Week 26: Whom should I serve?

So far, Family Time has taught us a lot about how to love God and love people. Now we have to take what we’ve learned and put our faith into action. Are you ready to discover whom we should serve?

Be ready to read the following passages:

Let’s start it.

Talk about what you’ve learned from Family Time so far this year. How has it helped you to love God and love people more?

Let’s learn it.

Everything we’ve talked about in Family Time so far this year has led to this – serving. In week seven we learned that the Holy Spirit gives every follower of Christ at least one spiritual gift. Look at Ephesians 4:11-13 as a reminder of how to use those gifts.

One of the most practical ways we can truly love our brothers and sisters in Christ is to serve one another. Serving is as simple as sharing your God-given abilities to help another believer or to help your church. There are lots of ways to use each spiritual gift in everyday practical ways. If you have the gift of hospitality, for instance, you can take a meal to a sick friend or host a life group in your home.

But serving the family of God is more than helping one another; we also serve together in the common goal of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So using the gift of hospitality to carry a meal to an unbelieving neighbor is serving – if it’s done in the name of Jesus. Being a greeter for your class, department, or at the main doors of the church is also serving. A welcoming smile can make a huge difference to visitors and members alike.

Serving the body of Christ extends beyond your local church family. An interesting thing happens when you choose to serve people in need. Check it out in Matthew 25:34-40.

When Jesus lived on Earth, He related to people with great needs. As He met their physical needs, they turned to Him for their spiritual needs as well. When we follow His example – to serve those with the greatest needs – we are actually serving Him! You see, helping people opens the door to share the Gospel of Christ. Someone once said, “They don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Think about that … it’s difficult for hungry or cold people to focus on what you’re saying about Jesus. However, if you give them food or blankets in the name of Jesus and then tell them how much He loves them, those same people will likely listen to every word.

So what’s the answer to, “Whom should I serve?” Ultimately, we serve the Lord. You can serve Him each and every day by helping members of the body of Christ, His church, and the least in His kingdom. You can even spark the interest of those outside the body of Christ by meeting their needs in His name.

Let’s discuss it.

  1. As a family, come up with practical ways you can use your talents and abilities to serve other believers as well as your church family as a whole.
  2. How does your church help people in need? Discuss which of these programs or events your family can participate in at various times throughout the year.

Let’s do it.

There are all kinds of ways to serve your church family, help fellow believers, and help people in need. Think about the things that you are especially good at doing. If you love to sort and organize, then talk to a life group leader in children’s ministry. There’s always plenty to do there! What other ideas did members of your family come up with in Let’s discuss it that you plan to put into action?

As you read God’s Word this week, look for the Holy Spirit to guide you about where and whom you should serve. Look for ways to bless your family, neighbors, and community with your gifts and abilities. Let’s all commit to serving as Christ modeled for us to do.