job was ready for God to take him before he denied or spoke against the Lord. Job needed encouragement. He wanted his friends to simply be there for him. Had there been something Job could have done to end the suffering, he would have gladly done it. He needed companionship, but his friends had no understanding of what he was going through or how to help him.

How should I respond?
We often try to fix situations and even people. But despite our best intentions, we sometimes have no idea what to say to a broken-hearted friend. Sadly, you may have said the wrong thing when words weren’t really necessary at all. This week, allow God to use you as a friend who is willing to merely love and encourage someone else. You may be the only encouragement that person receives. Ask God to help you discern when to listen, when to speak, and when to just be there. You may be surprised to discover that your mere presence is enough.



Read – Job 4-5

What does it say?
In response to Job’s questioning of the Lord from Chapter 3, his friend Eliphaz mistakenly assumed that Job must have sinned and was being punished by the Lord.

What does it mean?
Job’s well-meaning friend Eliphaz talked with him about God’s holiness and righteousness, concluding that God is just and would not cause the righteous to suffer without a reason. From his viewpoint, God’s blessing was equated with righteousness, while suffering was related to sinfulness. Therefore, Eliphaz felt that Job must have sinned. While there are consequences to sin, not all suffering is the result of personal sin. The sheer presence of sin in the world has caused decay and death since Adam and Eve. Eliphaz had a hard time understanding how God could permit suffering without cause. He called on Job to repent from his sin so that God would restore him.

How should I respond?
We can all think of people who seem to prosper, despite their rejection of Christ. You may also be able to name friends who love and serve the Lord, yet they have had to suffer unimaginable pain. Some of them have deeply influenced our lives because they chose to praise God in spite of their suffering. What difficulty are you facing right now? Will you yield to God’s work in your life and choose to rejoice, knowing that God is using this time to strengthen your faith and draw you closer to Him (James 1:2-5; 12)?



Read – Job 3

What does it say?
In a speech to his friends, Job cursed the day he was born. But after all Job had suffered, he still refused to curse God.

What does it mean?
All of Job’s worst fears had come to fruition. While he didn’t turn his back on God, Job did question, “Why?” Why would God allow so much suffering in his life? His loss caused so much heartbreak that he longed for death and for the Lord to take his life. In overwhelming pain, Job even wished he had never been born. He wasn’t suicidal, just completely broken and ready for his heartache to end. The Lord, however, had other plans for Job and refused to let him die.

How should I respond?
Asking God, “Why?” is not sin. Life can be hard. Being broken before the Lord and crying out for answers and help are a normal part of handling suffering. How have you questioned something God has permitted in your life? Asking, “Why?” doesn’t mean you don’t trust God. It’s a simple admission that you don’t see the whole picture or understand why He is allowing your heartache. What questions do you have for God today? Why don’t you go ahead and ask Him? He may show you His purpose, or He may use your question to draw you into a deeper relationship with Him.



Read – Job 1-2

What does it say?
Job lost his possessions, children, and health as the result of two conversations between God and Satan in the heavenly realms.

What does it mean?
In the first two chapters of Job, two scenarios are taking place. Glimpses of Job’s life and character show how the Lord had provided for Job and blessed him with possessions and family. Appropriately, Job glorified God with how he lived his life. Even so, God permitted Satan to bring suffering into Job’s life. Once Job’s possessions, children, and health were gone, his wife encouraged him to curse God. God was not the source of Job’s suffering, but He did permit it. Job’s response was to bless the Lord regardless of his circumstances since God permits both good and bad.

How should I respond?
It’s difficult to understand suffering. However, we can rest assured that Satan’s power is limited to what God permits. What kinds of suffering has God allowed in your life? How have you responded? Has it drawn you closer to Him or pushed you away? Your ability to love and serve the Lord isn’t limited by your circumstances. Because He is eternal, God sees the whole picture: past, present, and future. You can learn from the past and try to understand the present. Jesus, however, is the sure hope for your future. Will you choose to trust Him with your circumstances today?



Read – Esther 9-10:3

What does it say?
The Jews defeated their enemies, and the Feast of Purim was established.

What does it mean?
A divine reversal of events occurred in today’s passage. On a day intended for the annihilation of the Jewish people, God’s redemption led to the destruction of their enemies, the very people who intended to destroy them. Many enemies of the Jews throughout Persia had been empowered by the edict from Haman. By allowing the Jews to defend themselves God brought judgment on their enemies in the region. Rather than a day of fear and mourning, the victory established a national day of celebration.

How should I respond?
Battles and warfare are common throughout Scripture. Many passages in the New Testament refer to the Christian life as spiritual warfare (Rom. 7:23, 2 Cor. 10:4; Eph. 6:11-17, 1 Tim 6:12). While a spiritual battle is usually a difficult and unpleasant experience, it is the means by which God makes His power known to both His enemies and His children. What spiritual victories have you had personally? Why not take a day to celebrate these victories, to remember them, to recount them to friends and family, and to thank God for them? Do you have difficulty recalling any? Then begin with the day of your salvation, and celebrate God’s reversal of your personal destiny.



Read – Esther 8

What does it say?
Esther pleaded with the king on behalf of her people. Mordecai wrote a new law giving God’s people the opportunity to defend themselves.

What does it mean?
Mordecai had been spared, and Haman had been dealt with; but the Jewish people were still in danger. After Esther pleaded with the king on their behalf, an edict was drawn up to reverse the one Haman had written. Because Mordecai was given this responsibility, the Jewish people could read of God’s deliverance in their native language. While the law could not be overturned, the Jews were given the opportunity to defend themselves against their enemies. It brought joy and comfort to know that God had not abandoned them. He would give them strength to face their enemies.

How should I respond?
God has given us power and authority to overcome anything that wars against us spiritually. The death and resurrection of Jesus has already secured the victory, but the responsibility to submit to God’s Spirit to fight daily spiritual battles is ours. Many times we surrender to a defeated enemy. When a spiritual battle gets fierce or overwhelming, remember that God is with you. He will always give you the strength to stand when you rely on Him. What battles are you facing right now? What has God shown you through the study of His Word that can help strengthen you for the struggles ahead?



Read – Esther 7

What does it say?
Esther revealed Haman’s intentions to the king. Haman was sentenced to death and hanged from the very gallows he built for Mordecai.

What does it mean?
Esther had submitted to her role in God’s plan and waited for His timing. God knew the very moment to reveal Haman’s plot to the king. When Ahasuerus asked Esther during the course of the meal what her request was, she knew it was time. By exposing Haman’s hatred, Esther also had to make her own nationality very clear. She had no way of knowing if the king would be furious with Haman’s ambition or with her boldness. No doubt Vashti’s fate was still fresh in her mind. Esther’s choice to personally identify with God’s people showed courage and faith as she left the outcome in God’s hands.

How should I respond?
Taking a stand for God is never the wrong decision, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. We can become so concerned with our reputation, ridicule, or even the end of certain relationships that we fail to speak up. With whom has God prompted you to talk about your faith? Are you hesitant to identify with other followers of Christ? Rather than worrying or becoming preoccupied with what other people think, obey and trust God to take care of you. Place your excuses before the Lord today, and ask Him to strengthen you. Christ will embolden you to say the right thing at the right time.



Read – Esther 6

What does it say?
When King Ahasuerus couldn’t sleep, he had the record of his reign read to him. After hearing of Mordecai’s actions, the king decided to honor him, humiliating Haman.

What does it mean?
God was behind the king’s sleepless night. He not only kept the king awake, but He led the king’s servant to the exact passage He wanted Ahasuerus to hear. This is pivotal, as it altered the course of events drastically over the next twenty-four hours. God was looking after His people in general as well as ensuring Mordecai’s safety and honoring his faithfulness. Of course, with Mordecai’s blessing came Haman’s public humiliation. Not only did Haman choose how to honor Mordecai, believing it to be for himself, but he was also responsible to see that it was carried out.

How should I respond?
God uses divine interruptions to get the attention of His people and to carry out His plans. These interruptions may come in the form of sleepless nights or occur in the middle of the day. Altering our perspective allows us to see these interruptions as possible interventions by God, rather than bothersome. How closely do you pay attention to “hiccups” in your day? Consider turning those times when you can’t sleep or when you’re stuck in traffic into prayer. God may use an unexpected change in your routine to pull your focus in a new direction. Today, pay attention!



Read – Esther 5

What does it say?
Esther invited the king and Haman to dinner. Haman plotted against Mordecai.

What does it mean?
While Esther’s position deepened her humility, Haman’s position exacerbated his pride. The invitation to join Queen Esther and King Ahasuerus for a private dinner puffed him up even more. Yet he found it difficult to enjoy his privileged position and wealth because the resistance of one man, Mordecai, consumed him. Haman’s discontent was so significant that his friends and family encouraged him to humiliate Mordecai and have him sentenced to death. At least then, he believed, he could find peace and take pleasure in his greatness.

How should I respond?
Humility is not a sign of weakness, but evidence that you are drawing strength from God. Pride is the opposite attitude, a resistance of the need for God in your personal affairs. Pride does not produce contentment, but an ever-increasing dissatisfaction with your current circumstances. There is no peace in an unending pursuit of personal satisfaction. Pride is destructive both personally and spiritually. In what areas of your life have pride and discontent started to take over? Ask God for help in shifting your perspective from reliance on your own ability to dependence on Him. Pride destroys, but humility produces greatness.



Read – Esther 4

What does it say?
The Jewish people were devastated by the news of Haman’s plot. Mordecai urged Esther to approach the king to plead for mercy.

What does it mean?
Fulfilling Mordecai’s request would put Esther’s life on the line. The Lord would deliver His people, whether she spoke up or not. Her courage to act came from knowing that God wanted to use her as part of His plan to rescue His people. She was not queen by accident or coincidence; God had positioned Esther for a purpose. Mordecai’s faith inspired Esther to remember God’s past faithfulness. She knew the value of seeking God and asked the people of God to join her in fasting and prayer. She took her requests to the King of kings prior to approaching her earthly king.

How should I respond?
As a follower of Christ, your life has purpose. Your position and circumstances aren’t coincidence or luck. God wants to use your life as part of His plan. The Lord will accomplish His purpose with or without us. However, He offers us the privilege of joining Him to be a part of something special. Finding the courage to be part of His work is the result of prayer and spending time in His Word. In what ways has God been asking you to join Him in His work? How are you allowing God to use your position, your relationships, or career opportunities? Like Esther, you may very well have been positioned “for such a time as this!”



Read – Esther 3

What does it say?
Haman was enraged that Mordecai refused to bow down to him. Haman used his position with the king to attempt to annihilate the Jewish people.

What does it mean?
Haman’s promotion came with the honor of having the king’s servants bow to him. As a Jew, however, Mordecai knew it was wrong to bow to anyone or anything other than the Lord. Even though the other servants questioned his decision and pressured him to bow to Haman, Mordecai stood firm. Then he went a step further by disclosing his reason: he was Jewish. Haman was furious with Mordecai’s resistance and determined in that moment to destroy all the Jews.

How should I respond?
One person can make a difference by taking a stand for God and truth. That kind of resolve can set the stage for Him to do something special, although it may initially cause conflict with others. How have you possibly compromised your beliefs in order to fit in? Have you chosen to say nothing rather than stand for godly principles? Resolve to make your commitment firm by asking God to provide you with strength and power as you study His Word and submit to the Holy Spirit. You won’t have to look far to find an opportunity to take a stand for Christ. How will you make a difference today?



Read – Esther 2

What does it say?
Esther was chosen to be the new queen. Her cousin Mordecai saved the king from a plot to take his life.

What does it mean?
The search for a new queen was a fearful and anxious time for the young women in Ahasuerus’ kingdom. They were involuntarily taken from their homes and sent off to spend the rest of their lives with hundreds of other women in the king’s harem. Despite the dire circumstances, Esther kept her composure, stayed humble, and listened to wise counsel – all of which led to her finding favor with the king. Life had taken an unexpected turn, but God was positioning her for His purpose.

How should I respond?
Unexpected and unwelcome changes often leave us asking, “Why?” A need for understanding can be a distraction from trusting God. Self-imposed pity parties about our circumstances pull our focus away from the Lord, causing us to miss what God is working out, both in us and through us. What situation in your life has you perplexed and asking God, “Why?” Take time to honestly talk with God. Then turn that question into “What?” or “How?” by asking, “What do You want to do in and through me? How can I glorify You with my response to these circumstances?” God may be using your circumstances to position you perfectly for His purpose.



Read – Esther 1

What does it say?
King Ahasuerus celebrated his power and wealth. Vashti was removed as queen.

What does it mean?
King Ahasuerus was a proud, quick-tempered man who celebrated his excessive wealth with extravagance. As the king of a vast empire, Ahasuerus was accustomed to controlling everything and everyone. Queen Vashti, however, refused to be controlled. There aren’t clear explanations as to why she refused the king’s order, but her actions breached both royal protocol and cultural etiquette. The king’s humiliation quickly turned to anger. Banishing Vashti from court and removing her as queen seemed the only way to salvage his reputation. Ahasuerus, once again, had the illusion of control.

How should I respond?
Pride often leads us to believe that we know what’s best. Like King Ahasuerus, we try to control our circumstances and the people around us. Manipulation of any kind shows a lack of trust in our sovereign God. What situation has sent you scrambling for a way to fix it? Who are you subtly attempting to control? Examine your plans and motives in light of God’s Word. Ask the Lord to reveal where you’re working toward a different set of goals and on a different timetable than His. Then give those areas over to God’s control.



