January 13, 2019

 The Bible by Jesus
January 13, 2019
Dr. Elmer Towns



Did you ever read a book and wish you could have the author there walking you through the narrative? Imagine reading about someone’s life and having that person sitting right beside you! Who would you choose? Why?

Today we will look at the Bible from the perspective with Jesus as the narrator. Try to think in terms of Jesus relating events in the first person. Dr. Towns in his new book “The Bible by Jesus” says that narration  of the“23rd Psalm could start out something like “I am your shepherd who takes care of your needs. I will lead you into green meadows of life where you can rest by peaceful waters. I will restore your inner strength.”




Results of Christ talking through the scriptures

  • Listen to learn from Jesus. If you were the two whom Jesus met on the road to Emmaus, how would you relate the experience? Will someone in the group volunteer to do this?
  • The Bible motivates you to follow Jesus – Mark 1:17. Imagine Jesus explaining “As I walked by the sea of Galilee I saw fishermen… come be My disciples. I’ll make you fishers of men”. If Christ Himself said that to you, what would you do?
  • Jesus explains the scriptures to you. What would it be like to have Christ say “Then I began with Moses and taught My way through the prophets and explained to them all the passages in the scriptures about Myself. “(Luke 24:27). Would that change your perspective? What was it like for the two disciples? (Luke 24:32). Discuss how you would feel.
  • Jesus moves you to dedicate your heart and body. “Dedicate your body to My Father as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him. This is the first and best spiritual worship you can give, Let me transform your thinking” (Romans 12:1-2).
  • Jesus convicts you to see sin in your life and repent. Have you ever heard someone point out the wrongdoing of another, and you know that the one doing the pointing has so much wrong with their own life? Have you ever done that? What would it be like to have Jesus look at you and say ”If you haven’t committed sin, go ahead and accuse” like he did in John 8:6-9. Discuss
  • Jesus converts. In John 5:39-40, Christ speaks of searching the scriptures and that in them those listening THINK they have eternal life, but they don’t because they are not willing to come to Christ as the only one who holds the key to eternal life. What are some common misconceptions as to how one gets to spend eternity with Christ? What is the ONLY way for that to happen? See John 14:6 to know Jesus says about this.
  • Jesus teaches us how to pray. In Matt 7:7-8, He tells us to ask in prayer and it will be given to us. The rest of that passage through VS 12 talks about receiving. There is more to consider in James 4:2,3. Often we do not receive because we don’t ask. How much time do you spend daily in meaningful prayer (do not include meal-time prayer?
  • Jesus tells us He wants a relationship with us. In Luke 10:39-42, Jesus talks about Mary having chosen spending time with Him as being the good part. Discuss this in your group. Are things distracting you from spending the “good part” of your day with Christ?
  • Seeing Jesus moves us to worship. Read Rev 5:6-7, 11-14, When should we worship?




There are many passages in the Bible where Jesus is speaking in the first person. In those areas where he isn’t, try to picture what it would be like if he is. It will transform your life by making it more personal to you instead of reading the scriptures as though it were third person only.

Let God speak to you through this experiment. He is the Author. He has promised to give understanding if you ask for it, and He will be pleased to see you are trying to comprehend His Word in different ways. Use what you learn to change your life in such a way that God will use you to reach out to others.