
Please pray for the overall health of my wife and myself. Thanks.
No name given

February 6, 2018


Read – Job 15-16

What does it say?
Eliphaz accused Job of being proud and made a case that Job deserved his lot because of his wickedness. Job responded to those who came to comfort him.

What does it mean?
Because Job knew his faith in God hadn’t faltered, his friends’ accusations were not comforting, but insulting. Job was distressed, humiliated, and despised by his community; relief was nowhere in sight. He believed God had caused his distress, although he couldn’t understand the reasons. Still, Job believed that God heard his cries and saw that his heart was humble. He firmly believed that God’s faithfulness was unwavering. Job’s only comfort was his belief that God could be trusted to intercede for him.

How should I respond?
What Job believed to be true, we know to be true. Jesus Himself intercedes for us from His throne in Heaven. Followers of Christ should pray for one another and offer comfort when we can. Our efforts, however, are limited by our humanity. Only Jesus – God with us – can intercede for us perfectly and continually (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25). Only the Holy Spirit – God in us – can provide perfect peace, comfort, and guidance through the storms of life (John 14:16, 26). What situation is causing you to grieve? To whom have you turned for comfort? Talk to God – there is no lasting comfort but His.

February 5, 2018


Read – Job 14

What does it say?
Job contemplated the brevity and difficulty of human life. He saw no hope for relief or restoration before his death.

What does it mean?
Complete and utter distress caused Job to look back on his previously blessed life as short and pointless. He viewed death as an end to his pain. Even though Job didn’t seem to have full knowledge concerning the resurrection of the body and the promise of Heaven, he knew God well enough to understand that He is able to do anything. Job briefly wondered about the possibilities of renewed life without misery or resurrection after death. He didn’t allow himself to wonder for long, though, before he blamed God for taking away any hope, dismissed the thought of recovering from his misery, and believed that only death could bring relief.

How should I respond?
As Christians, eternal life is our greatest hope and at times, our only comfort. What wonders await us once we are in the presence of the Lord forever, away from sin and sadness! Until then, we experience pain, loss, and loneliness; sometimes we struggle to maintain hope in the Lord. We must remember that God is able to do more than we could ever imagine (Eph. 3:20). During dark times, what He wants most is for us to trust Him and wait for Him. In what area of your life has your hope in God diminished? Talk to God in these moments, and ask for grace while you place hope in Him.

February 4, 2018


Read – Job 12-13

What does it say?
Job responded to his friends and prayed to the Lord.

What does it mean?
Job‘s friends repeatedly rebuked him and gave him no comfort or encouragement. He had reached the conclusion that their silence would be the best wisdom they could offer. He knew his only true and lasting comfort would be from God Himself. Even with all God had allowed to happen, Job continued to hope in the Lord. He decided to take his case straight to God instead of accepting the judgment of everyone around him. He wanted to speak to the Lord directly and longed to hear His reply.

How should I respond?
Many times the encouragement and answers we seek from friends may be limited or inappropriate. God is the only one who can give complete assurance. Perfect comfort requires a perfect Comforter. The Holy Spirit comes alongside us to give comfort so we will know how to offer the same to others in their times of need (2 Corinthians 1:3-5). Where do you turn when a problem occurs: Do you turn to social media, call your friends, or take the issue to the Lord first? Intercessory prayer is good and necessary, but going directly to God offers direct comfort. In what situation do you need to experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit? As you accept His comfort, you’ll be able to recognize and help others who need to do the same.

February 3, 2018


Read – Job 11

What does it say?
Job’s third friend, Zophar, called on Job to repent of his sin and stop mocking God.

What does it mean?
‘The remarkable thing about Job is not that he overcame his circumstances but rather that he survived his counselors’ – Dr. Paige Patterson. Just like the other two friends who lacked understanding and compassion, Zophar called on Job to repent of his sin. After telling Job to stop mocking the Lord, he went on to say that he deserved even more suffering than God had already allowed. Zophar’s emotional rebuke was filled with condemnation, and it ended with a severe warning. Sadly, Job’s friends were doing more harm than good.