Read – Nehemiah 13

What does it say?
Nehemiah addressed several areas of disobedience that had arisen among the Israelites in his absence.

What does it mean?
Upon his return to Jerusalem, Nehemiah was dismayed to find Israel’s devotion to God weakened. He immediately began to address each issue and reminded the people of their sacred promises. Nehemiah acted in obedience to God, regardless of who opposed him. He chose the unpopular path, rebuking his own countrymen, so that God’s law would be honored. He also seemed to understand that later generations would suffer if he chose to do nothing. Throughout the process, Nehemiah humbly asked God to remember his faithfulness and to have compassion on him.

How should I respond?
Many in today’s culture place far more importance on what others think of them rather than whether or not God is pleased with their lives. The approval you seek will determine the kind of influence you have. What kind of legacy are you leaving for those who follow behind you? Standing up for the truths of Scripture may not be popular in your home, workplace, or school; but the Lord honors those who honor Him. Ask God to show you areas of your life that need His correction so that you will leave behind a legacy of faithfulness and obedience.



Read – Nehemiah 12:27-47

What does it say?
Nehemiah and the Israelites completed the task of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem and celebrated the event by offering a ceremony of praise to God.

What does it mean?
Consider how the odds were stacked against Nehemiah and the Israelites’ completing the wall. They returned from captivity to a devastated capital city. They were poor, outnumbered, and surrounded by violent enemies. The future of the entire nation rested on the success of this small band. Yet God’s provision was more than enough to ensure success. The people’s natural response was to give all the credit for that success to God. The celebration, which could be heard far away, spilled over into their daily lives as they gave generously to support the Levites and the temple services.

How should I respond?
Birthdays, graduations, and anniversaries are all reasons for celebration. Today’s passage reminds us that celebration is also in order when a God-given goal is completed. Like the Israelites, the focus of the celebration should be on God’s provision and enabling, not our own efforts. What task has God given you to do? How has He provided for your success despite the obstacles? Take time to stop and celebrate accomplishments at home, at work, and in ministry. If it has been some time since you last celebrated God’s unfailing goodness, today is a great day to start.



Read – Nehemiah 10:28-39

What does it say?
Nehemiah led the Israelites in making a vow to keep God’s commandments and properly support the temple.

What does it mean?
During their years of captivity, the Israelites had forgotten many of God’s instructions given through Moses. Under Nehemiah’s guidance, the Israelites again listened to the Law of God and made a vow to uphold His instructions in three distinct ways. First, they agreed to separate themselves from the influence of nations that did not follow God’s commands. Next, the Israelites agreed to resume all of the temple ceremonies and to keep them exactly as God instructed. Finally, even though they possessed little wealth, the Jewish people agreed to give their tithes generously to support the temple.

How should I respond?
Scripture teaches that there is a connection between spiritual health and commitment to the local church. Voluntary commitment to God’s house draws us closer to God and to each other. Giving of ourselves to support the church provides a common purpose and keeps our spirits healthy. How are you working with other believers to help your local church thrive? No sacrifice of time, talent, or money can compare with the spiritual benefits of obediently serving the Lord. Contact your church office staff if you’re not sure where to start – they will be happy to help you!|Further Reading: Nehemiah 11:1-12:26



Read – Nehemiah 9

What does it say?
The Levites led Israel in prayer – praising the Lord’s name, confessing their sins, and recognizing His faithfulness despite their continual disobedience.

What does it mean?
The grief Israel felt over their sin after reading the Book of the Law resulted in individual and corporate repentance. The Lord’s name and attributes were praised as the Levites offered thankful recognition of all that He had done for every generation of Israelites. The bulk of the prayer, however, is a confession of the nation’s long history of sin, which led to their present circumstances. Although enslaved in their own land, they asked for only one thing: that He would not regard their present suffering lightly. Even in “great distress” they focused on the greatness and faithfulness of their God.

How should I respond?
Reading Scripture and talking to God go hand-in-hand; one should naturally lead to the other. The prayer in today’s passage is a beautiful example for us to follow. Too often our prayers are so filled with asking for God’s provision and protection that we forget to thank Him for His faithfulness. But consider the other two parts of this prayer – praise and confession. How much time do you spend praising the name and character of the Lord? Try reading this passage as a personal prayer. Praise God for His attributes listed; then confess your own sins in place of Israel’s. Focus on His faithfulness today.



Read – Nehemiah 8

What does it say?
The people of Israel worshiped the Lord and wept as Ezra read the Book of the Law of Moses. They then joyfully celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles.

What does it mean?
The walls of Jerusalem had been rebuilt, but the spiritual condition of the nation still needed restoration. The people living in Jerusalem still had a Babylonian mindset from decades of captivity. The leaders rightly understood that God’s Word alone was the solution to Israel’s spiritual void. As Ezra read from the Book of the Law of Moses and the Levites gave instructions, those listening understood and grieved over their sinful condition. God’s Word is intended to instruct, comfort, and convict. But Nehemiah also wanted the nation to celebrate their renewed understanding and identification with their God – which was the entire purpose of rebuilding the wall.

How should I respond?
It’s nice to have well-maintained facilities in which to gather as a church. But the building only serves its purpose as we understand and respond to the clear teaching of God’s Word. Our initial reaction to the instruction, conviction, and comfort found in the Bible should be joyfulness. Even grief over sin is cause for joy; you can’t correct sin until you identify it. How are you actively going beyond the reading of Scripture? Do you attend a Life Group, weekly worship services, or read biblically sound books to increase your understanding? A correct response to Scripture is essential to spiritual growth.



Read – Nehemiah 6

What does it say?
Nehemiah’s enemies unsuccessfully tried to lure him away from his work and into harm. The surrounding nations became afraid when the wall was completed in 52 days.

What does it mean?
Sanballat and company had failed to stop the building of the wall, so they turned their attention to weakening or removing Nehemiah’s influence over the people of Jerusalem. Through repeated attempts they tried to discredit him and even threatened his life. Because Nehemiah was confident of the great work God had called him to do, he didn’t get distracted, try to defend his reputation, or run and hide. Instead, he stayed focused on the task at hand. God continually gave Nehemiah determination and discernment to see through their deceptive schemes.

How should I respond?
Satan will continually oppose anyone doing a great work for God. If he can discourage or discredit you, then the entire project is at risk. What “great work” has God given you to do? Raise children? Lead a class or ministry within your church? Don’t let fear or intimidation distract you from your God-given task. Like Nehemiah, be confident in the work God has given you to do and stay committed to its completion. Ask God for the discernment and resolve to go on with your work, regardless of the opposition you face.|Further Reading: Nehemiah 7



Read – Nehemiah 5

What does it say?
Nehemiah put a stop to slavery and usury between the Jewish people and refused to take the governor’s allotment. He remained devoted to building the wall.

What does it mean?
Nehemiah led by example. Completely devoting himself to God’s work, he determined not to use the privileges of his position at the expense of the people. He did not tax them for his support or take the food allotted to the governor. Others, however, had tried to gain financially from the economic misfortune of their countrymen. Nehemiah demonstrated an understanding of God’s love and concern for the poor and oppressed by pouring out that same love to other people. His example and urging led others to do the same. No doubt, Nehemiah had earned their respect by working alongside the other builders rather than simply overseeing the project.

How should I respond?
Make a quick list of qualities you expect a leader to have. Now, circle the ones that line up with God’s Word (e.g., honest, just, kind, fair). Which traits did Nehemiah model? We all have wonderful ideas of how leaders should act, but do we exemplify those same qualities in our own lives? As you look back over your list, put a check beside the qualities you possess. Although you may not be an elected leader, consider the areas of influence God has given you within your family, job, and community. Rather than use that influence for personal gain, ask God to help you be a servant leader today.



Read – Nehemiah 4

What does it say?
Nehemiah and his countrymen defended the wall against the threat of attack. They continued to build despite ridicule from their enemies.

What does it mean?
Nehemiah didn’t give in to ridicule, physical threats, discouragement, or fear. Instead, he reminded the people that the Lord, “who is great and awesome,” would fight for them and frustrate the plans of the enemy. Nehemiah kept the focus on the job God had given them to do. He and his workers continued to repair the wall as well as watch for enemy attack. Their diligent resolve and defense strategy ensured that God’s plan would prevail, regardless of opposition.

How should I respond?
What has God asked you to build? A family, business, or church? Satan still tries to sabotage us with ridicule, threats, discouragement, and fear. This shouldn’t be a surprise, since any eternal work for God will face opposition. Scripture gives us the enemy’s tactics and even tells us how to counter them (Eph. 6:10-18). Does your fear sometimes seem greater than your faith? How has ridicule or discouragement distracted you from building? You can take heart because God remains faithful. We need to remember who God is and resolve to defend our “wall.”



Read – Nehemiah 2

What does it say?
Nehemiah received permission from Artaxerxes, the Persian king, to go to Jerusalem to begin rebuilding the city. He surveyed the walls before asking the officials for help.

What does it mean?
Nehemiah still carried the burden of Jerusalem four months after he first prayed about the condition of the city and his countrymen. God had been at work, orchestrating the exact moment for this conversation with Artaxerxes. During long months of prayer, God had placed a desire in Nehemiah’s heart to rebuild Jerusalem’s wall. He then answered Nehemiah’s prayer by giving him favor with the king, who agreed to provide supplies to help Nehemiah’s dream come to fruition. After arriving in Jerusalem, Nehemiah cast his God-given vision to those who could help it come about.

How should I respond?
God-given plans and provision are the result of diligently seeking Him in prayer. How often do you prayerfully look for guidance in God’s Word? The purpose of a God-given desire is to bring Him glory. When you are certain of what God wants you to do, you can also be certain that He will provide what you need to do it. Consider keeping a devotional journal to record how God directs you through Scripture. Then, jot down a prayer and watch for God’s timing. Just as He provided for Nehemiah, the Lord is also “able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph. 3:20).|Further Reading: Nehemiah 3



Read – Nehemiah 1

What does it say?
After receiving news that Jerusalem was in ruins and its inhabitants disgraced, Nehemiah confessed the sins of the nation and asked God for favor with the king.

What does it mean?
Nehemiah and many of God’s people were captives in Persia. Those who had been allowed to return to Jerusalem had intermarried with people from other nations and had taken on their pagan practices. This once great nation, a symbol of God’s richest blessings, had become a disgrace. Nehemiah’s immediate response to the condition of the city and its inhabitants was to mourn, fast, and pray. He confessed his own sin as well as that of his countrymen. Through it all, Nehemiah understood that God’s promises were still true and that restoration of God’s people was possible.

How should I respond?
You don’t have to look very hard to find stories of professing Christians whose lives have been turned upside down by sin and its devastating consequences. What is your initial reaction to another believer’s moral or ethical failure? When God reveals sin – anyone’s sin – our response should be sorrow and repentance. Not being heartbroken could be an indication that pride has deceived us into rationalizing our own sin. Instead, earnestly pray and ask God to reveal your shortcomings, claiming His promise of forgiveness. Then pray for the person who was caught in sin. Restoration is possible!



Read – Ezra 10:1-44

What does it say?
The Israelites who were guilty of intermarriage with pagan women confessed their unfaithfulness and made a covenant to separate from their pagan wives.

What does it mean?
There is no doubt that the decision to send away the pagan wives and children caused heartache and division. The Israelites were not banned from marrying women from other nations, as long as they had converted to the Jewish faith. However, God had specifically forbidden intermarriage with women who worshiped idols. Obedience was important for the nation to remain true to their worship of the Lord. Although these events in Jewish history are difficult to understand, the case-by-case investigations most likely determined which wives worshiped the Lord God of Israel and Him only.

How should I respond?
Dating websites match personalities, political opinions, and interests in order to make a connection. However, no connection is stronger than living for Christ. Sharing spiritual beliefs is vital to a healthy marriage. Because marriage is sacred to God, it should be to us as well. So, what should you do if married to an unbeliever? Scripture is clear and concise: the believing marriage partner is to do everything possible to preserve the marriage (1 Cor. 7:12-20). Let your obedience to God’s Word be a spiritual example and influence to your spouse. Pray daily that your spouse will see his or her sin and receive God’s forgiveness. It may be your influence that leads your mate to faith in Christ.



Read – Ezra 9:1-15

What does it say?
Ezra was told of the people’s disobedience regarding intermarriage with pagans. Grieved and distressed by what he heard, Ezra turned to the Lord in prayer.

What does it mean?
The law of God prohibited the Israelites from intermarriage with pagans (Deut. 7). Marriage is an intimate relationship. The religious beliefs, morals, and values of the husband and wife greatly influence their children. Marriage to women from nations that practiced idol worship would have lasting effects on Israel’s present families and future generations. It also put them in a dangerous position because intermarriage with pagans violated God’s law. Ezra understood the devastating consequences of breaking the Lord’s clear commands. Once again, the future of the nation was in God’s hands.

How should I respond?
It’s easy to think we can dabble in sin every once in a while without consequence. But this kind of thinking is dangerous. One sin inevitably leads to another and dulls the conscience. Before you know it, one act of compromise has pulled you into a lifestyle of sin. God’s warnings are His protection from sin and its consequences. What temptations are you currently facing? Have you resisted, or have you dabbled? Ask the Lord to show you any areas in which you’ve compromised. Then seek His forgiveness and turn away from the sin before you are caught in a cycle of disobedience.



