Week 7: How can I help?

Last week we learned that each believer is part of the body of Christ with a job to do. Did you know there are so many ways that we can help our community of believers? This week we’re going to talk about how we can make a huge difference in the lives of others if we decide to jump in and be an active part of the body of Christ.

Be ready to read the following passages:

Let’s start it.

Have each person name things that other family members are especially good at doing. Don’t be shy; now is the time to brag on each other!

Let’s learn it.

At the moment of salvation, the Holy Spirit gives every follower of Christ at least one spiritual gift. These gifts are not natural talents – they are special abilities that the Spirit of God gives us. He also gives us the skills and strength to use those gifts to do God’s work. Go ahead and open your Bibles or follow the link to Romans 12:4-8 and Ephesians 4:11-13. This is a great opportunity to learn to find passages in the Bible.

There are speaking gifts, and there are serving gifts. It’s a little easier to spot some of the speaking gifts; many of those people are often in front of others. For example, God gives us evangelists, pastors, and teachers with the ability to clearly explain what the Bible means. They help us to grow in Jesus and prepare us to serve each other in the church. Some believers with speaking gifts might not be quite as visible, like those who quietly speak encouraging words to the people around them.

The serving gifts are a little harder to see. Just think of all the people who work behind the scenes to help with your student and children’s ministries, or think of the people who make it possible for your pastor to preach each week. Others give generously to mission work and to people in need. That doesn’t mean that only people with the gift of giving should give or that only those with the gift of encouraging should ever encourage. It just means that those things are easier for them to do, so they should work hard to use their gifts as God directs them. Ask a family member to read 1 Peter 4:10-11 to discover the purpose of spiritual gifts.

Your spiritual gifts are meant to help the family of God and bring praise to Jesus Christ. Each member of the body of Christ needs the other members to fulfill his or her purpose. When the people in your church use their spiritual gifts to cheerfully minister to the other members, the body of Christ is healthy and the Lord is honored.

Let’s discuss it.

  1. As we discussed last week, different parts of the human body are connected with roles in the church (for example, mouth suggests teachers and preachers). As a family, try to match parts of the body and roles in the church with the spiritual gifts listed in today’s Bible passages (Romans 12:4-8, Ephesians 4:11-13, and 1 Peter 4:10-11).
  2. What spiritual gifts do you think members of your family have been given?

Let’s do it.

It’s very important to use your spiritual gifting in the power of the Holy Spirit. You will draw attention to yourself rather than to Jesus when you try to use your gift(s) without God’s help. Since God gave you the gift, He will also help you to use it with humility and to appreciate the spiritual gifts of others. How can you use your gifts to contribute to your community of believers this week?