December 2, 2018

 For Unto You… A Son is Given
December 2, 2018
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



There are probably not too many older adults who aren’t familiar with The Farmer’s Almanac or The Old Farmer’s Almanac, all studying predictions for weather, planting, moon cycles and more. Can anyone share a current use or a memory? Do you remember if most were correct?

We are now in the wonderful, awe-inspiring, Christmas season, counting down the days with our children or loved ones until December 25. We Christians will celebrate the gift of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who came into the world to save, through His death on the cross at Calvary, those who are spiritually lost. Today we will look at Old Testament prophecies for God’s promises of a Savior for mankind. When Jesus Christ was born, the OT prophecies regarding a coming Messiah had been fulfilled, which could only have been done by the true Son of God.



The Coming Enemy of Satan:

  • Read Genesis 3:15. Why is there a difference in the small letter “s” referring to Satan, and the capital “S” for the woman’s Seed? Who was the Seed?
  • How did this first prophecy of the coming of a Savior say He would give the serpent a mortal wound? How was this scripture fulfilled at the cross?
  • Read Isa. 53:10. What does this verse prophecy? How was it fulfilled?
  • Read Galatians 3:16 and John 3:16. In these promises, how was God’s plan for salvation to be through one means, and only one?

The Coming Blessing:

  • Read Gen. 22:18. Who was God talking to? How would all nations be blessed through the Jewish nation?
  • What does His blessing mean to you personally?
  • Read John 1:28-30. What did John mean when he said that the Lamb of God was “before him”?

The Coming Ruler:

  • Read Isaiah 9:6-7. This was written about 700 years before Jesus was born. After Isaiah prophesied this Messianic promise, what type of ruler did the people look for during those 700 years? What would you have looked for?
  • Read Numbers 22:14. How did this fulfill the prophecy by Isaiah?
  • What is a scepter?

The Coming Presence:

  • Read Isaiah 7:14. Someone describe the OT ritual of atonement for sins. What do you know about the functions of the High Priest? What type of relationship did the people have with God in Genesis-Malachi?
  • Read Matt. 1:18-23. Although they were told that Immanuel means “God with us,” why would it have been incredibly hard for the orthodox Jews to understand that He would indwell the hearts of His children?
  • Read Joshua 1:5 and Nehemiah 9:19. The nation of Israel had had reminders that God had been with them through the wilderness. How is that a reassurance that He will never leave nor forsake you, even when you are in some type of “wilderness”?

The Coming Hope:

  • Read Isaiah 11:1-5. What are the Spirits that would be upon the Messiah? Are             there any of those qualities that you have a problem with? Can you share and discuss?
  • Read Psa. 33:18 and Rom. 8:23-25. What can happen to you that you can’t find the answer for, in Jesus Christ? Is He your hope?





What comes to your mind when you hear that you who are saved are actually indwelt with the Spirit of God? Not only do you have Him as “God with [you]” but no matter your circumstances, your troubles, your pain, or even through death, He will never leave you nor forsake you! When He has made a promise, He will not break His word.

We have no idea how blessed we are to live with the Word of God, which we can pick up and read, study, research prophecies and commit to memory! The words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 13:17 helps us understand those OT times better as He said, “17 for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.” We need to take this special time of ending 2018 to search our hearts for shallow faith, sin, or any other thing that needs to be repented of and put behind us. If you have loved ones who feel that Jesus was only a “good” person, sit down with them and show them the Old Testament scriptures that rightly predict the Messiah, and remind them there is no human possibility of fulfilling the amount of prophecies that Jesus Christ did, except through the life of the true Son of God (see Luke 24:27 or Luke 24:13-27). And now He has adopted us as His children, as we wait for the day when we will join Him in heaven. Hopefully, the mere thought excites you!

KEY VERSE: “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His Name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6.