Read – Ezra 7:1-28

What does it say?
God extended His favor to Ezra through King Artaxerxes. Ezra was granted freedom to return to Jerusalem to teach, lead, and govern the Israelites.

What does it mean?
Ezra made it a priority to study, obey, and teach the law of God. With God’s guidance, Ezra led the people spiritually. Artaxerxes saw this as an asset because he wanted to ensure peace throughout his empire. Israel would have no need to rebel against Artaxerxes when guaranteed the ability to worship the Lord without fear. Ezra’s diligence and obedience opened the door to religious freedom for God’s people. Once again, God used a pagan king to fulfill His purposes for Israel. In turn, God received glory and honor from His people.

How should I respond?
Reading the manufacturer’s instruction manual tells you how to operate your vehicle for top performance. In a similar way, God’s Word is the instruction manual from our Creator. The Bible is God’s infallible Word, written for our benefit. It contains everything we need to know about how to live obedient, productive lives. How faithful are you to study and apply God’s Word? The more you study Scripture, the more you’ll understand how to live to please the Lord. Then you will be prepared to lead and teach others. Study. Obey. Teach. How can you implement Ezra’s priorities in your own life?|Further Reading: Ezra 8



Read – Ezra 6:1-22

What does it say?
After confirmation that Cyrus had granted the Israelites permission to rebuild the temple, the work continued uninterrupted until it was finished.

What does it mean?
After 21 years, everything the people needed to resume their covenant relationship with God was finally restored. The rebuilding of the temple fulfilled the people’s need for proper fellowship with Him. They worshiped freely and celebrated the Passover in recognition of all that God had accomplished on their behalf. Even those who had stayed in Jerusalem during the exile and had taken on Gentile customs, once again separated themselves to the Lord. God’s people served and worshiped in His house, just as He had intended.

How should I respond?
Christians today gather in houses of worship all over the world. Although every church is unique, places associated with the name of Christ should share some of the same characteristics. When God’s house operates the way He intended, it becomes a place of joy. Your local church is a place to share and hear how God is working in the lives of His followers. The preaching of God’s Word brings repentance, spiritual rebirth, and recognition of His blessings and faithfulness. How are you giving your time and talents to God’s house? Your contribution may be just the thing that brings someone else joy.



Read – Ezra 4:1-5:17

What does it say?
The Israelites’ work was stopped briefly when they faced opposition, but the work resumed after Haggai and Zechariah encouraged the people.

What does it mean?
When kings of surrounding enemy nations noticed the Israelite’s progress in rebuilding their temple, they became concerned. They feared the Israelites would be too powerful if the project were completed. Accusations were made, and the Israelites were challenged repeatedly to account for what they were doing. When work was stopped for a time, the enemies seemed to have succeeded. However, this reconstruction was vital to the people’s covenant relationship with God, and it had to be completed. Haggai and Zechariah’s encouraging words helped the Israelites continue the work regardless of what they were facing.

How should I respond?
Facing opposition should not come as a surprise when we we’re seeking to serve and honor God. Satan likes nothing better than to foul up anything we are doing that furthers God’s plans. What setback has discouraged you from following God’s will? It’s important to keep going. Continuing to work despite roadblocks now will make it easier next time. It will also give you the tools to help someone else in the same situation. Don’t give up! Your endurance through tough times may encourage someone else to keep going.

December 30, 2023


Read – Psalms 146-147

What does it say?
The psalmist would praise and trust the Lord all of his life because His faithfulness endures. He challenged Israel to praise God for His revealed laws and Word.

What does it mean?
It’s generally thought that the last five psalms were written when the second temple was completed, and the walls of Jerusalem had been rebuilt. That’s a fitting explanation for why these psalms begin with the same three words, “Praise the Lord.” During Israel’s captivity and return, the writer had learned to place his hope in God instead of in people. Only the Creator of Heaven and Earth sustains the troubled, lifts up those who are humbled, and heals the brokenhearted. He will not fail those who put their trust in Him. Israel had special cause to praise the Lord; no other nation had the revelation of God’s wisdom and person through His laws and decrees. It was fitting to praise Him.

How should I respond?
What challenges are you facing right now? Whom do you trust for the answers? God can be trusted to provide what you need when you spend time in His Word and in prayer. If you’re worried, you can turn to Him for peace. If you are lonely, you can turn to Him for friendship. If your heart is broken, you can turn to Him for healing. If you feel powerless, you can turn to Him for strength. You can even thank and praise Him before the answers come because God is forever faithful to those who choose to hope in Him.

December 31, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 36

What does it say?
After Josiah’s death, there was a succession of evil kings. Despite God’s repeated warnings, the people turned away and were taken away into captivity.

What does it mean?
King Josiah’s life was dedicated to the spiritual restoration of God’s people. After his death, the nation lived under a succession of kings who did evil in the Lord’s eyes. God chose to respond with grace in the face of open, defiant sin. Even so, the people wouldn’t listen. The compassionate God, who very much wanted a relationship with His people, could no longer refrain from discipline. The punishment was severe but necessary to preserve His Name, the integrity of His chosen people, and His promise of a Messiah.

How should I respond?
How often is your first response anger rather than compassion? It can seem almost justified in the face of a great offense. But reacting in anger is not what God desires nor does it reflect His character. In what situations do you need to be more longsuffering with others as God was with Israel? How often has the Lord given you multiple chances to obey in areas regarding your thought life, entertainment choices, or sinful attitudes? God desires for His followers to show the same grace and mercy that He has shown to them.

December 29, 2019


Read – Revelation 22

What does it say?
John continued his description of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, with the river of the water of life flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb.

What does it mean?
John’s vision in the final chapter of Revelation paints a picture of God’s impending victory. Believers through the ages are participants in God’s incredible story – a story of redemption for whoever wishes to accept the free gift of the water of life. The Spirit of God and His bride, the church, invite all to come to Christ. The Lord Jesus promises that each one will be rewarded according to what he has done. His followers eagerly wait for the return of the victorious King, the Lamb of God who testifies, “I am coming soon.”

How should I respond?
What thoughts immediately come to mind when you read about Christ’s return? Are you ready, or are you overly focused on your own plans here and now? Jesus’ imminent return should propel us to be more mature in our faith with each passing day. Take a spiritual inventory to prepare for the coming year. What spiritual fruit would you like to experience in your life this year? Determine what must take place in order to get there. Take time in the new year to pray – asking God for the wisdom and strength to make those changes. Will you commit now to live this year in expectation of Christ’s return?

December 30, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 35

What does it say?
Josiah led his people to celebrate the Passover as the nation remembered what the Lord had done for them in years past.

What does it mean?
The nation of Israel had long forgotten the Passover and their obligation to observe it. Now, energized by the re-discovery of the law, the people came together for a celebration so grand that its equal could be found only in Israel’s distant past. Specific attention was given to every detail. Most significant, however, was the fact that the celebration far exceeded the requirement of the law. Rather than observe Passover as a mere duty or ritual, the nation showed fervor and excitement in thanking God for His miraculous work. The people finally showed the passion for God He so richly deserved.

How should I respond?
In the busyness of life, it can be easy to take for granted all that God has done for us. Even the observance of holidays can be more about obligation and less about remembrance and refection. Simply going through the motions can rob us of the joy associated with special days. Have your holidays been a time of thankfulness and celebration? As you approach a new year, stop to reflect on how much you have to be thankful for. Make a list and set aside time specifically to praise and thank God. This year, recapture the joy of celebrating what He has done!

December 28, 2019


Read – Revelation 21

What does it say?
God will create a new Heaven and a new Earth and eradicate pain and sorrow. He will make His dwelling place with mankind once again.

What does it mean?
God was there when the world began, and He will be there at the end. Soon after creation, Satan successfully introduced sin into the human race, and holy God departed from His dwelling place with His creation. Paradise was lost! Through pain and sorrow, mankind was forbidden to access the tree of life. But Satan’s success is only temporary. In Revelation 21, we see the end of the story. Satan is defeated, sin is banished, and God will return to dwell with mankind. Death, pain, and sorrow will be conquered forever. Fellowship with God will be restored – paradise regained!

How should I respond?
Have you ever wondered what living in the Garden of Eden would have been like? When sin entered the world, so did all kinds of heartache and pain. We can get so preoccupied with our earthly problems that we forget God has a magnificent plan for our eternal future – no more death, no more tears, no more pain! Until then, He intends for us to experience the abundant life He has planned for us right now. Are you missing out on the fullness of God’s wonderful plan for you today? The sorrows of life are certain, but remember that they are also temporary.

December 29, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 34:14-33

What does it say?
Hilkiah discovered the Book of the Law during the rebuilding of the Temple. As a result, the people began to deal with their longstanding disobedience.

What does it mean?
God’s people were so far removed from obedience that they had even lost the sacred law He gave them to live by. The Book of the Law was the heartbeat of the nation and its discovery sent shock waves throughout the kingdom. This momentous occasion humbled the people and reminded them of a long-forgotten truth: God always requires obedience to His commands. With the re-institution of the practices of the law, restoration of the kingdom began. The people could finally worship and obey God the way that He desired.

How should I respond?
Being confronted with our own disobedience can be sobering – especially when we weren’t aware that we were doing wrong. However, a lack of awareness does not absolve us of our responsibility. God has given us His Word to teach us what He requires. Also, He has given us the Holy Spirit to instruct us and give us the power to do what is right. How diligently do you search Scripture to learn God’s character and His commands? Are you hoping to find leniency through simple ignorance of God’s Word? It is impossible to live an abundant, fruitful Christian life apart from God’s revelation of Himself through the Bible. What effect will Scripture have on you today?

December 27, 2019


Read – Revelation 20

What does it say?
Jesus will rule on the earth for one thousand years, and then Satan will be cast into Hell and vanquished for eternity. The Great White Throne Judgment will then take place.

What does it mean?
During Christ’s thousand-year reign, Satan will be imprisoned, unable to have any influence on the earth, while those who were martyred during the Tribulation will be raised from the dead to reign with Christ. When Satan is released after the Millennium, he will deceive the nations to attack Jerusalem. But the Lord will protect the city and devour Satan and his forces. John then saw Christ at the Great White Throne Judgment. Those whose names are written in the Book of Life will be eternally saved, but those whose names were written only in the various books recording their deeds on the earth will be judged and cast into the lake of fire.

How should I respond?
It is only by God’s grace that your name can be written in the Book of Life. Christianity is the only message that doesn’t tell you to work your way to God. Instead, God Himself took your place and paid the penalty for your sinful state so you could be covered by His perfect righteousness. Our good deeds and works will not be enough to save us from eternal judgment. As a believer, your good works are the result of the Holy Spirit’s work inside of you. They are evidence of salvation, not a means to it. Have you placed your faith in the gracious gift of Christ’s sacrifice? Is your name recorded in the Book of Life?

December 28, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 34:1-13

What does it say?
For 31 years Josiah reigned in Jerusalem and did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He cleansed the land of idols and restored the temple.

What does it mean?
For many years the kings of Israel led the nation into various forms of idolatry. The landscape, once defined by the unmatched splendor of the house of God, was now littered with idols and pagan altars of worship. Josiah’s radical approach to the elimination of these abominations showed that his heart was dedicated to ridding the nation of anything that offended God. But true change meant not only the complete elimination of everything that drew the people away from God but also the restoration of the only legitimate house of worship – the temple of the Lord.

How should I respond?
Dealing with spiritual distractions can be difficult. It’s easy to believe that ignoring them is enough. Like Josiah, we need to recognize that any form of sin that isn’t completely removed represents a future opportunity to sin. What temptation needs to be removed from your life with the focus and intensity shown by Josiah? Any habit you remove needs to be replaced with a new one: set aside time for daily Bible study and prayer, join a small group, or find a place to volunteer in your church. Though this kind of commitment is challenging, the effect on your relationship with God will be life-changing.

December 26, 2019


Read – Revelation 19

What does it say?
When Jesus returns to the earth to defeat his enemies, there is a great celebration in Heaven.

What does it mean?
Today’s passage lays out the final outcome for the righteous and for the ungodly. The faithful will be united with Christ followed by a celebration, praising God both for His defeat of the religious system that had corrupted the world and for the marriage of Christ and His bride, the saints. On Palm Sunday Jesus rode humbly into Jerusalem on a donkey, but He will return as the majestic King of the earth. The saints will be adorned in the cleanest and whitest of linens to signify their purity. Their righteousness is not their own – but the righteousness of Christ given to them by God Himself.

How should I respond?
Do you get upset when you find out the ending to a story before finishing a book? Knowing the victorious ending to God’s story in human history gives us the ability to have an unwavering hope and anticipation for what is to come. Yet we cannot wrap our minds around the significance of what it means to be truly clothed in His righteousness. Are you counting on your own good deeds to get into Heaven? Our righteous acts “are like filthy rags” in God’s sight (Isaiah 64:6). It’s only by accepting Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross that you’re covered in His righteousness. Are you dressed for the wedding?

December 27, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 33

What does it say?
Manasseh led Judah into more evil than the nations God had destroyed before them. But Manasseh humbled himself before the Lord after he was taken prisoner by Assyria.

What does it mean?
Manasseh thought he could live any way he chose. But God loves His children too much to allow open rebellion against His name and against what is best for them. By disregarding God’s correcting words, Manasseh also rejected God’s promises and His presence. So the Lord brought about the most humbling circumstance possible in the life of a king – being led away captive by a hook in his nose. It wasn’t until Manasseh hit rock bottom that he sought the Lord. However, Manasseh’s repentance couldn’t wipe away years of influence, and his son Amon continued his evil lifestyle as king.

