Week 39: Matt. 21-Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and Cleansing of the Temple

Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and Cleansing of the Temple

As a family, read Matthew 21 together. Afterwards, share the following discussion.

What happened?

About two million people were in the area around Jerusalem for Passover. Jesus and his disciples had been together for about three years. By this time, Jesus was really well known in the area, and many knew of His teachings and miracles. On this particular day, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Many of those people who were in Jerusalem for the Passover celebration began to lay tree branches as well as their coats on the road before Him as He made His way through the streets of Jerusalem. As Jesus passed through the crowds, people shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” The word Hosanna is a Hebrew word that means, “Save us now!” The people seemed to recognize that Jesus was a special person, but their later actions show that they didn’t truly understand Who He was or what He had come to do.

Almost as quickly as the celebration started, it ended. When Jesus arrived at the temple, you would think that there would be shouts of joy. But when Jesus entered the temple area, He encountered a group of men called moneychangers. These men were “religious” leaders who took advantage of people who needed to purchase sacrifices for the Passover celebration. Jesus was so angry that the worship of God had become a business that He flipped over tables and ran the money changers out of the temple.

Jesus entered Jerusalem on this particular day to reveal Himself as the long-awaited Messiah. His triumphal entry into to Jerusalem and the cleansing of the temple were fulfillments of the Old Testament Scriptures. Over the next few days, Jesus healed many blind and crippled people, but the Jewish leaders became more jealous and afraid. They tried to find a way to have Him arrested. Many of those who had praised Him when He entered Jerusalem earlier in the week now chose to stand with those leaders who rejected Jesus. However, God was going to use everything that happened to accomplish His plan of salvation for the world.

Why is this important to us today?

The moneychangers and Jewish religious leaders didn’t really know or love God. The moneychangers used their religious leadership positions in the temple to take advantage of others and make themselves rich. Jesus reminded them that God’s house was to be a place of prayer. It’s sad to see how the Jewish leaders turned against Jesus and rejected the Messiah of their own Scriptures! Their hearts were so far away from God that they couldn’t recognize Him when He stood in front of them.

Many people today who hear that Jesus is the Son of God still choose not to believe or receive Him as their Savior. When He entered the temple, He looked around and saw clearly what was going on. Jesus can also see what’s going on in our lives. When you receive Christ, you become a temple of the Holy Spirit who gives you the ability to trust and obey God’s Word.

Spend a few minutes talking about what you just read by answering these questions together:

1. What are some things you’ve learned about Jesus by reading this passage?

2. What examples should you follow or not follow from this story?

How can we better follow God this week?

God wants us to keep our hearts clean so we can understand what He says to us from His Word, the Bible. Talk about changes that each of you should make to keep your temple – your heart – clean. How can you use your temple as a place to pray for yourself and for others?

Jesus came to provide a way for our sins to be forgiven and to give us eternal life with Him. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and only Savior of the world? Have you chosen to become a follower of Christ?