How should I respond?
It’s important to pray and ask God for discernment before offering advice. Sometimes we offer our own opinions and thoughts rather than giving godly counsel from God’s Word. Are you helping your friends with the advice you give or adding to their problems? Matthew 12:34 says, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Ask the Lord to examine your heart and intentions before you speak. Then, rely on Him to give you the words to say. How might you have condemned or accused someone when you should have shown love and compassion? Based on today’s passage, what will you do differently next time?

February 2, 2018


Read – Job 10

What does it say?
Job pleaded with God. He wanted to know why God would create him just to punish him so severely.

What does it mean?
Job had reached the point in his suffering in which he began to question God’s faithfulness. He began to wonder if God was angry with him and thought it was good to oppress him. Even though he knew he served a just God, Job began to question His intentions for allowing the innocent to suffer while the wicked went unpunished. The faithfulness and goodness of God were hard for Job to see in his current circumstances. He felt as if the God he had always loved and served had betrayed him and was now his enemy.

How should I respond?
Have you ever suffered to the point that you began to question God’s goodness and faithfulness? Hebrews 10:23 tells us to “hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” We can hold firmly to the promise that God is still faithful despite our health, circumstances, or bank account. Aren’t you glad that God’s faithfulness doesn’t depend on our amount of faith at any given moment? God remains faithful even when we are faithless. How will you trust in His faithfulness today?

Appointment with neurologist for leg pain

Name: Esther Brisson Prayer Request: Pray for a quick response to a needed appointment with a neurologist for pain in legs and weakness

February 1, 2018


Read – Job 8-9

What does it say?
Bildad encouraged Job to repent, asserting that God wouldn’t punish Job unless he or someone in his family had sinned. Job then responded to Bildad’s call for repentance.

What does it mean?
From Bildad’s point of view, Job showed disrespect toward God by questioning why he was suffering. Bildad couldn’t comprehend that God would permit the righteous to experience such pain. He felt that only those who sinned against God would be punished through suffering, so he urged Job to repent from his sin. Instead of encouraging Job to trust in God’s compassion and grace, he made accusations concerning Job and his family. Job couldn’t imagine how to prove one’s innocence to a Holy God. In his anguish, Job felt that he had been found guilty, and his only option was to plead with his Judge for mercy.

How should I respond?
As followers of Christ today, we also suffer, grieve, and even question. During our grief and suffering, we must rely on God’s mercy and grace. Mercy is best described as God’s not giving us what we deserve, whereas grace is God’s giving us what we don’t deserve. No one is holy or righteous enough to earn God’s favor. How have you tried to explain life’s ups and downs without regard for God’s grace? You can’t rely on your own goodness, but God’s grace is available to get you through any circumstance.

January 31, 2018


Read – Job 7

What does it say?
Job explained his restlessness, sharing details about the physical and mental suffering he was enduring. He asked why God was testing him every moment of his day.

What does it mean?
Job’s suffering was so multifaceted that he didn’t have a moment’s relief. Even if the physical pain eased enough to allow sleep, nightmares would awaken him. The effects of restlessness and hopelessness wracked Job’s body and emotions to the point that he begged God to leave him alone, if only for a brief moment. Job didn’t understand why God allowed him to suffer so greatly or why He wouldn’t at least forgive him of his sin and restore him. His only comfort was in knowing that one day he would die, and the suffering would end.

How should I respond?
Suffering will not always be understood on this side of Heaven. Some suffering is the result of natural consequences: fall off a roof, and you’ll likely break bones. But what about suffering that can’t be explained, as when a newborn baby dies? Unexplained adversities cause many to ask the age-old question, “Why does God allow bad things to happen?” How do you respond when God doesn’t give relief right away? Making the decision to love the Lord in spite of tragic circumstances is a matter of trust. Jot down ten things you know to be true about God’s character. When you can’t see what God is doing, you can always trust Him. Will you give Him your hopelessness today?

Career and Finances

Name: Melissa Prayer Request: Prayer for financial peace and a better opportunity in my career.

January 30, 2018


Read – Job 6

What does it say?
Job spoke to his three friends, asking them for comfort rather than arguments.

What does it mean?
When Job needed comfort, his friends poured salt into an open wound. His emotions erupted after being rebuked by Eliphaz. Job was ready for God to take him before he denied or spoke against the Lord. Job needed encouragement. He wanted his friends to simply be there for him. Had there been something Job could have done to end the suffering, he would have gladly done it. He needed companionship, but his friends had no understanding of what he was going through or how to help him.