How should I respond?
God’s Word provides us with comfort and reveals His character and promises. Scripture also convicts us of sin, pointing out where we’re out of sync with God’s expressed will. When we disregard His Word and choose sin over obedience, God may allow difficult circumstances to grab our attention. The allure of sin can be so strong that we often don’t look to Him until other things have been taken away. Have you tried to ignore the Lord’s correction in your life? Humbly ask His forgiveness right now, change your course, and experience His presence. Why wait for Him to humble you?

December 25, 2019


Read – Psalms 145

What does it say?
David proclaims the magnitude of God’s goodness and generosity.

What does it mean?
The true nature of God’s greatness was beyond David’s finite understanding, so he praised what he knew of the Lord’s works and characteristics from his own life experiences. His knowledge of God’s grace, compassion, and love were gained through times of heartbreaking difficulty and agonizing repentance of sin. He could speak firsthand of God’s provision and faithfulness from countless days on the run for his life. The Lord had been right there, watching over David through every sleepless night and in every cry for help. Everything God had done or allowed in David’s life was loving and right. David had a close personal relationship with God and had reason to praise Him personally, but he didn’t stop there. God’s greatness deserved to be praised by all men through every generation; so David wrote this psalm of praise so that the Lord’s majesty, goodness, righteousness, and holiness would be praised forever and ever.

How should I respond?
For the child of God every circumstance and experience serves one purpose: to know the Lord and to make Him known. Through King David’s words of praise we learn God’s qualities and how He interacts with people in light of those characteristics. As we follow Christ and grow to know Him better, we, in turn, should tell others how His love, grace, and goodness have been shown to us. The charge to each generation of believers is to know the Lord intimately and praise Him openly. How will you make Him known today?

December 26, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 32:24-33

What does it say?
Hezekiah repented of pride after the Lord miraculously answered his prayer to save his life from a serious illness. God tested Hezekiah’s heart after he had succeeded at much.

What does it mean?
Even though Hezekiah ruled over Judah as a godly king, he struggled with pride. After all, his wealth required great storehouses. Also, the Lord had given him a miraculous sign that his life would be extended 15 years after his life-threatening illness (2 Kings 20). It was evident to all that Hezekiah was blessed and protected by his God. But the Lord withdrew His Spirit from Hezekiah when he displayed to envoys from Babylon all the treasures of his storehouses, revealing a foolish and prideful heart. Hezekiah came face-to-face with the reality of who he was without the Lord’s wisdom and guidance.

How should I respond?
Your Achilles heel may not be pride, as Hezekiah’s was, but we each deal with some kind of sin issue that tends to bubble to the surface repeatedly. Without the guidance and conviction of the Holy Spirit, that sin could subtly take control – even while you are successfully serving the Lord. So how can you protect yourself from yourself? First, recognize the issue, and call it what it is – sin. Then, submit your heart and mind to the Holy Spirit daily, asking God to convict you when you’re out of step with Him. Ask His forgiveness and move on.

December 24, 2019


Read – Psalms 144

What does it say?
David praised the Lord as his Rock and asked God to scatter his enemies. The people whose God is the Lord are blessed.

What does it mean?
David was a man of war throughout his life. From past encounters with the wild predators that attacked his father’s flocks to his defeat of Goliath and all the enemy armies of Israel, he realized that victory had come from God, preparing him, strengthening him, and delivering him. His awe of the fact that the God of the universe would care about him and his problems caused his worship to be elevated to a new level. David envisioned a time of peace that could come only as a result of God’s blessing, love, and mighty power.

How should I respond?
Has your life been touched by war, illness, or death? Perhaps you’ve had a cycle of job loss, moves, or difficulties with children. David reminds us that God is interested in the details of our lives and intervenes on our behalf. Can you trace how He’s reached down to lift you back up time and time again? How has the Lord used something from your past to prepare you to handle today’s challenges? Spend a few minutes thanking the Lord for how He has helped you and ask Him for guidance for your future. Place your trust in the Creator of the universe, and your life will be marked by His grace, power, and love. Troubles may repeat themselves, but so does God’s faithfulness.

December 25, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 32:1-23

What does it say?
Assyria invaded Judah and compared the Lord to the gods of other conquered nations. God annihilated their forces after Hezekiah and Isaiah cried out to Heaven for help.

What does it mean?
It’s interesting to note what King Hezekiah did as he faced the greatest challenge of his reign. First, he consulted with his officials and officers to secure the city. Next, he took time to encourage the people by reminding them that Assyria’s vast army was powerless against the Lord God. Then, with the prophet of the Lord at his side, Hezekiah cried out to God – the One insulted by Assyria’s blasphemous words. Hezekiah planned and worked as if everything depended on him, but he trusted and prayed as if everything depended on the Lord.

How should I respond?
We each have a crisis mode that kicks in when things start to go wrong. The people we surround ourselves with during those moments may determine how well we handle the situation. First, ask God to direct you to people who are knowledgeable about your particular challenge and can lay out practical steps of action. Next, don’t forget to encourage others who are facing the crisis with you. Reminding them that God is in control keeps you focused on Him as well. Finally, and most important of all, confide in a godly prayer partner. Unlike those outside of Christ, you can have full confidence in the power of God to see the situation, hear your prayers for help, and act on your behalf.

December 23, 2019


Read – Revelation 18

What does it say?
John saw an angel announcing that God will destroy Babylon for its many sins.

What does it mean?
The city of Babylon described by John is representative of the most influential political and commercial system of the world. God will bring destruction to this city for a number of reasons. It is a place filled with demonic activity, immorality, materialism, pride, deception, and slavery. God will command His people to evacuate before He destroys the city. Believers will be spared and rejoice with gratitude and praise. The unsaved, however, will be in despair when they lose all of their material belongings.

How should I respond?
Materialism is one of the biggest hindrances to having an eternal perspective and a true sense of your identity. While material success is not innately harmful, it can feed pride and cause insecurity if you look to it for fulfillment and self-worth. God created you in His image, giving you dignity and worth – nothing is more valuable than that. When your focus is on what the world has to offer, you miss out on God’s plans for you. God wants to develop Christ’s character in you and give you fulfilling work to do. If you look at the world from God’s perspective, material things hold less value and significance. What do you look to for a sense of identity? Will your perspective be temporal or eternal today?

December 24, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 31

What does it say?
The people responded generously to Hezekiah’s command to contribute to the temple. He was obedient to the Lord, leading the people to do what was good and right.

What does it mean?
Hezekiah’s life was changed as a result of experiencing the presence of the Lord in worship (2 Chron. 30). Spiritual revival continued in Judah because they finally had a king who desired to serve the Lord. Judah’s revival was more than a temporary emotional high. The results were evident in Hezekiah’s life. He was obedient to God’s laws and commands, faithfully doing what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord and wholeheartedly seeking God in every undertaking. As Hezekiah led by example, the people responded immediately and generously

How should I respond?
At some point, you may have come home from a church camp or retreat with new spiritual fervor, but what were the results months later? Experiencing the presence of God results in lasting life change. Are you currently in need of spiritual renewal? Take a quick inventory: (1) How obedient are you to God’s commands in Scripture? (2) Do you follow the Holy Spirit’s prompting to do the right thing, even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable? (3) How much time do you spend wholeheartedly seeking the Lord before starting a new venture? True revival is a change in perspective about God that brings lasting effects to every aspect of our thinking and behavior.

December 22, 2019


Read – Revelation 17

What does it say?
John saw a mysterious woman riding a beast with seven heads and ten horns.

What does it mean?
John used strong, metaphorical language to describe this disturbing vision. The woman represents a wicked religious system that will align itself with a godless political system. This corrupt and materialistic “church” will blaspheme the one true God and take the lives of many believers. The kings and kingdoms with which she associates will end up destroying her, but ultimate victory belongs to Jesus. As the Lamb of God, He has the ability to atone for sin. As the King of kings, He has the power to overcome His enemies. And as the Lord of lords, He is the only One worthy to be worshipped.

How should I respond?
Americans don’t have the most realistic perspective on what comprises the title “king.” We know what we read in history books and fairy tales, but we have never personally been under the authority of a human king. Does your worship of God reflect an awareness of His great majesty and power? What areas of your life are you trying to control instead of submitting to Him as Lord and King? Take a moment and reflect on the glorious characteristics of God as King, and ask Him to help you surrender the things in your life that keep you from worshipping Him alone.

December 23, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 30

What does it say?
Hezekiah challenged the people to return to the Lord and celebrate Passover in Jerusalem. Many ridiculed the invitation, but a large crowd celebrated for 14 days.

What does it mean?
Hezekiah wanted everyone to have the joy of restored fellowship with the Lord that he had experienced when the temple was reopened. There were three responses to his Passover invitation. Some ridiculed the message and quickly discarded the idea while others humbly came. But the people of Judah who had witnessed the temple opening overwhelmingly followed the Word of the Lord as given by their king. The result was the greatest spiritual revival since the days of Solomon. They were so accustomed to living a disobedient lifestyle that they had forgotten the joy and fulfillment of living for God.

How should I respond?
Our country is in desperate need of spiritual revival. We’re quick to agree that those outside of Christ live in disobedience to God, but what about those of us who claim to follow Him? The word “revival” implies a renewed interest, giving God our full attention. So what does it take to experience spiritual revival? We have to be challenged by the truth of God’s Word and respond with genuine repentance in areas of unfaithfulness. Those who mock God’s invitation to live in obedience sadly miss the joy of genuine worship and unity with other believers. What area of your life is in need of renewed spiritual attention? Respond to God’s invitation and start a personal revival today.

December 21, 2019


Read – Revelation 16

What does it say?
John saw a vision of seven angels pouring out seven vials of God’s final judgment over the earth.

What does it mean?
In this passage, we see God’s judgment being poured out in the form of seven different plagues: sores, the turning of water to blood, scorching heat, darkness, the drying up of the Euphrates River, earthquakes, and hail storms. Even after each of these judgments, the people remain unrepentant and unresponsive to God’s “final call.”

How should I respond?
Horrific events and tragedy exist as an unfortunate part of our fallen world. Life holds disasters – both natural and unnatural – that sometimes turn our lives upside down. In those moments, you have the choice of turning to God or turning away from Him. You can either rely on His character and His promise that He will always be with you, or you can turn away from Him in rebellion with no hope of peace. It’s often easy to point fingers at God when tragedy strikes and blame Him for the evil that we see happening in the world. However, we must remember that it is man who is tainted by evil, not God. When disasters and times of brokenness enter your life, ask God to make His presence known to you and to use the trial to bring you into a more intimate relationship with Him.

December 22, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 29

What does it say?
Hezekiah consecrated the temple and reestablished its service when he became king.

What does it mean?
Hezekiah chose to serve the Lord even though Ahaz his father had never offered a godly example. The young king recognized the correlation between Israel’s past unfaithfulness and its present captivity. Hezekiah’s first priority as king was to restore Israel’s house of worship and reestablish sacrifices and offerings in the temple. But no one could approach the Lord until the priests removed the impure items and consecrated the articles Ahaz had removed from the temple for use in the worship of false gods. Hezekiah led the people in the longest period of obedience in the Old Testament.

How should I respond?
Our families play a huge part in the people we become. However, the ultimate responsibility for choosing whether or not to follow Christ rests on each one of us. The Lord will never force you to be faithful or obedient to Him. What is hindering you from following and worshiping God? Have you accepted Christ’s sacrifice for you? If so, your body is the temple of the Lord. What areas of your temple have fallen into disrepair? What needs to be cleaned out and replaced with things that honor and please Christ? Not only will your personal choice to follow Christ be a benefit to you, it can also have a huge influence on others. What example will you set? The choice is yours.

December 20, 2019


Read – Revelation 15

What does it say?
John saw seven angels prepare to place seven more judgments on the earth. He heard songs of praise to God being sung by those who were victorious over the Antichrist.

What does it mean?
The seven bowls of wrath poured out by the angels represent God’s final judgment on the earth. John’s vision then changes to a host of people standing on a sea of fire and glass singing praises to God, not just about what He has done, but about who He is. Their song is filled with words of honor, praising God for His justice, eternality, holiness, and righteousness. The temple, beaming with the glory of God and radiating with His power, is opened and seven angels come out. Each angel is given a bowl of God’s wrath to pour out over the earth. No one was allowed into the temple until the plagues of the seven angels were completed.

How should I respond?
Have you ever experienced God in such a significant way that you were literally speechless? Our conversations about God tend to focus on what He’s done for us rather than on who He is. Take a moment to focus your thoughts on the glory of God. Read back over today’s passage and spend a moment praising Him for the characteristics that reveal Him as God. He is holy. He is just. He is unchanging. He is righteous. He is faithful. He is King. How do His qualities change your perspective today?

December 21, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 28

What does it say?
King Ahaz did what was wrong in the eyes of the Lord, so God handed Ahaz and his army over to his enemies. However, his enemies were also rebuked for their sin.

What does it mean?
Israel and Judah had become enemies, even though both nations were God’s people. While God used Israel to punish Judah for their sin, Israel was not much better. After their military victory, Israel went too far by enslaving the women and children of Judah. God never intended for His people to enslave one another. This kind of behavior shows up over and over in the Old Testament; God would raise up an enemy to punish His people, but then the enemy nation would grow prideful and take their vengeance too far.

