March 10, 2019

Love In Action : Love and Lead like a Man
March 10, 2019
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Some folks can enter a room and within seconds be engaged in talking, encouraging, shaking hands, enjoying and loving the fellowship. Others can enter a room, and many will go out of their way to avoid crossing their path. What makes the difference? Can you give an example?

Recently we have looked at the awesome word “love,” as we try to view it with God’s eyes. We have looked at how to put it into action. “Love” is not a passive word that indicates we sit, watching tv or playing video games all day. It is an action word, as we interact with others, loving them enough to lead them to Jesus. Men, especially, are called to be leaders in this area, beginning with their families. Today we continue to see how God desires men to love and lead.

Key Verses: 1 Timothy 5:8: But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Focal Passages: 1 Kings 2:1-4; 1 Timothy 3:1-7.




  • Read 1 Tim. 3:1-7. Although Paul was writing to Timothy concerning the church, why is this applicable to all leaders? Does verse 5 underscore this?
  • In verse 2a, what does “blameless” mean to you?
  • Why does blameless not mean sinless?
  • What are the necessary steps to take immediately if sin enters your life by word, thought, or action?


  • In verse 2b, what can be the modern translation for “husband of one wife”?
  • What are ways spouses must remain pure by taking special precautions in today’s world?
  • Read 1 Cor. 6:18. Everyone probably knows someone who is enslaved by some sexual sin. What are some ways you could suggest that might help?


  • In verses 2 and 3, there are synonyms for calm; what are they? What are examples of calmness showing your family or co-workers that you have Christ living in you? What do some of these words mean to you personally?
  • Read Prov.17:14 and 20:3. How do these two verses reinforce God’s attitude toward being calm, rather than quarrelsome?
  • How do you avoid a quarrel, or avoid being combative?



  • Paul further admonishes men to be of “good behavior” and “not given to wine.” Does anyone recall Pastor Jonathan’s words regarding these verses?
  • In this day, when drinks of a non-alcoholic variety are readily available (as opposed to the water during the first several millennium), what are some reasons someone who is a Christ-follower would choose to drink alcohol?
  • If it is so unimportant in your life that you can quit any time, why don’t you?


  • Paul says men are not to be greedy for money, nor covetous. How can a person be poor, yet be greedy? Why is covetousness a sin before God?
  • If you are always running after things (or money), how can you be running after God?


  • Read verse 7. What do you consider to be a “good” testimony? You must have some idea of what others say about you—can you share any of what your testimony among your friends is like?
  • In the opening, what is the difference when someone enters a room, ready to love on the people, while others are consumed by their own problems?
  • How can you make being godly your greatest goal?



If you’re a wife in this study, you may be looking at all the areas where your husband falls short! That is not Paul’s reason to write these qualifications for a leader. Today’s churches have so many Bible Studies, Women’s Groups, Mom Ministries and more, that women are often leaders among the ladies of the church as well: they, too, need to meet these qualification as they teach and lead. However, the bigger issue is laid forth in 1 Tim. 3:5, where he instructs the men to lay aside leadership if they are not following the same godly role at home. So often men think nothing of having anger issues, long working hours, or satisfying addictions that are hidden behind closed doors, while showing up at church as Mr. Saint. Paul says, no! Lead at home, have your children in happy, obedient lifestyles, a wife who is fulfilled as the mother of the children and as your spouse, and if such is the case, leadership at church can follow.

The best we can desire is men who would have the hunger to follow Jesus wherever He leads, love their wives as Christ loved the church, and have loving children. Let your family know they are the most important thing in your life after God. It should be God first, family second, and the church and ministries after that. We often get it upside down, with church duties before family, possibly having church meetings almost every night, leaving the wife and children on their own. The successful husbands and fathers will tell you, by example or counsel, how to lead in the church.  Listen to them and let them help you to be a man of love and leadership!