How should I respond?
We often try to fix situations and even people. But despite our best intentions, we sometimes have no idea what to say to a broken-hearted friend. Sadly, you may have said the wrong thing when words weren’t really necessary at all. This week, allow God to use you as a friend who is willing to merely love and encourage someone else. You may be the only encouragement that person receives. Ask God to help you discern when to listen, when to speak, and when to just be there. You may be surprised to discover that your mere presence is enough.

Mother’s health issues

Name: Tracey Arthur Prayer Request: My mother hasn’t been able to eat Normal due to stomach issues, doctors have her on new meds to hopefully fix her problems. Pray that God heals her through the medication.

January 29, 2018


Read – Job 4-5

What does it say?
In response to Job’s questioning of the Lord from Chapter 3, his friend Eliphaz mistakenly assumed that Job must have sinned and was being punished by the Lord.

What does it mean?
Job’s well-meaning friend Eliphaz talked with him about God’s holiness and righteousness, concluding that God is just and would not cause the righteous to suffer without a reason. From his viewpoint, God’s blessing was equated with righteousness, while suffering was related to sinfulness. Therefore, Eliphaz felt that Job must have sinned. While there are consequences to sin, not all suffering is the result of personal sin. The sheer presence of sin in the world has caused decay and death since Adam and Eve. Eliphaz had a hard time understanding how God could permit suffering without cause. He called on Job to repent from his sin so that God would restore him.

How should I respond?
We can all think of people who seem to prosper, despite their rejection of Christ. You may also be able to name friends who love and serve the Lord, yet they have had to suffer unimaginable pain. Some of them have deeply influenced our lives because they chose to praise God in spite of their suffering. What difficulty are you facing right now? Will you yield to God’s work in your life and choose to rejoice, knowing that God is using this time to strengthen your faith and draw you closer to Him (James 1:2-5; 12)?

Mother had stroke

Name: Mike Prayer Request: Please pray for my mother who had a stroke last Tuesday. She is in need of heeling for mind and body.

Salvation for son

I want you to pray with me that my son Adam will come to know Jesus,I have been praying and will continue to

Children who are ill

Please pray for three children that have been sick. Two of them have asthma very bad. Pray that the Lord will always watch over them.


Unspoken Need for Prayer

I have a unspoken request. Please pray for God to intervene on my behalf. He knows the need. Thank you all and God Bless.
James Tucker Sr

Prayer to continually walk with God

Name: Kelly Prayer Request: I pray to continue to be God’s helper and do his will. That he will continue to use me for his good. I am waiting on him to show me what to do. Last year was a struggle for me but I am reminded to not be weary. I am so thankful for my Thomas road and Liberty family! Thanks you!

Relief from Pain

Please pray for my back, hip and leg. The sciatica nerve is inflamed and it really hurts.Thanks by

2 daughters who are ill

Name: Melissa Prayer Request: Please pray for both of my daughters as they both have had the stomach bug this week. One is better but my youngest is still very weak and lethargic.

Surgery on 01/26

Calling all Prayer Warriors…Bill needs your PRAYERS on Friday January 26th at Lynchburg General Hospital he will have open heart surgery for 2 bypasses and a mitrovalve repair or replacement. We are trusting God for complete healing and a quick recovery. Please keep him in your PRAYERS. 7 weeks ago as a result of his heart problems Bill started kidney dialysis this is a permanent treatment and it complicates his surgery.
William Lee

Prayer for Family

Name: Carolyn Ford Prayer Request: Prayers for my extended families Salvation, to become a follower of Christ Jesus. Prayer for the ones on drugs to be delivered from drugs. Prayers for sickness, cancer and body to be healed. Weight loss for surgery.

