August 21, 2022


  August 21, 2022

    Pastor Jonathan Falwell

In many areas of life—work, marriage, DIY projects, etc.—we can begin with enthusiasm but soon lose our zeal! Why is this a potential problem?

John, the last apostle alive, was in his nineties and offensive to many for his dedication to seeing Christianity grow. After he had been saved from a death of being boiled in oil, he was sentenced to exile on the Isle of Patmos, where he was given visions by Jesus Christ as to what the future would entail. These visions are the Book of Revelation. It had been nearly half a century since Jesus had been resurrected and returned to Heaven. What was so important that John had to write it down? Today’s church needs to know the content of what John saw, as they realize Jesus has total control over the events of the future.

Focal Passage: Revelation 2:1-5

Jesus is watching

  • Read Rev. 2:1b-2a. What did John witness Jesus doing as He prepared to give John the letters to the seven churches? What tense did the verbs in these verses indicate? What was significant about the lampstands?
  • How did Jesus provide us proof that He was in control of everything that was happening in the churches? Is He still as present and active as when John saw Him? How do you know?
  • Read Psa. 139:7-12. Is the truth in this passage still applicable to us today? How does Christianity differ from all other religions? Does this bring you encouragement or does it scare you?

Our faith must be complete

  • Read verses 2-4a. From the letters of 1, 2, and 3 John, what do you recall had been happening in the church at Ephesus? In this letter in Revelation, what was the church doing that Jesus commended them for? Which one of the compliments seemed to imply Jesus was speaking of the Agnostics?
  • Were the Christians at Ephesus doing good things? Did they seem to have a good grasp of running the church? Why would He care that they were off track?
  • What about us—is Jesus just as concerned for the churches in our day as He was those of the first century? How does He issue warnings today when things are out of control in the church?

Love really does matter

  • Why was Jesus not satisfied with the number of programs and activities that were taking up the time of these believers? What have always been the two greatest commandments? Why was it not okay for the Ephesian church to let either of these commandments slide? (Read Matt. 22:40).
  • What had originally been their goal, which had become lost in the busyness of their activities? How do you know what the goal had been?
  • Was it too late for them to turn themselves around? Where did they need to put their hearts again?

Let’s do it right, before it’s too late

  • Read verse 4. Why was Jesus giving them the opportunity to make things right by sending this letter to Ephesus?
  • Read verse 5. What was the first thing He wanted them to focus on? How did He expect them to react? What would happen to them if they did not repent? What was He asking them to do?
  • What would He say in a letter to you as you are serving in the church?


You can well imagine that the elders and the church body at Ephesus felt pretty proud as someone stood up front and started reading this letter from Jesus Christ! He had actually singled them out, commending them hugely for the work going on in their church. Then the “but…” came. Ears became attentive, whispering stopped, and everyone sat in disbelief that He wasn’t totally pleased, and intimately knew exactly what was going on in their church. Some, no doubt, got defensive; others were ashamed; some were sorrowful. The end result was the same: Jesus wanted them to reassess their original goal of winning souls in Ephesus for the kingdom of God, make that their priority, and let the other activities and services come after that.

What about your church? Do you know how to examine your church, just as you examine your own life to see that you are loving more than you did last year, praying more than you did last year, and serving whenever God brings someone to you? We have the Word of God as our guide—final, complete, as 2 Peter 1:2 says, “…His divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.” The Word of God will convict us, help us get and keep things in perspective, and furnish us with His will. He has made certain we have everything we need in order to have a life pleasing to Him.

Is your church making disciples on a regular basis? Are you seeing children come into the kingdom? Do you have any ministries to the addicted, the homeless, the girls who have gotten pregnant but don’t want to kill their babies, the prisoners, the poor? Are you taking the new believers and discipling them? Once your community is taken care of, and money can be sent to world evangelism, there’s still plenty of time to serve in the food kitchen, collect clothes for the poor, and love the people who cross your path—even if you give them only a smile! Remember what He originally called you to do; repent if you’re not doing it; then go—do it!