Week 14: Exodus 3-4-Moses’ Calling

Moses’ Calling

As a family, read Exodus 3 and 4 together.  Afterwards, share the following discussion.

What happened?

“God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, ‘Moses, Moses!'”

God spoke to Moses from a unique place – a burning bush.  He told Moses about the cruel things that were happening to His people in Egypt.  God heard their cries and wanted to rescue them from the harsh treatment of their slave masters.  So God told Moses to go to Egypt on His behalf.  He wanted Moses to speak to the Egyptian Pharaoh and ask for the release of God’s people. Moses was given the incredible opportunity to represent God and help rescue people who were being treated badly.

But Moses was intimidated by God’s request and was afraid of what might happen to him if he went to Egypt and confronted Pharaoh.  Moses asked God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”  Moses had excuse after excuse for why he couldn’t obey God.  Every time Moses gave God an excuse, God gave Moses an answer to his concern.

Throughout the story God reminded Moses he wasn’t alone.  God said He would go with Moses.  God sent Moses’ brother Aaron to help communicate with Pharaoh.  God showed His power by turning Moses’ staff into a serpent, allowing Moses’ arm to be covered in leprosy, and then healing the disease.  God gave Moses everything he needed to fulfill the mission he’d been given.

Why is this important to us today?

At some point, God will call each of us to do something for Him.  It may be big, like the task He gave Moses, or it may seem small and insignificant. Either way, we have to decide how we’ll respond to God’s call. The things God asks us to do sometimes seem difficult or scary, but we are reminded by the account of Moses that God is with us and will provide us with everything we need to complete the mission.  This should encourage us to be obedient to God’s call on our lives.

Spend a few minutes talking about what you just read by answering these questions together:

What were Moses’ concerns, and how did God address each of these concerns? What would Moses have missed if he had not gone to Egypt as God asked?

How can we better follow God this week?

Think about what God has given your family to do, together and as individuals. What opportunities do you each have to serve God and help others? Have each person share his or her concerns about fulfilling God’s call. What part seems difficult or scary? Discuss these concerns and how God might help your family members accomplish the calling placed on their lives. How has God already provided something you need to fulfill the mission you’ve been given? This week, look for ways to encourage each other to be obedient to God’s call. Close your time together by praying for the concerns each family member shared.