February 11, 2018


Read – Job 25-26

What does it say?
Bildad questions how any man can be righteous before God, who has dominion over everything. Job talks about man’s frailty and God’s power over His creation.

What does it mean?
This short exchange between Bildad and Job focuses on the power and majesty of God compared to man’s insignificance. In Bildad’s last words to Job, he tried to convey man’s complete unworthiness to question God’s justice. Job’s sarcastic response conveys how unhelpful Bildad’s words were at such a difficult time. Bildad chose to further humiliate his friend rather than encourage him in his frustration and despair. Job’s response shows an understanding that God’s actions and power are incomprehensible.

How should I respond?
Our view of God is limited. We tend to think of Him in light of our current circumstances. We see God as either loving or just, but it’s difficult to understand that He is both, and so much more. How have your personal experiences skewed your thoughts about God? The best way to broaden your understanding is a commitment to study Scripture daily. Dig into His Word and ask God to reveal truths about Himself. Changing how you view the Lord will change how you see yourself and everyone with whom you come into contact.