How should I respond?
Do you gloat when your enemies are in trouble? Do you smile when someone who has been unkind to you is hurt in some way? God will ultimately bring justice, but for now, He calls us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Matt. 5:43-48). Instead of wishing them harm, pray that God would help them see the truth and do what is right. The greatest stories of people’s lives being turned around often begin with unexpected forgiveness and end with a complete spiritual transformation. Forgive others the way you would want to be forgiven (Matt. 18:21-35).

December 19, 2019


Read – Revelation 14

What does it say?
John saw a vision of those who will be redeemed singing praise to God. He saw a preview of the day Christ will return to the earth to bring final defeat to all of His enemies.

What does it mean?
The two groups of people in this passage are distinguished by the marks on their foreheads, displaying their allegiance to either Christ or the Antichrist. The ones standing with Jesus on Mount Zion are the 144,000 sealed saints of God that will come through the Great Tribulation and be presented to God as a righteous harvest, a special gift to God. But anyone with the mark of the beast will be ripe for harvest – under the full wrath of God for their rejection of truth and of Jesus Christ.

How should I respond?
We don’t hesitate to show our allegiance to our favorite sports teams by proudly displaying their logo on a shirt, hat, or bumper sticker. Yet we often shy away from things that would identify us to the world as Christians. As time goes on, those of us who profess faith in Jesus will pay a heavier price in this life for our allegiance to Christ. There will come a time when anyone who follows Jesus will be clearly identified from those who do not. The time of His return is drawing near. How willing are you to boldly proclaim your faith in Jesus Christ today?

December 20, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 27

What does it say?
Jotham did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, so God blessed Jotham as he began a rebuilding program and subdued the Ammonites.

What does it mean?
The biographers of the kings of Judah and Israel rated the kings according to the degree that they did what was right in the Lord’s eyes. Even the most successful kings tended to fall short when it came to tearing down the places of idol worship in the highest hills in the country. From the short account of Jotham’s reign in this chapter, we see that overall, Jotham did what was right in the Lord’s eyes, but the people continued to worship the idols of the foreign gods in the high places. Even while God blessed Jotham’s rebuilding and military efforts, God was displeased with His people’s idolatry

How should I respond?
What would a short biography of your life include? Would the writer find you fully pursuing God? Would there be evidence that God blessed your pursuit of Him? Spend a few minutes taking a “spiritual inventory” of your life. What areas of compromise do you need to bring before the Lord in prayer? Talk to Him about it humbly and sincerely. Ask God to help you turn that part of your life around so you can follow Him without wavering. Choose to live today as if every motive and action were recorded for posterity.

December 18, 2019


Read – Psalms 142-143

What does it say?
Overwhelmed, alone, and crushed by his enemies, David prayed for victory, guidance, and a heart that pleased God.

What does it mean?
Although these psalms were written at different points in David’s life, he was facing a familiar problem. In Psalm 142 Saul was trying to kill David, while in Psalm 143 it was his own son Absalom who threatened his life. During both times his overwhelming feelings of desperation, weakness, and hopelessness made these prayers very similar – until a major difference emerges in 143:5. God’s faithfulness in the first situation gave David confidence in God’s goodness and unfailing love in his present circumstance. David’s outlook changed when he remembered how the Lord had delivered previously. He not only envisioned what God could do for him – he had experienced it before.

How should I respond?
Every challenge you face offers an opportunity to learn more about who God is and how He acts on behalf of those who trust Him. What current situation in your life has left you feeling overwhelmed or defeated? If you’re a mature believer, look back on other situations that seemed hopeless. How did the Lord strengthen you through those struggles? If you’re a relatively new Christian, ask God to open your eyes so you can see how much He loves you. Today, remember that God specializes in turning hopeless situations into amazing opportunities to showcase His goodness, wisdom, and power.

December 19, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 26

What does it say?
King Uzziah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. God blessed Uzziah, and he prospered. However, when Uzziah grew prideful, God humbled him with a skin disease.

What does it mean?
Uzziah (also called “Azariah” in 2 Kings 15:1-7) followed God’s ways, so God blessed him with a long, successful reign of fifty-two years. He subjugated four enemies, promoted farming in the hills and fertile plains of the land, and built up military defenses to strengthen the land. However, Uzziah’s success led to arrogance, and his arrogance led to his downfall. When he usurped the duties of the Levitical priests in the Temple, God caused Uzziah to develop a skin disease, which made him unclean to be in the Temple or even near his people.

How should I respond?
It feels great when we are following the Lord, and things seem to be going right for us. Today’s passage serves as a warning against arrogantly thinking that we are the cause of our own success. James reminds us that every blessing is from God (James 1:17). Therefore, we ought to be thankful to Him for every good thing that happens. Think about the blessings in your life. Each time God brings one to your mind, say, “Thank you, Lord, for ________.” Keeping a gratitude list will guard your heart against pride and arrogance. Start your list now with at least five things you are thankful for.

December 17, 2019


Read – Psalms 140-141

What does it say?
David talked with God about the dangers he faced at the hands of his enemies and conveyed his desire to avoid evil deeds.

What does it mean?
David made two major decisions in facing his enemies. First, he trusted God to intervene and take care of those who mistreated him. Turning to God allowed David to release the emotions he was experiencing and depend on God to act. Secondly, David took his eyes off his circumstances and focused them firmly on his God. He wanted to respond in the right way and recognized the need for God to enable him to do so. He sought God’s help to protect his heart from desiring to do wrong things or joining forces with the wrong people.

How should I respond?
It’s so easy to respond in the wrong way when faced with difficult people. But God has not changed; He can still be trusted to intervene in your life when people mistreat you. How will you respond when people treat you unfairly? Will you seek revenge or turn to God? Will you join them in rebelling against His Word, or will you commit to complete obedience to Christ? If you choose to keep your focus on God, then you will be able to respond as David did. Ask God right now to protect your thoughts and desires as you interact with the people who come across your path today.

December 18, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 25

What does it say?
Amaziah, the ninth king of Judah, ruled in Jerusalem for 29 years with half-hearted service to the Lord.

What does it mean?
The kings of Judah were praised when they followed the Lord, but God punished the kings who worshiped idols, as Amaziah did with the Edomite gods he brought to Jerusalem. God used prophets to instruct Amaziah in His ways, but in the end, Amaziah struggled with pride and lost focus on what God had planned for him. By the end of his reign, the walls protecting the capital city of Jerusalem had been torn down, and Amaziah was assassinated.

How should I respond?
God has put all of us in authority over something (a company, a family, or even our own property). He expects us to be responsible with what we have and show Him thankfulness as we discover how to take care of the resources and people He has entrusted to us. Think of three things, people, or groups God has given to your care. What resources has He supplied for you to use? Who can advise you on how to move forward? Today, thank God for what He has placed under your authority. Then ask Him how you can best take care of them. He will supply everything you need to do the job well.

December 16, 2019


Read – Revelation 13

What does it say?
John saw a vision of two beasts coming up from the sea and from the earth. The first beast blasphemed God, and the other beast made all people worship the first.

What does it mean?
Satan will elevate and empower two leaders to deter as many people as possible from a relationship with God. These leaders are understood to be the Antichrist and the False Prophet. The Antichrist will have a great deal of influence in the world and will be viewed as an intellectual, political, and religious leader by most people. The False Prophet will set out to ensure that the Antichrist is worshipped as God. While it is unknown who these men will be, one thing is certain – Satan will use them to persecute believers and manipulate people all over the world through political, economic and religious power.

How should I respond?
The religious climate in our society has steadily decreased over recent decades, leaving little resemblance to “one nation, under God.” The stage is being set for the world to embrace the Antichrist, although Scripture warns us that his spirit is already at work in the world (1 John 4:1-3). The spirit of antichrist rejects the truth of God’s Word and Jesus as God’s Son. How might you have been influenced by ungodly views on money, power, or religion? How much time do you spend studying the truths of God so you can detect error? Satan can’t take your salvation, but he can distract you from God’s Word, God’s work, and God’s people.

December 17, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 24:17-27

What does it say?
King Joash abandoned God, and his life ended at the hands of his own officials

What does it mean?
King Joash’s devotion to God quickly vanished after the death of Jehoiada, the High Priest. In the absence of his mentor, Joash was easily swayed by the influence of the wrong people. He “listened to them” and stopped listening to God. Rather than standing strong in his faith, he chose to disobey the Lord and worship other gods. As a result, the peace Joash had grown accustomed to ended. God mercifully reached out to Joash, warning him of the consequences of his sinful actions. But Joash ignored God’s words.

How should I respond?
Healthy relationships are marked by a desire to please one another. The same is true of your relationship with Christ. Beware of any influence that encourages thoughts and actions that displease the Lord. God will do whatever it takes to draw you back, but He will not force you to obey. To what wrong influences are you listening? What sin have you allowed to create a barrier between you and God? Remember, the depth of your faith is measured by your level of obedience.

December 15, 2019


Read – Revelation 12

What does it say?
Satan has temporary reign on the earth, but God has defeated him and his influence.

What does it mean?
There are several points to notice about Satan in this passage. First, he is a vicious murderer and the deceiver of the world – a role he has taken on since his appearance as a serpent in the Garden of Eden. Even in Heaven, he deceived a certain percentage of the angels who were cast out of God’s presence with him when they decided to rebel against God. There is no question that Satan is regarded as a malicious enemy who hates both God and God’s people. However, the Lord has pronounced protection of His children and ultimate victory over the enemy.

How should I respond?
We can take great comfort in knowing that God has already defeated Satan at the Cross, freeing believers from the penalty and power of sin. But we must not be naïve to the presence and influence of sin that will remain until we reach Heaven. It takes only a quick glance at the headlines to understand the very real presence of evil in the world. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6 that we “wrestle against the spiritual forces of evil” and stresses the necessity of putting on the armor of God as protection. You don’t need to fear the schemes of the devil, but be mindful of utilizing the spiritual armor God has given you. What influence of the enemy do you need to combat in your life today?

December 16, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 24:1-16

What does it say?
Joash repaired the temple and served the Lord during Jehoiada’s lifetime

What does it mean?
Joash trusted Jehoiada and was heavily influenced by his guidance. However, their relationship was tested when Jehoiada was slow to act on Joash’s command to collect money for the temple renovation. As High Priest, Jehoiada’s response was crucial to the success of the project. In fact, it was Jehoiada’s influence that led to Joash’s desire to please the Lord in the first place. Joash’s willingness to confront his mentor led to overflowing generosity by the people and the fulfillment of God’s plan to repair His house.

How should I respond?
Who are the trusted influencers in your life? How do you respond when one of them doesn’t agree with where God is leading you? It takes courage and discipline to slow down and seek God’s direction. It is important to seek godly counsel, but ultimately you must listen for God’s voice. How is the Lord using Scripture to guide you? How much time do you spend in prayer, aligning your heart to His? Be thankful for the godly influences in your life but recognize that they are only human. God is the only One who sees the big picture and knows the path He has planned for you.

December 14, 2021


Read – Zechariah 2

What does it say?
The Lord Himself will be a wall of fire around Jerusalem and its glory within.

What does it mean?
Zechariah’s third vision was a preview of Jerusalem’s glorious future. Think of how encouraging his words would have been at the time. 70 years of captivity and 16 years of opposition to the rebuilding could easily have caused a defeatist mindset among this small group. God gave them a view of their city without rubble or strife. When the Lord lives among His people during the millennial reign of Christ, Jerusalem will have no need to fortify her walls. His presence will be Israel’s protection and glory. The city boundaries they knew won’t be able to contain the blessings God will pour out.

How should I respond?
Scripture promises that the Christian’s eternal future is wonderful beyond description (1 Cor. 2:9). In the meantime, we live in a world full of temptation and opposition. If you shut the world out and just wait for Christ’s return, you risk being so heavenly minded that you’re of no earthly good. On the other hand, if all you see is the here and now, your days will be filled with dread. God’s promises encourage us to serve Him here, knowing that life will not always include heartache. As a believer, your eternal future starts by living daily in His presence now. Then one day, all strife will be replaced with unimaginable peace and joy.

December 15, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 22:10-23:21

What does it say?
Athaliah attempted to kill all the royal heirs, but Joash survived and was anointed king. Athaliah was killed.

What does it mean?
Athaliah wasted no time grieving the loss of her son Ahaziah, even though it was her influence that led to his failure and death. She was even willing to take the lives of her own grandsons in order to seize the throne. By contrast, Jehoiada courageously risked his life to anoint Joash king. Athaliah sought her own agenda, refusing to humble herself before the Lord; but she was powerless to stop God’s plan. Athaliah’s desire for power ultimately resulted in her death, whereas Jehoiada’s trust in the Lord restored the line of David to the throne and led the people to renew their commitment to follow God.

How should I respond?
You decide each day whether to further your own agenda or follow God’s will. It’s tempting to take control of situations and manipulate circumstances to achieve your own goals. God’s Word reminds us in Proverbs 19:21 that only His purposes will prevail. Whatever you attempt apart from His plan will ultimately fail. How has God confirmed that your choices align with His will? Which desires fall outside the boundaries of His plan? Promoting your own agenda will eventually lead to compromise and harm. Instead, you can take part in accomplishing God’s purposes. What are you willing to risk?

December 13, 2019


Read – Revelation 10

What does it say?
John saw a mighty angel and heard the voices of seven thunders, but he was told not to record their words. He was given a sweet scroll to eat, but it was sour in his stomach.

