April 17, 2022


April 17, 2022

Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Having something turn from a crisis of nightmare proportions into a reason to be joyful is one of the great life occurrences, isn’t it? Can someone share an example?

This past week Christians around the world celebrated the passion of Jesus Christ and His victory over death two thousand years ago. Sometime during that third day, His lifeless body, which had been beaten, crucified, and put into a tomb before the hour of the Sabbath, began to renew itself. His heart began beating again by His own power, given Him by the Father, as He came to life again (John 10:18) and walked out of the tomb, alive forevermore! That is what the Bible calls the Resurrection Power! Long hours before, the loving disciples watched as their dying hero hung on a Roman cross, their emotions in torment as King Herod, Pontius Pilate, and the religious leaders of the Jews tried to squash the Nazarene whom people were calling the Messiah. Filled with Satan’s power, the evil ones watched to be certain He was dead and buried. Yet Sunday morning dawned and with the morning came renewed hope that the world has celebrated since that first Resurrection Day.

The Pain of Waiting

  • Read Matt. 26:36-38. After the Passover had been eaten, Jesus and His disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane. Who were those who were aware that there was going to be much pain endured over the next few days? Did Jesus call upon His Deity to escape the pain or was He in agony in the Garden?
  • Read Matt. 27:36-44 and Luke 23:47-49 silently. Who were the different groups of people watching Jesus on the cross? How did each group react? If you had been watching at this time, how would you have been feeling?
  • On that Sunday morning, Jesus showed He has power over and above any that mankind has. How has Jesus said that He is willing to share that power with you?
  • As you think over the past years of your life, can you recall circumstances when the waiting and pain were so very great, due to an uncertain outcome?

The Uncertainty of Our Circumstances

  • Read Mark 16:2-3. What were the women heading to the tomb for? What was their main concern?
  • Why would the women be concerned about the weight of the stone at the tomb? Where were the men?
  • Why can few of us relate to the turmoil the friends were going through?
  • Somehow, it is hard to consider that none of His friends let their minds think about Him coming back from the dead. Why is that?
  • Do we have the same type of concerns when we are in a problem? Why do we fixate on concerns of the moment, rather than the big picture?

The Surprise of the Unexpected

  • Read Mark 16:4. Have you ever heard that about 95% of what we worry about never happens? How does that stand up to this passage?
  • We have no idea whether Jesus moved the stones, or if angels did. He could have spoken the words, as in Genesis! What are some miracles you recall that happened without fanfare while Jesus was ministering? If we needed to know who had moved the stone, wouldn’t God have included it?
  • Read 1 Cor. 15:3-8. How do you think these people reacted to the risen Lord?
  • Are we surprised when God answers our prayers? Why is that?

The Promise of the Miraculous

  • Read Mark 16:5-6. What was the significance of the long, white robe? How many times during the life of Jesus can you think of angelic beings having interaction on His behalf? What about other instances throughout Scripture? Were the people nearly always afraid?
  • There has not been one promise in prophecy that has not been fulfilled on time. In John 14:2-4 is there any reason not to believe that Jesus will come again, just as He promised? Have you made preparations for your soul when He returns?


This is such a day of jubilee for the church of Jesus Christ! There are about 4,200 religions on the earth, but there is no other religion where the founder was dead, buried, and yet lives again. Not only did Jesus come out of the grave under His own power, but He was seen by those who had followed Him so very closely, by His family, and at one time, by over five hundred people, who, as Luke wrote in Acts, were mostly still alive! One has to wonder since His brothers had mocked Him openly while He was ministering, what He said to James, that James immediately threw himself into full-time ministry!

Do you think about Heaven often? How can you not? It is almost as if you know for sure, while you are married, that you will retire to a perfect place where you’ve always wanted to live. You prepare as much as possible, dream about it, talk with others about how excited you are… Is that how you feel about going to your heavenly home?

As Pastor Falwell spoke today, every promise Jesus made has come true (in it’s correct time frame). His birth was foretold, the town was foretold, and He came, born in a stable in Bethlehem. He did not come as a full-size adult male who would lead Israel against Rome, but as a tiny King in a manger. He foretold His followers about His death, and it happened. He told them He would rise again, and it happened. He has told us that He has gone to prepare a place, and will come back and get us—it hasn’t happened yet, but there is no doubt that it will occur at the right time. He has never lied, will never lie, and what He says, He says by the word of God.

It is imperative that people choose, while they “it is today,” where they will spend eternity. One day it will be too late. Don’t put off your soul’s eternal future. Decide while you are able!