Loss of Infant

Name: patty Lewis Prayer Request: Please pray for my son and daughter n law and our family. We lost our 3 month old baby boy my grandson Killian Grey on Jan 1. We are devastated and heart broken. I know he is in the arms of Jesus but this is so hard to deal with. Thank you

Possible Prison Term

Please please pray for my family. My child may go to prison for 3 years for a crime they didnt commit. I need my child to help me! Please God, deliver my child from this evil.
Mrs. P

Recovery from surgery

Pray for my husband, Sammy who is recovering from surgery. He has severe post surgical pain in his back and hips.
Melissa Smith

Prayers for health and for my wife

Please pray for the overall health of my wife and myself. Thank you.
No name given

Employment for husband/supportive wife

Name: prayers needed Prayer Request: Please continue to pray for me to be there for my husband and to give him guidance on finding a new job that he can do. We have been traveling down this roller coaster road for the last couple of years. It’s been so so difficult to imagine how we gotten here at our age in life. Our life has been turned upside down in ways that we can not imagine. But I know we all have to go down roads that’s unexpectedly to bring us closer to God. Please continue to pray for us and for my family to guide us on this new road for me and my husband. Thank you TRBC for your prayers and for God to continue to Bless the growth in the church.

Dad in hospital

Name: Bryce Hardy Prayer Request: My dad, Bryce, has been admitted into the hospital due to heart complications. Please pray for him as he may be needing open heart surgery if stents are not needed.

Friend with infection

Pray for my friend Donley H.  In LGH with an infection.

Sister in abusive relationship

Name: Mary Prayer Request: Please pray for my sister Donna as she has returned to her abuser with the hopes of some reconciliation in her marriage, I asked if you would pray for God’€˜s wisdom over her life that somehow she will understand who she is In God’s eyes. Also pray she would stop allowing herself to be victim.And that she would stop trying to save something that doesn’t want to be saved

Recovery from car accident

Name: Quinton Prayer Request: Bad car accident today… he is doing ok but has a big laceration on his head. Pray for a speedy recovery

Car Accident Victims

Name: Wynee Woodson Prayer Request: Brice Burton and Andrew Humphries, South Boston VA. Both young men were in a horrific car wreck on December 29 and both are at Duke Hospital. They have severe brain injuries and are still in a coma.

Prayers for husbands health; physical and spiritual

Please pray for my husband, Tim. That he fully recover from prostate cancer surgery. That I can be a blessing to him. That he finds Jesus and lets him into his heart.

Sister in hospital

My oldest sister, Mary Elizabeth Flood. In hospital in Atlanta, Michigan. Very sick. Age 85.
Charles F. Baldwin

Father has COPD

Dear Lord I need your healing hands to be layed on my Dad he is in the hospital with a very bad episode of COPD. He is really having a hard time with this. So just help him out Lord. I give you thanks and glory for all your blessings. In Jesus name Amen

Nephew needs Christ

Please pray for my nephew Bryan that christ will bring him back to the cross.

Please pray for mother in hospital

I would like to add my mother to the prayer list . Diane McCulloch , she has been hospitalized for the last 2 weeks with multiple surgeries and illnesses .
Billy Ayers

Family in Crisis

My family is in crisis. Only the Father can help us now.

Incarcerated, needs prayer

Name: Anna Prayer Request: Please pray for salvation for Seth. He has 4 more years in prison and has become so hard in his heart. Pray for God to soften his heart and do a miracle in his life.

Marriage in crisis

Name: Prayer for T & J Prayer Request: Very bad situation. 20 years of marriage down the tube.

Prayer for employment

Name: Michael Prayer Request: Please continue to pray that I find a job and that God will continue to provide for my family needs and help us pay our bills. It’s been almost 3 months without employment.

Strength in the facing of losing mom

Lord Jesus I need your strength now more than ever, my Mom is on her walk to be with you Lord and home. My Mom has ALWAYS been your child. I need your strength to let her go and start a new journey, my life without her. In Jesus name Amen

Breast Cancer DX

Name: Loretta L. Diagnosis of breast cancer

Over Dose

Name: Prayers Prayer Request: Please pray for a young lady who overdosed on medication is needs a lot of prayers for healing.

Prayer for hospitalized

Please pray for Nancy W. She is the mother of my co-worker. She is in the hospital after an unsuccessful medical procedure.

Job Lay-off

Name: Amy S. Prayer Request: Please pray for my Uncle Sam who was laid off his job yesterday

Prayer about cancer diagnosis

My mother Helen was diagnosed with cancer. Due to her health status and condition she is not a candidate for surgery nor treatment. She is on God’€™s time. We ask for prayers for her as well as us during this time. We pray she makes it past March to see her new grand baby born. Thank you all!

