April 14, 2024


April 14, 2024

Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Many questions can be answered by the parable in today’s focal passage. As we mentioned last week, Jesus told parables often, for they were a way to illustrate a lesson in story form. These parables were given alongside a truth from Jesus to help the common people know or understand by using examples they were very familiar with. In this story of a wheat field, we see a picture of good and evil coexisting in the world. Yet for the Christian, we have a requirement to live a holy life in a mixed-up world. We see pain and suffering resulting because of fallen mankind. Please join us as we go deeper into this time of study, for—as we will see—Jesus promises victory to the one who perseveres.

Focal Passages: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43.

THE PLAYING FIELD:                                                                                                                                             

The Sower = Jesus                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  • Read Matt. 13:24,36-37. What is the subject Jesus is speaking about in this parable? Why did He often use stories referring to soil, sowing, or reaping? Who is the one who is the Sower? What did Jesus “sow” when He was among men? What are some examples of His sowing the gospel?

The Field = The World                                                                                                                           

  • Read Matt. 13:38a. What was the field? What exactly did He mean by “the world”? Has the world changed any since Adam and Eve were put out of the Garden of Eden? Can you think of some examples of how the world has remained the same since the creation of man?

The Good Seeds = Believers

  • Read verse 38b. Who did the good seeds represent? Why do you think the disciples had to ask these questions? Do you think the “common people” understood it without being told? Why have believers been sown in the world? Is that as true today as it was when Noah, Abraham, Jacob, David or the apostles lived? What Scriptures can you cite as an example for your answer?

The Tares = Unbelievers

  • Read verses 25 and 38c. Who do the tares represent? Does anyone recall the term for the actual word that meant tare? What did they look almost identical to? As you stand at the door of the church on Sunday morning, are you able to pick out the “darnels” from the “wheat”? Why? Can you tell who are the counterfeits?

The Enemy = Satan

  • Read verse 39a. Who is the enemy of Jesus Christ? Why is he not only the enemy of Jesus, but also our enemy? Read Jn. 10:10. What does he want to do to us?

The Harvest = Future Judgment

  • Read vv. 26-30, 39b-40. Why does the Sower not allow the tares to be pulled out? What has happened to the roots of both the wheat and tares as they have grown in the same field? Why is it so important to keep separate from the world while we are here, keeping our hearts connected to Christ?

The Reapers = Angels

  • Read vv. 30 and 39c. Who are the Reapers? Why didn’t the Sower allow the servants to take out the tares? How is that played out in churches that desire those who object to aspects of worship (music, etc.) to be asked to leave?

THE GAME:                                                                                                                                                         

The Present Day

  • Read vv. 26-27. For every facet of the church, Satan has created a counterfeit. What are some examples that would not have been present even 100 years ago?

THE END of the GAME:                                                

Victory Belongs to Him

  • Read vv. 40-43. Will Christian believers be destroyed? What will happen to the tares? What will be the result for the Christians?

TAKE AWAYS:                 

“OUR RESPONSE”                                                                                                                                   

1) Be sure which category describes you: the wheat or the tare.                                                                                                                                                     

2) Live as light within a world of darkness.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

3) Strive to be more like Christ every single day, praying, “Make me more like You.”                                                                                

4) Do your best to introduce as many people to Christ as possible.                                                                               


Please–give serious thought to the first “Take Away” above as you study them. Nearly everyone at some point in their life has a doubt, wondering if they’re really saved. If you are in doubt, then you are alive and able to take care of the issue at this moment! Make certain! Do not let Satan lead you astray. Be a light to your family, friends and community. Pray each day that God makes you more like Him and strive to be holy, as He is holy. Then go out and evangelize your world.

By Sandy Day

April 14, 2024