February 12, 2023


February 12, 2023

Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Today we build further upon the short topics that Jesus Christ addressed while He was preaching the lengthy lesson that has come to be known as “The Sermon on the Mount.” After teaching the people the Beatitudes, He began with subjects that needed refocusing from overt actions to heart attitudes: [you are told to] … but [God’s ideal is]. The topic of giving of one’s money is an area where the attitude of the heart matters as much as the gift, for God wants the giver to have a motive of supplying the needs of another, not to be done for self-glorification or “look what I gave” to God. A sensitive subject for some, but we keep in mind that if His words provoke irritation, there might be a rebuke that needs to be taken to the Savior for cleansing.

Focal Passages: Matthew 6:1-4, 19-34.

The Gift That Gives

· Read Matt. 6:1-4. What is Jesus admonishing against in verse 1? In Scripture, what are some other actions we are told not to do with a motive of receiving praise from men? Why is that a problem? Read Luke 18:9-14. What was the Pharisee looking for? What is the root of the problem when hoping for man’s praise?

· In verse 2, why did Jesus say “when” you do a deed? What was assumed here? What law concerning giving do you see operating here? Who owns everything you have? Why should you be rewarded at all for giving of your resources to serve those in need?

· What are some ways you could be blessed openly by giving according to God’s ideal? Read Proverbs 11:25 and 22:9. What should motivate our giving from the heart?

The Gift That Destroys

· Read Matt. 6:19-24. What are some ways in which we can store up treasures for ourselves? What are some of our treasures? Are there things in your home you feel would completely devastate you to lose to a thief? What are some?

· Do you have things in your home that you are holding until you hear of a need? What are some of those? Have you taken steps to let people know they are available?

· Can anyone honestly say they spend no time worrying about their treasures? Meanwhile, are you trying to accumulate more of the same? Have you examined your heart attitude toward these things? Why is it wrong to worry (Phil. 4:6-7)?

The Gift That Sustains

· Read Matt. 6:25-26. What is the subject Jesus deals with in this passage? Why is it a waste

of time to worry? Read Luke 12:29-31. How is this the correct heart attitude for receiving blessings from God? How can you stay passionate about sharing whatever you have whenever possible?

· Do we bear responsibility for the way someone uses our gift? Why or why not?

· Read Luke 12:42-48. Can someone paraphrase the words of Jesus? Do you examine yourself to know you are being a faithful steward of what God has given you?

· Why do we worry? What does worry achieve?

· How do we learn to trust God fully? Is it possible to get past worrying? Can you seek Him fully? Read Matt. 6:33-34. How can you do this?


· Use an open grip to hold on to what He’s blessed you with.

· Recognize the real value of your time, talents, and treasure.

· When fear grips you, let go and let God do what He does best.


Do you find the “law in your members” that there seems to be a difference between faith and trust? Often, it seems there is. We have faith that Jesus Christ came from Heaven, fully God, yet fully man, was born as a baby in a manger, grew (just as we do) to adulthood, began a public ministry, healed, taught, and fulfilled Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah. He was beaten, crucified on a cross, buried in a borrowed tomb, and on the third day He rose again to new life—all to pay the debt of our sin. He was seen by many, and after forty days ascended back to Heaven where He waits for the Father’s word to come get His children. That’s the gospel—the good news—that we believe, embrace, and devote our lives to.

Ah, but what do we do about our wayward child who’s left the church and living a sinful lifestyle; or an unsaved parent who manifests all the characteristics of a wicked person; or a bank account that must be overseen constantly …? Where is your faith? Are you trusting?

Are you praying for any or all situations that can totally unglue you? If you are, why are you still worrying? You’ve given it to God, asking Him to help you with each situation. Can you leave it with Him? Do you need assurance that He loves your family member as much as you do? Trusting is an act of the will. When the thought crosses your mind as a random arrow to undo you, stop! Tell God you are sorry—the thought was not intentional, you don’t wish to tarnish the trust you have placed in Him, and repent. Give Him back the problem. Keep doing it. Look back at your life: has He been faithful all the way? Then He will continue to be. Give Him the honor He deserves by truly trusting Him to make a way. You may not know the answer. That’s okay. He’ll still be faithful. And now apply it to those areas where you are still weak, like your money, your marriage, your work. Take one step and do what’s right. It will get easier the further you walk with Him.


By Sandy Day

February 12, 2023