What does it mean?
Recent chapters have detailed how devastating the Great Tribulation will be on the earth and its inhabitants. Yet the full extent of God’s judgment is unknown because John was prevented from writing down all of the things he heard the angel and the thundering voices speak. Similarly, the contents of the small book are unknown, but God wanted John to internalize His message regarding how end time events will play out. At the appointed time, Christ’s return will no longer be delayed, and evil on the earth will come to an end. While the message of God’s grace is sweet, the end result for many will be bitter.

How should I respond?
Nothing is sweeter than the story of God’s love for the world through the sacrifice of His Son. As believers, it’s hard to imagine how people see the Gospel of Jesus Christ in any other way. But the bittersweet nature of the Gospel is this: believers will spend eternity in God’s presence, while unbelievers will be eternally separated from Jesus and His followers. Time will eventually run out and Jesus will return. Are you daily internalizing God’s Word so you can share the sweet taste of God’s salvation with someone else before it’s too late?

December 14, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 22:1-9

What does it say?
Ahaziah became king after his father’s death. He was killed by Jehu after reigning in Jerusalem for one year.

What does it mean?
Today’s passage points out the power of ungodly influences. Ahaziah was aware of the painful death of his father, as prophesied by Elijah. He saw firsthand the results of rebellion against the Lord. Yet when he came to the throne, he chose to follow the wicked counsel of his mother and his father’s idol worshiping advisers. Although he was a young man, Ahaziah was old enough and had enough power to choose humble obedience to the Lord. Following ungodly advice was his undoing, making Ahaziah merely a footnote in Judah’s history.

How should I respond?
Following ungodly advice will always weaken your relationship with God, but wise, godly counsel will strengthen it. A Christian, by definition, is one who follows Christ. As such, we need to be careful from whom we seek guidance. To whose voice have you been listening? Is that person following Jesus or the whims of popular culture? Ask God to show you where to seek counsel regarding your family, job, or decisions on the horizon. Then, always check any advice you receive with Scripture. Any influence that opposes God’s Word will contribute to your undoing instead of God’s blessing.

December 12, 2019


Read – Revelation 9

What does it say?
The fifth and sixth trumpets are sounded, bringing more judgment in the form of two apparently demonic invasions on the earth.

What does it mean?
The sounding of the fifth trumpet is tied to three woes soon to visit the earth. The first results in the release of a horrible army, prepared to inflict pain on all who have not received the seal of the faithful. The sixth trumpet releases four angels to kill one third of the people on the earth. Despite God’s judgment, people refuse to repent and acknowledge Him. These two trumpets detail how futile it is to resist God. While these judgments should lead to repentance, they do not. Sin has such control over people that they would rather die than repent of their sins and turn to God.

How should I respond?
While the judgments mentioned in this passage are for people who reject God’s gracious offer of salvation through Jesus, God doesn’t overlook sin in the life of His followers either. God takes sin seriously, so He provided a means to deal with sin at great personal cost – the sacrifice of His only Son. How might you be taking God’s grace for granted by refusing to repent of a specific sin? Have you acknowledged His Lordship over every area of your life, including your thoughts? God disciplines His children because He loves us. What do you need to make right with Him today?

December 13, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 21:4-20

What does it say?
Jehoram became Judah’s king, murdered his brothers, and did not obey the Lord. Elijah told Jehoram he would lose everything. He died a painful death, to no one’s regret.

What does it mean?
Jehoram desired to be king no matter the cost. His lust for power caused him to lose sight of what was most important … people. His willingness to murder his family shows just how dark and hard Jehoram’s heart had become. He seemed to get away with his sin, even after God warned him and gave him time to repent. Yet God never goes back on His word. Jehoram lost not only his family and the respect of his people but also the only things he seemed to care about: his throne and his power. In the end, he died in disgrace. No one mourned for him. No one missed him.

How should I respond?
If you had only a minute to evacuate your home, school, or business, what would you take with you? Most of us would focus on getting our family and friends to safety. From time to time, however, we all take for granted the people God has placed in our lives. Tunnel vision regarding personal goals or material desires causes us to forget that only relationships can be taken to Heaven with us. This week, how have you treated those who matter most in your life? Have your words and actions demonstrated how valuable they are to you? Today would be a good time to remind them.

December 11, 2019


Read – Psalms 139

What does it say?
The Lord searched David and knew him completely, even from before he was born.

What does it mean?
This psalm starts and ends with the Lord searching David’s heart. God knew everything about him; every day of his life was written down by God. All of his thoughts, words, and actions were completely transparent in God’s presence. David grasped that God knew him better than he knew himself, so he invited the Lord to search him completely and to point out anything in his life that did not please Him. He wanted to see himself as God saw him so he could correct what was wrong. David was in absolute awe of God’s knowledge of and personal involvement in his life.

How should I respond?
God knows everything about your life. He was there even before you took your first breath, and He is with you today. How does it make you feel to know that God sees, hears, and cares about everything you think, say, and do? The answer depends on whether you are currently living in obedience to Christ. Will you invite God to search your heart today? Otherwise, you can become blinded to where you’ve gone wrong and attempt to minimize your sins. It takes courage to look honestly at your life, admit your faults, and seek God’s forgiveness. Your heart and mind are already transparent to the Lord, so why not see yourself the way He sees you? When you do, His all-seeing, all-knowing presence is a comfort – not a concern.

December 12, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 20:11-21:3

What does it say?
As Jehoshaphat’s reign came to an end, he made an alliance with Ahaziah, the wicked king of Israel. The Lord allowed the trading ships they built to be destroyed.

What does it mean?
Jehoshaphat was a faithful king regarding his commitment to God. But near the end of his reign, Jehoshaphat entered into a business partnership with Ahaziah, which displeased the Lord. Instead of joining God in the work He was doing, Jehoshaphat was distracted by an alluring venture to build a fleet of trading ships. Jehoshaphat’s unwise alliance with a wicked king brought God’s judgment: the ships were destroyed before they ever set sail. As a result of his failure to trust and obey God, valuable resources and time were wasted.

How should I respond?
Even the most committed followers of Jesus can get distracted by projects or busyness that God never intended them to take part in. He asks us to join Him in His work, but often we decide to start our own venture and just ask His blessing on it. Don’t be fooled – these are very different things. God-honoring work originates with God. Any project in which God is an after-thought is a cause for concern. What dreams or projects do you envision for the future? Which category do they fall into – joining God or asking God to join you? Ask God to reveal where in His work He wants you to join Him.

December 10, 2019


Read – Psalms 138

What does it say?
David praised God’s faithfulness and love in the midst of troubles.

What does it mean?
It is uncertain as to exactly when David wrote this psalm, but his circumstances are clear. He was surrounded by enemies and away from Jerusalem in a land filled with false gods. Yet even in the midst of trouble, David’s spiritual life went uninterrupted. God’s unwavering love in such a difficult time gave him the strength and encouragement to worship God with every ounce of his being. His circumstances had not derailed God’s purpose for his life but had given him greater cause to praise the God of Israel to pagan kings. David’s increased troubles served to amplify his understanding of God’s faithfulness, mercy, holiness, and love.

How should I respond?
The troubles of life are difficult; however, they shouldn’t impact you negatively. If anything, the hurdles you face give you greater opportunity to understand the character of God. Personally experiencing God’s hand on your life is quite different from just reading about His grace and mercy or listening to friends’ stories of His faithfulness. In what troubling circumstance do you find yourself today? Have you allowed it to interrupt your worship or your walk with the Lord? What you need is a paradigm shift. Stop looking at the negative and watch for God’s loving, faithful hand.

December 11, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 20:1-20

What does it say?
While Jehoshaphat and the people worshiped the Lord, He destroyed the enemies surrounding them.

What does it mean?
In a moment of crisis, Jehoshaphat immediately went to God. By humbly and openly admitting that he didn’t know what to do, he caused the entire nation to look to the Lord. After reminding everyone of God’s character, promises, and commitment to them, the Lord sent His answer, “The battle is not yours, but God’s.” The Lord could have won the victory with Jehoshaphat’s army safely inside the city, but He instructed them to “take [their] positions; stand firm” and “go out to face them.” There was no need to fear because the Lord was with them. They saw the answer to their prayers, firsthand.

How should I respond?
There are moments when we feel powerless and have no idea what to do. We can choose to look frantically for solutions or we can humbly turn to the Lord. How are you handling the current crisis in your life? Is your focus and trust centered on Christ, or is your energy diverted by fear, anger, and worry? Take a moment to reflect on the character of God. Praise Him for who He is. Thank Him for how He has helped you in the past and acknowledge His sovereignty over the crisis at hand. God can do more than we can ever hope or imagine. Stand firm and listen for His guidance. Give Him your fear, and He’ll help you face the problem. Your battle belongs to the Lord!

December 9, 2019


Read – Revelation 8

What does it say?
Seven trumpets come out of the seventh seal. The first four trumpets sound and cause hail and fire and the darkening of one third of the stars and moon.

What does it mean?
This chapter opens with silence in anticipation of the first four trumpet judgments and ends with a warning concerning the coming three trumpets. The first four of these judgments will cause extraordinary natural disasters. The description of the third trumpet could even be seen as possible atomic or nuclear warfare. The wrath of God on those who have rejected His Son is in response to the prayers of God’s people who are sealed with His protection (Revelation 5:8; 7:3).

How should I respond?
As followers of Jesus, we tend to pray more frequently for Christ’s soon return as we get older, but we should also feel an urgency to tell others about Him. Do you have friends or family members who have never committed themselves to Christ? Without a relationship with Jesus, they will go through the most horrible events our world will ever experience. Begin to pray for them daily, and then look for opportunities to tell your own story of repentance and salvation. What has stood in the way of sharing Christ with them before now? In light of today’s passage – what could possibly be more important?

December 10, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 19:4-11

What does it say?
Jehoshaphat brought the people back to the Lord and established a team of judges.

What does it mean?
Jehoshaphat saw the need to establish a strong judicial system in the cities throughout the land. He didn’t focus on political strategies or crisis management. Instead, Jehoshaphat chose to focus on a policy that would result in true justice for God’s people. The judges he appointed must not be swayed by bribes, public opinion, or personal endeavor; their judgment must be fair and honoring to the Lord. The reason? With God, “there is no injustice, partiality, or bribery.” Jehoshaphat was freeing the judges from the need to please others and allowing them to focus their energy on making decisions that would please God.

How should I respond?
The desire to please important people in our life is a natural human response. The motivation can be as innocent as a child striving for the favor of a parent, or it can be the self-serving goals of an employee trying to earn the favor of a boss. God wants us to be free of the need to please and to embrace the opportunity to live completely for Him without distraction. Sooner or later, living solely to please others will dishonor the Lord. What decisions in your life are controlled by trying to please someone else? Talk candidly with the Lord about what will best please Him. He will listen. He will free you.

December 8, 2019


Read – Revelation 7

What does it say?
John witnessed the sealing of God’s servants and heard the praise song of a vast multitude.

What does it mean?
The judgment in the sixth seal seems to continue, but the four angels given the task of withholding the four winds from the earth are instructed not to harm the earth or the sea until God puts His seal of protection on His servants. These servants are made up of 144,000 Jews and a multitude of Gentiles who will be saved during the Great Tribulation. John paints a vivid picture of God’s judgment, but he also reminds his readers that God is still merciful to save and protect those who worship Jesus, the Lamb.

How should I respond?
Followers of Jesus have a secure and protected eternity, but that does not guarantee an absence of trouble here on Earth. Just as purchasing a security system will not keep you completely safe from disaster, being faithful to Christ is no guarantee against having problems. Jesus does, however, promise His presence in the midst of trials. What problem do you need to release to Him? Even if the trial does not go away, He will continue to work in your life and give you opportunities to point others to Him through the difficulty.

December 9, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 18:28-19:3

What does it say?
Jehoshaphat and Ahab ignored Micaiah’s prophecy and went to battle against the Arameans. Ahab died, but Jehoshaphat was spared.

What does it mean?
Jehoshaphat made an ungodly alliance with Ahab. Micaiah’s prophetic warning should have caused him to rethink his decision. Instead, Jehoshaphat went forward even when Ahab suggested he wear royal attire into battle, making him the target of the enemy’s attack. It was only by God’s mercy that Jehoshaphat survived. However, God didn’t allow his foolishness to go without rebuke. His encounter with the prophet Jehu was a reminder that his choice was wrong; he should have paid attention to God’s warning signs. The loving rebuke encouraged Jehoshaphat to continue seeking the Lord.

How should I respond?
Stop signs, yellow lights, and orange cones warn us of potentially dangerous road conditions. You wouldn’t ignore those signs, would you? Likewise, we should pay attention to God’s warning flags. They are meant for our protection. Scripture gives specific instructions on actions to avoid and qualities to develop. The Holy Spirit also works in your heart to guide you when issues are not as clear. Do you have an uneasy feeling about a decision? Does the path seem blocked? Has someone you trust spoken up? Pay attention! God may be trying to steer you away from a dangerous situation.

December 7, 2019


Read – Revelation 6

What does it say?
The Lamb breaks the first six seals, sending God’s judgment on the earth.