Prayer for salvation

Please pray that my son and his girlfriend will be convicted by the Holy Spirit to Repent and change their ways. That they will be saved, forgive each other and begin to put God and their daughter first in their lives.

Bacterial Infection

My sister in law, Lorraine who is hospitalized with deadly bacterial infection.

Prayer for Family

That my family might not be tortured no more and become baptised in the blood of Christ and that all that did evil to us be brought to justice.
Doris Webb

Need transplant

My friend with autoimmune liver disease is back in hospital. On transplant list. It’s hard to pray for a transplant knowing someone else has to die in order for you to receive life. Thankfully she knows that Jesus did exactly that.

Recovery, strength, peace needed

Pray for O.J. Misjuns Prayer Request: In Lynchburg General for surgery. Asking for prayer – recovery, strength for family, for peace in the face of this trial.

Aortic Valve Replacement

it is written in stone, im having aortic valve replacement with a mechanical one. im the surgery sometime in january. my heart is doing double work.
No name given

Salvation and health

Salvation for Trey, Rebecca and Thelma. Health and comfort for Pollie. Thank you!

Prayers for sick friend

Charlie, a friend of ours in hospital in Fl with pneumonia, both lungs have fluid. He also has other physical issues. Please pray he comes to faith in Christ and has a healing
Jane Rickert

Freedom from alcohol addiction

Name: f Prayer Request: I need to stop drinking. Please pray for no cravings.

Healing for wife and daughter

Name: Nathan Prayer Request: Please pray for my wife and daughter they both have a stomach virus.

Health and Financial Issues

Please continue to pray for me. My back pain is awful at this point. My medication is not working properly. Im more or less confined to my home. Im embarrassed to say our cupboards are almost bare. Our children are helping as best they can. Our financies are taking a big hit even with Medicare and insurance supplement. I trust in my God to see us through this hard time. With your prayers our God will move for us. Thank you, God Bless and Merry Christmas to all.

Prayers for ailing father

Please pray for comfort for my Daddy. He is home with hospice and needs lots of prayers for peace. Thank you, Norman.

Macular Degeneration and Shingles – suffering

My father has macular degeneration in one eye that has not responded to treatments. He has just developed shingles on the other side of his face and it may affect his good eye. Please pray that his vision is spared. Thanks!

Prayer for son

Name: Michelle Prayer Request: Please pray for son

Surgery and bacterial infection

Name: Marilyn Prayer Request: Urgent prayers needed for my sister in law who’s in surgery right now to remove a blood clot that would not respond with clot dissolving medication. She also has life threatening bacterial infection in her intestines which has severely weakened her immune system. She needs a touch from the hand of God. Please pray for Lorraine!

Health and finances

please pray for the health and finances of my wife and I. Thank you.
No name given

Health issues

Please pray for Ronnie who has serious health issues and depression.

Grandfather needs salvation

Name: Christian Prayer Request: Please pray that my grandfather find salvation in Jesus Christ and that God reveal Himself through His Word to my grandfather. His heart is hardened towards accepting Christ’s salvation but tonight he came extremely close. He allowed his saved family members to pray over him but he still says he believes in God but doesn’t think he needs salvation.

Severe Liver Disease

Friend with severe liver disease from an autoimmune disease is heading for end stage. Please pray for healing. Is a Christian. Thank you.

Emergency Surgery

Please pray for my sister in law Lorraine who underwent emergency surgery. She has severe infection in large intestine.

Healing from Scoliosis Surgery

Pray for Hunter Jarman. He he had spinal surgery on Monday, Dec 4th to put in rods for scoliosis. Pray for his recovery.
John Jarman

Unspoken Needs

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Many unspoken needs

Upcoming Heart Surgery

dec 19 @ 2:00 going to VA richmond to talk with heart surgeon an discuss the surgical procedure
No name given

Prayer for Co-workers

Rich B… co-workers husband just diagnosed with liver and colon cancer….

