Week 42: What is the fruit of the Spirit?

Making a list is a good way to help you remember something. Recently, Family Time explored a few lists found in Scripture. What list of do’s and don’ts did God give to Moses? That’s right – the Ten Commandments. The last two weeks we’ve looked at lists of sinful attitudes and behaviors that belong to our old nature, and we started learning about a list of words that describe our new nature in Christ. But what exactly is the fruit of the Spirit? Let’s take a closer look.

Be ready to read the following passages:

Let’s start it.

What kind of list have you made or used lately? How did it help you?

Let’s learn it.

We all need lists from time to time, don’t we? A list for groceries or school supplies helps you to buy exactly what’s needed, and a list of chores helps you to get things done. God’s lists, however, aren’t just checklists. The lists in the Bible warn us about the dangers of sin and guide us so we can please God. Ask a family member to read the list in Galatians 5:22-23 to see which qualities God considers important.

The fruit of the Spirit sums up the character qualities that every follower of Christ should have because they are character traits that He has. Those nine words are like a measuring stick to show us which things we need to work on in order to be more like Christ.

What interesting phrase is at the end of verse 23? There is no law against acting like Jesus! Can you imagine anyone passing a law against being kind or loving? Man made laws might try to limit when and where you can pray or talk about God, but you can be a powerful witness for Christ by displaying His character wherever you are. In order to act like Jesus, we need to think like Jesus. What does 1 Corinthians 2:16 tell us about how to do that?

As a follower of Jesus, you have His mind because you have His Spirit living within you. You see, it’s impossible to act like Jesus by simply trying to be good on your own; you develop the character traits in Galatians 5:22-23 by listening to the Holy Spirit speak to your heart and then following His instructions.

Let’s discuss it.

  1. Put on your thinking caps! What examples of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control do you remember from people in the Bible?
  2. Take turns sharing ways that members of your family can show the fruit of the Spirit this week.

Let’s do it.

Why do we make lists? They help us to remember – right? Some lists are so important that they should be committed to memory – especially God’s lists. Try this – write each fruit of the Spirit on index cards or sticky notes and place them where every member of the family will see them throughout the week. Make an effort to memorize all nine qualities before next week’s family devotion time. You may find it easier to remember them by separating them into three groups of three words.

When you memorize Scripture, God can bring it back to your memory at just the right time. For instance, when someone makes you angry, the fruit of the Spirit reminds you to be patient and keep your emotions under control. Then you can respond the way that Jesus would respond. Will you demonstrate His character this week?