What does it mean?
The first four seal judgments (a conqueror, war, famine, and death) have increasingly tragic effects on the earth. Then the breaking of the fifth seal brings a vision of those killed for being faithful to Jesus. The sixth seal contains cosmic phenomena and worldwide disturbances, signaling that God’s final judgment has come. The leaders of the world hide in fear of the wrath of the Lamb, while the martyrs are able to rest until God’s judgment is complete by finding shelter under the altar that represents the Cross where the sacrificial blood of Christ paid for their sin.

How should I respond?
The idea of judgment can be frightening or even disconcerting, but the reality is that God will judge. The question is: How will God judge you? If you have accepted Christ as your Savior, then His sacrificial blood covers the judgment for your sin. As a follower of Christ, you have no need to fear His coming because you already know the outcome. Will you be found frightened or faithful at the coming of the Lord? Are you content to be safe in Christ while people you pass every day still face God’s wrath? Allow this passage to overwhelm you with gratitude for the Cross and motivate you to tell someone about Jesus’ sacrifice today.

December 8, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 18:1-27

What does it say?
Ahab and Jehoshaphat inquired of Ahab’s prophets before going to battle.

What does it mean?
It wasn’t unusual for a king to seek the advice of prophets or other counsel before making important decisions. However, Ahab had surrounded himself with prophets who told him only what he wanted to hear. He rejected Micaiah’s previous prophecies because they didn’t align with his personal desires. It’s not clear why Micaiah initially agreed with the other prophets who favored the invasion. He finally delivered the harsh message from God after being pressed for the truth, knowing it would anger Ahab. Micaiah’s imprisonment was a heavy price, but God’s message had been spoken.

How should I respond?
Telling the truth can be difficult when people only want to hear positive remarks. As followers of Christ, it is our responsibility to speak the truth with a loving attitude (Eph. 4:15). Still, we often stay silent for fear of hurting the feelings of others or making them angry. When should you speak up? First, your heart should be guided by God; spend time in prayer, asking Him to check your motives. Are you motivated by a sincere desire to help the person make wise decisions or by a prideful intent to set him straight? Selfish and destructive words are often hidden behind the guise of “speaking the truth in love.” Ask God for the courage and wisdom to speak the truth, even if it is painful.

December 6, 2019


Read – Revelation 5

What does it say?
The Lamb is declared worthy to open the sealed scroll and is worshipped as God.

What does it mean?
John saw a scroll in the hand of God the Father. Only Jesus is worthy to break its seals and reveal the Father’s judgment on the world. As the Lamb, Jesus purchased salvation by His blood; as the Lion of Judah, He will judge the world; as the root of Jesse, He is eternal God. When Jesus came to the earth the first time, He was rejected as the Son of God, and the world at large denied His divine nature. One day, everyone and everything in Heaven, on earth, under the earth, and even in the sea will give Jesus Christ the same worship that is given to the Father. Jesus is worthy of worship.

How should I respond?
Typically, our society places value on something in light of its scarcity or worth. Often we put these things in a conspicuous place so that others can appreciate them. We sometimes even brag about our valuable items. Jesus is the only Lamb of God, and His worth surpasses everything and everyone else. In what ways do you celebrate His value? You can tell how valuable a thing is by how often you mention it. Check your priorities. How valuable is Jesus to you according to your conversations about Him? How will you show how valuable Jesus is to you today?

December 7, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 17

What does it say?
Jehoshaphat became king and instituted reforms to turn the people to godly practices. God blessed Jehoshaphat’s reign with peace and protection.

What does it mean?
As a king who followed the commands of the Lord, Jehoshaphat expected his people to do the same. He removed the “high places” and the practice of worshiping other gods alongside the Lord. Jehoshaphat knew it would take more than that to turn the people’s hearts back to the one true God. He couldn’t revive their faithfulness to the Lord by decree from his throne in the palace. So Jehoshaphat sent his officials, priests, and prophets into the community with the Book of the Law. Rather than simply tell them what to do, Judah’s leaders showed them firsthand.

How should I respond?
Helping people isn’t done from a distance. We must go where people are in order to give them what they need. Obviously, not everyone can leave home and go to the jungles of Guatemala or Africa, and that’s okay. But chances are you have a little time to spend with someone who has a need. Who around you has a physical or spiritual need? How could they benefit from your time? Remember, both Jesus and Paul influenced people by building relationships. Relationships take time, but the impact they make can last a lifetime … and often make a difference for eternity.

December 5, 2019


Read – Revelation 4

What does it say?
John recorded his vision of the worship taking place around the One sitting on the throne in Heaven.

What does it mean?
Revelation 4 gives an amazing description of the power, presence, and position of God the Father and the worship He deserves. Worship is an ongoing theme in Revelation because worship will be an ongoing activity throughout eternity. Two aspects of worship are highlighted – the character of those doing the worship and the character of the One being worshiped. God is worshiped because of His holiness and His sovereignty over all of His creation. These qualities speak to His divine nature through which all things came to be and by which He will rule forever and ever.

How should I respond?
If we could see God in all of His glory, there’s no doubt we would fall to our knees in spontaneous worship. If you want to know what God is like, then look at the life of His only Son recorded in Scripture. God has given us a revelation of Himself in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Seeing God as He is can put your life into proper perspective and help you sort out what is essential from what is incidental. God is holy, and we must be holy in our worship of Him. What needs to change in your life so that you can worship in the presence of the holy God? How will you take time to worship Jesus as your holy, sovereign Creator today?

December 6, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 16

What does it say?
Asa responded angrily to the seer’s message that God would have strengthened and delivered Judah if Asa had relied on the Lord rather than on a human alliance.

What does it mean?
Asa forgot how the Lord had delivered Judah in the past and turned to an ungodly king for help. The Lord was ready to help as He had done before, but Asa did not ask Him to do so. Asa responded with another bad decision – evidence that his heart began to harden towards the Lord. Rather than humbly repent, he took his anger out on the seer and his people. By the time he faced a severe illness five years later, Asa had stopped asking God for help altogether. Asa faithfully served the Lord for 35 years. Yet one foolish decision led to another until he no longer desired to hear from the Lord at all.

How should I respond?
We often wonder why God doesn’t intervene when we’re in a challenging situation. Sometimes it’s because we turn everywhere else for relief instead of turning to Him. God often uses friends, family, counselors, or doctors to give us support. But turning to them first shows that our reliance has shifted from the Lord to people. Dependence on Christ is a daily choice. The Lord stands ready to help, whether it’s through complete deliverance or simply the strength to get through the next day. Before you pick up the phone to call a friend, talk to the Lord. Will you rely on Him today?

December 4, 2019


Read – Psalms 137

What does it say?
While the psalmist wept, his Babylonian captors demanded he sing a song of Zion.

What does it mean?
The words of this psalm were written from a broken heart while Israel was in captivity. It’s important to remember that God allowed His people to be driven from their homeland because they had repeatedly refused to repent. So, did the writer long for Jerusalem because it was the holy city where God dwelt or because he missed the sinful life he led there? He hung up his harp and refused to sing at the very time that the songs of Zion would have reminded him of God’s faithfulness, turned Israel’s hearts to the Lord, and witnessed to their pagan captors of their Almighty God.

How should I respond?
It’s much easier to sing along with the praise song on the radio when God’s blessing is evident in your life than when you’re overwhelmed with sorrow or anger. Has something stolen your joy? Don’t wait until you feel better – listen to music today that will remind you of God’s love and faithfulness. If your ability to praise the Lord is based on your circumstances, then there are times when your heart will grow cold. If, however, your joy flows from knowing Christ and living to please Him, you will never be without a song in your heart (Acts 16:25). You’ll be an encouragement to other believers and a powerful witness to those outside of Christ.

December 5, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 15

What does it say?
The Lord’s message gave Asa courage to remove idols and repair the temple altar. Others were drawn to Judah because Asa’s heart was fully committed to the Lord.

What does it mean?
In the midst of national reform, God encouraged King Asa to remain true, stay strong, and not give up. The prophet’s message emboldened him to take action and increased his resolve to be fully committed to the Lord. God’s presence with Asa even drew some from the tribes of Israel to migrate to Judah to take part in the spiritual revival. Asa led Judah to renew the covenant their forefathers had made with the Lord. He didn’t serve the Lord perfectly, but the effect of God’s presence in Asa’s life and kingdom could not be hidden. His response caused the people to repent and worship the Lord.

How should I respond?
Although your relationship with Jesus is extremely personal, it’s not meant to be private. Genuine faith is magnetic. Evidence of God’s Spirit in your life will naturally attract others. God wants to use your transformed life for His purposes. What has the Lord impressed on your heart during prayer and Bible study? How have you responded? Those moments should strengthen your faith and give you courage to live each day fully committed to Him. As you do, your life will point others to the grace and mercy of Christ. Spiritual perfection is impossible, but humble obedience will be rewarded.

December 3, 2019


Read – Psalms 135-136

What does it say?
The psalmist called on Israel to praise the name of the Lord and give thanks to the God of Heaven. His love (mercy) endures forever.

What does it mean?
The writer could not contain the exaltation he felt at the thought of the magnificence of God. The Lord created all things and is sovereign over all. Thoughts of God’s wondrous character, His mighty acts of creation, and His miraculous deliverance, protection and care for Israel caused him to break into jubilant songs of praise and thanksgiving. He saw the utter foolishness of worshipping gods made by human hands. Israel served a compassionate, loving, merciful, and eternal God. The psalmist urged those around him to praise God for who He is and to give thanks for what He had done.

How should I respond?
God is blessed by your praise and thanksgiving. He does not need it, but He loves to hear it. Take a moment to contemplate who God is and what He has done for you personally. Do you, like the writer of these psalms, see the faithfulness of God as He has walked with you? What songs create a sense of awe, moving you to worship, praise, and glorify God? Sing those aloud during the week in your own time of praise at home or in your car. Today let your attitudes, words, and actions show your recognition of God’s magnificent character and gratitude for how He has worked in your life.

December 4, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 14

What does it say?
Asa commanded Judah to seek the Lord and obey His laws. God defended Judah against the Cushite army after Asa prayed, admitting complete reliance upon the Lord.

What does it mean?
The men of Judah had every reason to face the Cushite army with confidence in their own abilities. Even though Scripture says they were “brave fighting men,” Asa called his forces “powerless” without the Lord. What Asa believed to be true about God enabled them to have complete reliance on the Lord. Going into battle, they recognized that they were fighting for the Lord’s cause and glory and in His strength, not their own

How should I respond?
Capable people have to learn reliance on the Lord. We often push forward in our own skills and abilities. Admitting dependence on God doesn’t mean checking your brain or talents at the door. However, it does mean recognizing who God is and that without His enabling, we are powerless to accomplish His will. Can you honestly say that your current battle is being fought in the name of the Lord? How will He receive honor and glory for the outcome? To change your perspective, think about what you know to be true about God from Scripture. What name or character trait of God helps increase your reliance on Him today? Then, rather than asking God to fight for your cause, make sure you are fighting for His.

December 2, 2019


Read – Revelation 3

What does it say?
John recorded Jesus’ words to the churches in Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.

What does it mean?
The overarching theme in these messages has to do with the reputation of each church. Sardis has a reputation for being very alive, but the believers are weak and need to be strengthened. Philadelphia has a reputation for being weak, but the believers are faithful. Though Sardis’ weakness led to failure, Philadelphia’s weakness drove the faithful to God’s Word. Laodicea has the worst reputation of all. They claim to need nothing, but they are spiritual paupers. Only Philadelphia has a good reputation as a faithful witness to Christ, yet all three of the churches need to respond to Jesus’ message with repentance (as needed) and faithfulness, even in weakness.

How should I respond? |A good reputation can take a lifetime to build, but one wrong act can ruin it. Thomas Paine said, “Reputation is what people think of us; character is what God and angels know of us.” The only reputation that matters is what God thinks of you. He knows everything about you, even those things you like to keep hidden. In what ways are you weak and in need of renewing your strength in Christ? Do you think more highly of your spiritual status than you should? When you focus on building Christ-like character, others notice the change, and you naturally build a good reputation.

December 3, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 13

What does it say?
Abijah reigned as king of Judah and followed God’s commands. God honored his obedience by helping Judah defeat Jeroboam and Israel in battle.

What does it mean?
In the midst of war and years of conflict between Israel and Judah, a ruler emerged unlike any the people were used to. Rather than fight for his own power or prestige, Abijah chose to take a stand based on obeying God and honoring His commands. He led Judah to turn their hearts back to the Lord their God. The army Judah was facing was twice as big. Defeat may have seemed inevitable, but Abijah spoke God’s truth with passion and conviction. The resulting conquest showed that victory belongs to the Lord and that He chooses to honor those who are obedient to Him.

How should I respond?
God is still looking for obedient men and women to honor for His glory and purpose. Obedience is the result of a healthy relationship with the Lord. He is always ready to renew His relationship with us when we turn our hearts to Him. In what area of your life do you need to return to the simple principles in His Word? Are you trying to handle the daily struggles of life in your own strength or through God’s power? Remember, obedience is your choice. Your current battle may not end immediately, but God never turns His back on those who choose to honor Him.

December 1, 2019


Read – Revelation 2

What does it say?
John recorded a personal message from the resurrected Christ to the churches of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, and Thyatira.

What does it mean?
These messages shine a spotlight on issues that are specific to each church in four ways: 1) Each church receives praise for positive traits. 2) Three churches are corrected for something wrong. 3) Each church is given instructions on how to respond. 4) Each church receives a promise for those who overcome. These churches deal with a variety of issues, but the problems mentioned most often deal with false teaching or a loss of passion for Christ. Christ calls them to repent and after that to remain faithful to Him.

