August 27, 2023


August 27, 2023

Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Surely if you have been a believer very long, you’ve gone through a series of mental questions as to why the OT saints chose to sin! Why did Adam and Eve eat of the forbidden fruit? Why did they choose to sin? Why did Noah’s sons choose to sin when they got out of the ark? Why did David choose to sin with Bathsheba? It all comes down to “Free Will,” doesn’t it? God did not make us to be robots, worshiping Him because—like AI—we cannot do otherwise; He created us with a free will that chooses to worship Him because we love Him. One day, when the earth has fulfilled its purpose, we will live in a new heaven and a new earth where there is no more pain, no more sin, no more death. Will you choose to love God and go there? It’s your choice.

Focal Passage: Genesis-Revelation.

Creation and the Fall of Man:

  • In Gen. 1:2, how did God describe creation? What are some of the ways you would describe the world at that time? Was man created for life or for death? What was the curse on Adam and Eve in Gen. 3:22-24? Did anyone force any of the saints to sin?
  • Read Gen. 6:5-8. By this time, what had the people of the world chosen to worship? Was it possible some people could have chosen to be saved during the years it took Noah to build the ark? Read Rev. 22:17. Even after the Tribulation, until the moment it is all over, will God still offer grace and say “Come”? Read Gen. 11:4. After the flood, what did the people continue to choose in their free will? What did they want the tower for?
  • Read Gen. 12:2-3. Finally, God chose a man to begin a nation; who was it, and why? What was the result over the next three hundred years? How long did Israel stay in Egypt as slaves? Who led them out of Egypt? What was Moses like?
  • Over the next thousand years, what was Israel’s history like? What were they expecting?

The Messiah and Daniel’s Prophecy:

  • Besides Gen. 3, who were two men who first spoke of a Messiah coming? Who else prophesied of Him? What were people looking for in the coming Messiah?
  • Read Dan. 9:24-27. In this passage, how long was a “week”? After the 62 weeks when “Messiah was cut off,” what is happening now, until the final week when the Tribulation will occur? Can you summarize the seven years of the Great Tribulation?
  • What are some signs that will probably come to pass that would help us realize the end is drawing near? (Why is Babylon being rebuilt? Why is the Euphrates drying up? Will the Temple need to be rebuilt?)

The Life of the Messiah:

  • What were some of the prophecies about the Messiah, and how did Jesus fulfill them? What was spectacular about His three years of ministry? What are some promises He made?
  • What impacted you the most about His crucifixion? What were some of the most significant accounts given about His resurrection? What command did Jesus give us?
  • Read Acts 1:9-11. After Jesus ascended back to His heavenly Father, what “age” was ushered in? Does the Bible give any hint how long the church age will last?

The Rapture, The Judgment Seat, and The Revelation of Jesus

  • Read 1 Thes. 4:17. What will happen in the Rapture? This will be an extremely silent event; what do people say they are “listening for”? How will Jesus actually come?
  • Read 1 Cor. 5:10. What is the judgment of the saints for? Read 1 Cor. 3:11-15 and James 2:14-17. What is another word for “works”? Read Titus 3:4-6. Do works save you? What does fruit prove?
  • What is the theme of the Book of Revelation? Just as Christ wanted us to know of His coming to earth as Messiah, what is His desire for the Revelations He gave John?

The Tribulation

  • What are some of the signs that will signify that the tribulation has begun? How will people recognize the antichrist? Later, who else comes alongside him to form an “unholy trinity”? How long will he allow Jerusalem to have peace?
  • (Rev. 6-8). How many seals of judgment were opened? Who was the only one who was worthy to open them? About what percent of the population was killed? (Rev. 8-11). How many trumpet judgments were there? How many more people were killed?
  • (Rev. 12-14). What does the unholy trinity do at this time? What happens to the two witnesses? How does antichrist renege on his promise to Israel?

The Great Tribulation

  • (Rev. 15-16). What are some events of the last three and a half years? What happens to those who do not take the mark of the beast? What are some of the 7 bowl judgments?
  • (Rev. 17-19). What happens when the Tribulation ends? What city falls? What war is fought? What will the Euphrates be like? What will happen to Satan and his armies?

The Second Coming

  • Read Rev. 1:7. How will Jesus return? Who will face complete defeat? What follows this scene in Rev. 19:7-9a? What happens to Satan during this Thousand years? To read of Satan’s end, go to Ezek. 28:16-19. The Great White Throne Judgment follows. What is special about that? What four books are opened?


There are only two things to ask: if the Rapture occurs today, will you be left behind? If

you are left behind, will you be following the world during the last 7 years, or evangelizing?


By Sandy Day

August 27, 2023