Diane R… co-worker with stage 3 breast cancer…


Please pray for Emo M.- he is in VA hospital in Salem

Prayer for ill young man

Name: William C. Prayer Request: Please pray for his healing… he is a very sick young man and needs our prayers…

God’s Direction Needed

Name: Marcie Miller Prayer Request: Intercessional prayer for direction and Gods purpose.

Scheduled for surgery

Please keep my friend Jack in your prayers. Hes scheduled for a serious surgery tomorrow. Jack is a wonderful, caring, intelligent person with a giant heart.

Upcoming heart cath. and surgery

i go to salem va for my heart cath. then next step is surgery
No name given

Hospitalized with infection

Hospitalized with severe infection which has gone into the bloodstream. That has caused issues with pacemaker and heart. Walked few steps yesterday, furst time out of bed

Speedy recovery from sickness

My friend Laurie who attends TRBC, she is very sick please pray that she has a fast and speedy recovery!

Prayer for scheduled surgeries

I am having 2 days of surgery. I am having heart surgery on November 30 and December 1 at Lynchburg General Hospital. I will be in ICU several days. please pray that the surgeries are successful and will fix my heart issues. This will be the 4th time trying to fix the issues. I have faith this new procedure will repair my heart and I will be off all medication.
Dr. Mary Alford

Father is very ill

Please pray for my father, as he is very ill and testing is being done.

Dad having surgery

Name: Rachel Horner Prayer Request: Dad is having surgery at UVA on December 7.

Need Salvation

To get saved….and a unspoken

Liver Cancer

David B. has liver cancer. Prayer requested and appreciated.

In Hospice Care

Please pray as Norman M. who is home with hospice care . Please put him on prayer list at church so all may continue to pray for his comfort.

Stroke 14 days ago

Continued recovery for mother Vicki after having a stroke 14 days ago (just moved to the area one week before) and for the family as they are the primary caregiver of two handicapped parents!

Stroke victim

Please pray for my sister Vickie. She has had a number of strokes and is currently in the hospital in Cleveland, Ohio.
Carol Gunnoe

Family, employment and health

Please pray for my daughters for them to draw near to God and for them to allow Him to lead them, for my health as I continue to recover from blood clots in my lungs, my husband and our jobs. I praise God for being in our lives and helping us continuously. Thank you and God bless you.

Recovery in the cardiac ward

Pls pray for recovery for chuck as he is in the cardiac ward .. Thank you

new to the area, pray for employment

Name: Terry Prayer Request: I am new to the area just like to request prayers that I find a good job that the good Lord wants me to have one that will benefit me and my family and my employer thanks in advance and god bless.

Prayer over 2nd mammogram

Pray for my mom as she has a call back for something found on her mammogram today. Spot is at 1:30 and her name is Rachel. She is very worried.

Prayer request for law enforcement

Please pray for Law Enforcement nationwide.

Prayer for daughter’s marriage

Please lift our daughter and son in law in prayer. They are struggling in their marriage. Please pray that the Lord will meet them right where they are; that He will draw them to Himself as He draws them back to each other.

Additional surgery to remove leg

Continued prayer for Melba as she undergoes more surgery to remove more of her leg this morning.

Prayers for families in Texas

Prayers for all the Families in Texas.
No name given

Back problems – possible surgery

Im Lin Nichols n a member of TRBC! My brother Adam who is 39 has really bad back problems n may need surgery. He has 4 bulging discs n one is touching his spinal cord! Hes been in pain n is very uncomfortable! Hes married with 3 kids!
Adam Nichols

Hospitalized and struggling

Name: Pam Prayer Request: In the hospital struggling with multiple illnesses.

Heart Cath and surgery

on the 27th i am going to have heart catherization followed by surgery on my leaky heart valve.
No name given

Prayer for daughter at college

She is my daughter, a senior in college(out of state) a 21 year old Christian girl who is struggling to navigate a breakup with her boyfriend of 2 years. She is dealing with feelings of not being enough for anyone, lack of confidence, anxiety attacks, anger, etc.
No name given

Surgery to remove foot

Melba had surgery today to remove from her ankle down. Please continue to pray as she has so many things wrong at the moment. Thanking God, He sustained her through the surgery.

Personal prayers and family

please continue to pray for me and for God to give my family guidance. Thank you all at TRBC so much for continuing prayers and God Bless each and everyone.
No name given