How should I respond?
Do you remember life before email or texting? Most of us like receiving personal notes in the mail. In fact, when we receive a letter from a loved one, it can become a precious possession. Imagine receiving a letter from Jesus. How would the words to these four churches compare to how Jesus would respond to your life? Take an inventory of your life right now and talk to Jesus about it. Be ready to repent if necessary, and make a firm commitment to stay on the right course no matter what you may face. Remember, the entire Bible is a letter from God to you, and He wants you to know what He thinks. You cannot read this letter without a response. Will you respond with obedience?

December 2, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 12

What does it say?
Judah turned its back on God and was quickly invaded by Egypt. The king’s palace and the temple were plundered, and the nation was forced into slavery.

What does it mean?
The invasion of Judah and the loss of the fortified cities shocked the people, especially since the attack came unexpectedly from the hands of the Egyptians. Far worse, however, was the plundering of the temple and the ensuing slavery. So why did God allow this to happen to His own people? Quite simply, the king and his people neglected what they knew was most important … their relationship with the Lord their God. Consequently, the nation learned firsthand the difference between serving God and serving ungodly rulers.

How should I respond?
We too can be guilty of neglecting our relationship with the Lord. The hectic pace of busy schedules along with everything that competes for our attention can eventually erode time meant to be spent with Him. When our priorities become skewed, God may allow circumstances and events we don’t understand to get our attention. While those situations may be difficult, they might also be necessary to help us focus on Christ and Him alone. Is your life an example of submission to God, or one that shows He is not the priority? Take time right now to reflect on your relationship with the Lord. Never forget that the closer you draw to Him, the closer He will draw to you.

November 30, 2019


Read – Revelation 1

What does it say?
During worship, the resurrected Christ appeared to the apostle John and told him to write down what he saw and send it to the seven churches.

What does it mean?
The Book of Revelation is John’s testimony of the vision given to him by Jesus while he was on the island of Patmos. In fact, he was in exile there because of his faithfulness to testify of Jesus Christ and of God’s works. But even in exile, John made time to worship. During that time, the resurrected and glorified Christ appeared to reveal the consummation of His redemptive plan. In the midst of tribulation and suffering, John was given the privilege of being the witness to the final glorious message of Jesus Christ.

How should I respond?
Are you experiencing some kind of difficulty because you took a stand for truth? When you choose to worship the Lord in any situation, your actions give a faithful testimony of your trust in the goodness and grace of God. Where can you be a faithful witness? Maybe a friend needs comfort or help; then reach out to that person in the name of Jesus. Maybe a neighbor simply needs to hear the truth of the Gospel. Faithfulness is never a losing proposition, regardless of what personal discomfort it may cause. Will you be faithful in your worship and in your witness today?

December 1, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 11

What does it say?
After God’s warning not to attack Israel, Rehoboam realized Judah was vulnerable and began to build its defenses.

What does it mean?
With the kingdom divided, Judah immediately became vulnerable to invasion. Rehoboam, prevented by God from attacking the much larger Israel, fortified his defenses in the hope of defending what remained. But in all of this, Rehoboam missed what was most important – he never submitted himself to God. Instead, he put his faith in his cities and his armies. This son of Solomon who had already lost so much repeated his father’s sin and set Judah on a course for destruction.

How should I respond?
Submission to God can be difficult, especially when you experience circumstances that are not what you expected or hoped for. In those moments, there is a tremendous temptation to do what seems right in your own opinion. Even so, God asks you to give up control and rely on Him. With what issue are you still striving to produce your own outcomes? Will you completely give that to the Lord today? Focus on submitting to Him in every part of your life. Then leave the results to the One who knows you better than you know yourself!

November 29, 2019


Read – Jude 1

What does it say?
Jude delivered a strong warning of God’s judgment and urged believers to grow in their faith, pray in the Holy Spirit, and keep themselves in God’s love.

What does it mean?
Using powerful images, Jude depicted the divisive and fruitless nature of apostates who had slipped into the church. These godless men rejected Jesus as the Sovereign Lord and denied central truths of Christianity. Even worse, they caused others to stumble in their faith by denying God’s authority and suggesting that grace gives Christians freedom to continue in sin. Those with a right understanding of Scripture have a responsibility to correct anyone being led astray. Such responsibility requires one to pray and live in the power of the Holy Spirit.

How should I respond?
This passage highlights the importance of knowing the truth of Scripture in order to recognize distorted teaching. Living under the control of the Holy Spirit is the only way to recognize corrupt teaching, maintain personal faith, and help those who are vulnerable to being led away from truth. In which fundamentals of Christianity do you need a better understanding? How does your behavior show you believe in Scripture and consider the Bible the final authority for your life? Commit to becoming a student of the Bible. God will use you to influence others as you live out the truth you find.

November 30, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 10

What does it say?
Rehoboam listened to young advisors and vowed to oppress the people even more than his father had. They revolted, and the kingdom was divided.

What does it mean?
The wealth, power, and status achieved under Solomon came at a great price – the oppression of the people. As Rehoboam inherited the throne and all that his father had built, he was given the opportunity to win the hearts of his people by ruling with kindness and mercy. Instead, pride and arrogance drove him to inflict even greater oppression on the people under his rule. This selfish act tore the nation apart, and the kingdom was forever divided. Rehoboam rejected the wise counsel of his aged advisors and listened to younger men who were more interested in appeasing the king than in looking out for the best interest of the nation.

How should I respond?
Having an exalted view of yourself is extremely dangerous. Decisions made under the clouded vision that accompanies pride can carry devastating results for you and the people who surround you. Many of us struggle with the temptation to think too much of our own opinions. The key to resisting pride, however, is to focus on Christ and His will rather than on what would seem personally advantageous. Is your life characterized by a focus on selfish pursuits or by a heart motivated to honor God? When you’re faced with an area of pride today, ask God to show you how to honor Him instead.

November 28, 2019


Read – 3 John

What does it say?
Gaius walked in the truth, and Demetrius had a good testimony. Diotrephes, however, caused division in the church by his untruthfulness, inhospitality, and selfishness.

What does it mean?
John contrasted two types of people in the church: those who are humble and willing to serve others and those who put themselves first, desiring power and position. People who genuinely love God have a desire to do what’s right. The right perspective of God gives them the right perspective of self. By not thinking too highly of themselves, these people naturally have a good reputation with other believers. On the other hand, those causing discord in the church show that they aren’t obeying Christ and should be dealt with by church leaders before more harm is done.

How should I respond?
There is no greater example of serving with humility than Christ, so there is no better way to demonstrate that you are a follower of Christ than purposely putting the needs of others before your own. Are you willing to do the seemingly insignificant task? Working behind the scenes might not bring lots of recognition, but it does give a profound sense of satisfaction. Are you a servant, or do you have a self-seeking attitude? Your actions will either help build others up or pull them down. Your attitude can promote either harmony or discord. What kind of reputation will you build today?

November 29, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 9:13-31

What does it say?
As Solomon accumulated great riches and possessions, other kings sought an audience with him. He reigned 40 years over Israel and was buried in the city of David.

What does it mean?
Unlike his father David, Solomon’s reign was one of ease and enjoyment. He never asked God for wealth or fame, yet Solomon was blessed with exceeding riches and extraordinary wisdom. Everyone wanted an audience with the one who possessed the answers. Even kings and governors offered priceless gifts in exchange for an audience with the king of Israel. Solomon’s influence was as great as his wealth. His 40-year reign over Israel was marked by great accumulation and extravagant living.

How should I respond?
Your lifetime on this earth is a short journey. Days slip into months and months slip into years. All of your possessions and money will eventually fade away, but the influence you have on others can create an impact for eternity. None of us possess the wealth or wisdom of Solomon, but each of us can use what we do have as a means to share Christ. How can your talents and material blessings be leveraged to make an impact in your community? Giving your abilities to the Lord allows you to invest in the lives of others. Today, make every moment count.

November 27, 2019


Read – Psalms 132-134

What does it say?
David vowed to build a dwelling place for God, and God promised that his sons would rule forever if they followed Him. God’s people should praise Him in His sanctuary and be unified.

What does it mean?
The final three psalms in the Songs of Ascents directed Israel’s attention to the center for Israel’s worship – the temple. David’s vow to build a house for God was heavy on his mind during the early years of his reign, but it was not God’s will. It was his son Solomon who built the temple, God’s dwelling place where the tribes of Israel came together in unity to worship. Their common purpose was to sing songs of joy, seek the Lord’s blessing, and praise Him as the Maker of Heaven and Earth. The psalmist reiterates the promises God made when He chose Israel to be His people and David to be His king, both with conditions that involved their obeying and loving Him as Lord of their lives.

How should I respond?
Great things can be accomplished when the members of a family or community live for a common purpose. If any group should demonstrate that kind of peace and unity, it should be the church of Jesus Christ. What purpose do you have in mind as you head to church each week? Are you preoccupied with family matters, petty differences with church members, or opportunities to network for your business? As God’s people, we should cherish the time we spend together in worship. We may not always have the religious freedom to come together in the name of Jesus. Approach worship this week with joy and in a spirit of peace and unity with other believers. Together we can accomplish great things for the Lord.

November 28, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 9:1-12

What does it say?
The queen of Sheba visited Solomon. Impressed with Solomon’s wisdom, she presented him with gold, spices, and precious stones.

What does it mean?
The news of King Solomon’s wealth and wisdom had spread beyond Israel to the queen of Sheba. Intrigued by the rumors of his vast wealth and wisdom, the queen traveled to Jerusalem to meet Solomon in person. She observed his accomplishments as well as how he treated his servants and worshiped God. Solomon’s leadership abilities and interaction with the people impressed the queen. He was even greater than she had been told. As a result, she acknowledged the God of Israel as the source of Solomon’s wisdom and power.

How should I respond?
True character is defined not only by what you say but also by what you do. What words would you use to describe yourself? What is your reputation among your friends and family? The character of Christ is reflected in your choices as you follow God’s Word. As a result, people will want to know more about the God you serve and the difference He is making in your life. We each have a reputation. Our lives will make the people around us either curious or disinterested regarding Jesus. What lifestyle changes do you need to make in order to draw others closer to God?

November 26, 2019


Read – Psalms 129-131

What does it say?
Enemies continually oppressed Israel. The psalmist called on God’s mercy, urging Israel to put their hope in God’s Word and unfailing love. David, too, humbly hoped in the Lord.

What does it mean?
Psalms 129 and 130 were more than likely written by Hezekiah 300 years after David, as a young shepherd, penned Psalm 131. King Hezekiah’s prayers concerned two threats to Israel – enemies from outside her gates and sin within the nation itself. The placement of David’s short psalm directly after Hezekiah’s cry of desperation is not coincidental; his intercession even borrowed from young David’s words, ‘O Israel, put your hope in the Lord.’ Israel needed the same humility before the Lord that had been evident in her greatest king. Their righteous and merciful God was – and is – the only one who could protect and redeem them.

How should I respond?
How often do you pray on behalf of our nation? We need godly intercessors as never before. Like Israel in Hezekiah’s day, we’re reminded daily of nations whose hatred of our country drives them to seek our destruction. The arrogance and blatant rebellion of our own citizens against God and His Word are equally devastating. God’s love is unfailing, but His righteous, holy nature will not tolerate sin. His mercy and forgiveness are our only hope. Let’s unite in our desire for our nation, ‘O America, put your hope in the Lord!’

November 27, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 8

What does it say?
Solomon rebuilt and fortified the cities. He kept the ordinances of worship and followed God.

What does it mean?
After years of battling their enemies, the Israelites experienced a time of peace; however, it was not a time to sit still and relax. Solomon seized the opportunity to strategically rebuild and strengthen the cities. Even in the midst of preparations and great accomplishments, Solomon did not forget the source of his success. He worshiped the Lord, observed the daily offerings in the temple, and followed God’s commands.

How should I respond?
During difficult periods of life, you have the potential to deepen your trust and faith in God. So what happens when the struggles lessen and life gets easier? How do you strategically use those moments to recharge and prepare for future uncertainties? Fortified faith is built by strengthening your relationship with God in daily prayer, Bible study, and worship. Satan enjoys targeting the unsuspecting person. Surrounding yourself with truth protects your heart and mind from his lies when you’re most vulnerable. What priorities do you need to change in order to prepare for the unknown?

November 25, 2019


Read – 2 John

What does it say?
John commended the elect lady and her children for walking in truth and gave a warning not to entertain false teachers.

What does it mean?
It wasn’t uncommon for false teachers to infiltrate the early church. They traveled from place to place, attempting to influence new Christians by spreading new ideas that didn’t line up with the teachings of Christ. The recipient of John’s letter knew truth and recognized spiritual error. The identity of “the chosen lady” isn’t completely clear, but it’s thought that a church met in her home. She guarded truth in her home for her children and for her church family.

How should I respond?
Believers have a responsibility to live out the truth God has revealed to them and to warn others when biblical error is being taught. The truth of the Gospel is simple: Jesus, the Son of God, came to Earth as the perfect Man, died for the sins of the world, and then rose victorious from the grave. Do the television and radio preachers you listen to teach the whole gospel, or do they avoid parts of the Bible? You have a responsibility to search Scripture for yourself and make its truth a reality in your life. Whom do you need to guard from biblical error? Ask yourself if everything you believe lines up with the Word of God. Anything that robs Jesus of glory is not part of God’s truth.