August 15, 2021


August 15, 2021

Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Have some of you done any cold call selling (life insurance, books, etc.)? Did you find it becoming easier each time? Can you share your experience?

This week we finished the book of Acts, seeing the early church grow amidst persecution, and meeting Saul of Tarsus (whom God called Paul), breathing fire as a Pharisee against the followers of Jesus. He met the risen Lord, who transformed him from someone with an evil heart to a man with a passion to win his world for Christ. As we continue through the next several books, we will read his letters to many of the early believers, as the gospel began to spread. Paul’s passion was to bring Gentiles to follow Christ and experience a changed life. Today we focus on Romans 1, letting its power transform our lives as we follow Him.

Focal Passage: The Book of Romans, Romans 1.

            Paul’s purpose explained

  • Read Romans 1:1-2. What were the “credentials” Paul wrote as his greeting to witness what Christ had done for him? Read Galatians 1:13, 15-17. Did Paul’s previous lifestyle cling to his reputation even after his conversion? What did the word “doulos (servant)” mean, and what did it say to that culture?
  • Read Rom. 1:3-4. Paul gives a concise description of Jesus Christ. What do you see as you read these brief verses? Was Paul summarizing the whole gospel?
  • Read verses 5-6. What does Paul say his responsibility became when he was saved? Who else does he say has this same responsibility?
  • After God saved you, were (are) there still people who would bring up your past sins if the occasion permits? How do you handle it?

Paul’s passion explained

  • Read Romans 1:16-17. These verses contain the most important statement that can be made about the Gospel of Jesus Christ: what is it?
  • What is meant by the statement “ashamed of the gospel”? What are some ways you might feel you have some hesitation about sharing the gospel? How can you get past the feelings that hold you back from sharing? How is that like selling?
  • Who does Paul say the gospel should be presented to? Would that include groups like politicians who are the opposition, neighbors who dislike you, co-workers who are jealous of your ability, wicked rulers? Who else?
  • What happens when we share the gospel? As we prepare our hearts to be able to witness, what happens to our faith? What does Paul mean when he writes “the righteous [or just] shall live by faith” (quoting Habakkuk 2:4)?
  • How have you lived your life by faith?

The world’s desperation explained

  • Read Romans 1:28. As a reminder, who is Paul referring to as “they”? What did they do? What was God’s ultimate action?
  • Read verses 29-31. What does these groups of people remind you of? How much of this do you see in the news, in the movies, or on social media every day in our world? How bad is it really?
  • Read verse 32a. What happens to these persons?
  • Read verse 32b. What is a second group that is just as responsible as the sinner? Think about the education a child in your family-or extended family-may be receiving. What danger lies in the mandates they must “approve” that is being given to all who participate in grave sins? How can they overcome toleration?
  • Do you ever let Satan convince you that perhaps you have sinned beyond what God forgives? How do you handle these thoughts when they surface?

 God’s love explained

  • Read Romans 6:23. What is the bad news? What is the great news? Why, then, will only a few accept God’s free gift? What are they afraid of?
  • What do you see as the biggest problem affecting our nation at this time? What do you think is the biggest problem in the church?
  • What would happen if each Christ-follower sincerely and lovingly shared the gospel with one person each week, month, or year?
  • Could you commit yourself to share your faith this year?


We tend to put Paul on a pedestal for his enormous passion for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, and his constant efforts at growing the church of Jesus Christ. Yet times have not changed—or if they have, they have perhaps gotten worse due to technology. Sin of any sort is at our fingertips instantly these days.

Do we feel we cannot make a difference because we are only one person? Then head to your local church and find others who have the same concern! One thing that can be learned by younger people is that if you have a thought, others also have thought it. If you have a burden, it is also on the back or shoulders of someone else. Let it be known through social media that you are looking for someone to witness with, do Bible study, fellowship…whatever it is you need or feel a passion for, there will be others who share it. Groups formed to help take care of the needs of the church was one of the first areas of service in the early church.

If you can’t leave your house, get a list of missionaries, and write a note of thanks to them for their work. We still have paper, pens, and stamps! If you cannot do anything physical, then grow yourself a prayer garden. The excuse for doing nothing is the lifestyle that has gotten our country where it is today. It’s past time for the church to work!