February 19 | Group Notes

Overflow: Risk and Reward
February 19, 2017
 Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Making any type of decision to eliminate bad habits, hurts or hang-ups from our lives can be exhausting—causing us to often forget to look for the rewards that follow. Can someone share an example when you reaped a benefit because you made a right choice?

For several weeks we have been looking at the “weights” or sins that can be heavy burdens in our lives, particularly debt and discouragement. This week we want to look at the rewards that come when we have gotten those encumbrances out of our lives, and are finally able to focus on the joy of lining our actions up with holy living.

Focal Passage: Hebrews 13:1-6


Truly Love One Another

  1. Read verse 1. What happens when you are angry at yourself, and someone needs you? Your answer should demonstrate the importance of ridding your life of those sins from Heb. 12:1. How are you supposed to love those who are your family in the faith?
  2. What are some characteristics of the love spoken of here? How does this line up with 1 John 4:20? Gal. 5:22 might help if you need some ideas.

Have Room to Help Others

  1. Read verses 2 and 3. Because of today’s uncertain world, this principle from God’s word is not as easy as it was in the time of the disciples. What are some alternate ways we can practice generosity to those whom we don’t know?
  2. In James 1:27, we are told to minister to widows and orphans; here are two more categories God is concerned that we care for. What are they? Read Isaiah 61:1; did Jesus do this? What are some practical ways you can do this?

Have the Marriage We’ve Always Dreamed About

  1. Read verse 4a. What type of marriage are you to strive for? Why does God want your marriage to be as beautiful as the relationship of Christ loving the church? Who all does a marriage affect?
  2. Read verse 4b, then read James 1:14,15. Where does adultery begin? If lust begins in the mind and heart, (thought), what does that tell us about temptations from online, books, etc.? What responsibility do females have in their dress code?

Have the Right Attitudes About “Stuff”

  1. Read verse 5. Do you know that God actually owns all that we have? What is a steward and how is that different from an owner? What are we commanded in verse 5?
  2. If you actually prayed about all your purchases before buying, would you think of yourself as being too materialistic?

Have the Right Attitude About God

  1. Read verse 6. What has God promised us? Do you really believe that He is your helper? Why or why not? When you worry, what are you saying to God?

Action Applications:

  1. Get rid of pride: look for it in your life and pray for deliverance;
  2. Look for opportunities to bless others: pray that God would open your eyes to those occasions;
  3. Look at your spouse as a gift, not a burden;
  4. Stop caring so much about “stuff” and don’t get caught up in materialism;
  5. Start truly caring about your relationship with God, and discipline yourself to spending time with Him daily! A haphazard faith will result in a hazardous life.


This week’s study is a perfect example of a garden that has had the weeds and stones removed from the rows of growing vegetables, as we’ve tried to rid our lives of the things that would cause us not to flourish in Christ! Now we can put into practice those things which will make life joyful: our relationship with God, with our brothers and sisters, and our service to our community and the world. Only by being free from the burdens that weigh us down can we experience the freedom that Jesus wants us to have.  As you read through the passage in Hebrews, look at all the relationships that He cares most about: your family in Christ, your family given to you by God (i.e., spouse, children), your ability to serve those whom you don’t know, those who are bound by Satan somehow, and your relationship with Him­, who has promised to meet your needs, provide abundant life for you, and never leave you or forsake you! What more could you ask from life? Pray daily that your life will please Him.

Memory Verse: Hebrews 13:5: “Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”