February 20, 2022


February 20, 2022

Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Often, an action made as a child or young adult will have effects that continue for years or a lifetime. For instance, marriage is often made in beautiful bliss but requires much work over many years! Can someone tell of an example or experience?

We are in the middle of our series on some of the basic doctrines of the Christian Faith, looking today at salvation. The mission statement of our church describes it perfectly: “We affirm that each person can be saved only through the work of Jesus Christ, through repentance of sin and by faith alone in Him as Savior. The believer is declared righteous, born again by the Holy Spirit, and assured of Heaven. We affirm that the Holy Spirit indwells all who are born again, conforming them to the likeness of Jesus Christ. This is a process completed only in Heaven. Every believer is responsible to live in obedience to the Word of God in separation from sin.”

The truth about Salvation

  • Everyone needs to be saved. Read Romans 3:10a, 3:23, and Psalm 14:1-3. Why did God declare man unworthy to be in His presence? Can you put your name in each verse? Why do you believe that Jesus would have died for you alone?
  • No one can accomplish being saved on their own. Read Isaiah 64:6, Eph. 2:1, and Eph. 2:8-9. There is nothing you can do to work hard enough or sacrifice enough to earn salvation. What can a person who is spiritually dead, do to live?
  • There must be a payment made for our sin. Read Heb. 9:22, Psa. 79:9, and Rom. 6:23. All sin must be paid for. Why did it take a sinless person to satisfy God’s wrath?
  • Only Jesus can accomplish it. Read Acts 4:12, 1 Tim. 2:5, and Romans 5:6, 8. How is He active in our lives?
  • Therefore, everyone is born with a nature that completely separates all of us from God and there is nothing we can do on our own to earn it. There has to be a payment paid against the sin debt, and only Jesus was sufficient to pay this. Read Isaiah 59:2.


What is Salvation


  • Read Rom. 10:9-10. What are the two processes of conversion? Read Rom. 10:14. Which comes first, belief or repentance? Can you be saved if only one of these processes is evident? Read John 6:47. Is faith (belief) mandatory? Why?
  • Read John 16:8-9. Why is it necessary to be repentant and turn in obedience toward God? Read 1 John 5:2. Is this what John speaks of in this verse?


  • Read Rom. 5:1-2. What is the definition of justification?
  • Read Rom. 5:18. Does this verse mean all men are justified? When are you declared righteous before God?


  • Read 1 Thess. 4:3a. Why is it impossible to get rid of your filth before coming to God? Will someone please define sanctification?
  • What does sanctification mean to a believer? As in the opening ice breaker, when you accept Jesus as Savior, is sanctification a constant work that will continue all your life?
  • Read 1 Thess. 5:23-24 and John 17:16-18. What is one way we can be sanctified? Can you name some other ways, as well?


  • Read Rom 5:1-2, again. At the moment of salvation, we are declared justified, and legally become God’s child. Sanctification then continues as you grow from faith to faith. What is glorification? When will it be completed?
  • Read John 3:14-17. What is the hope in this passage? Read 1 Cor. 13:12. Does this verse describe some of the wonders that we will know in Heaven?


Have you ever paid for an item and watched the cashier swipe a pen mark on your bill to verify its authenticity? Have you ever been paid with counterfeit money? While most of us have never even seen a counterfeit bill, nearly all have experienced the frustration of having been paid, either for goods or for services, by a check that turned out to be worthless. Getting cash for the bad check can be difficult!

Imagine how much worse it is for a righteous, holy God to have someone reject Jesus and try to earn their way to Heaven, giving their insufficient attempts at righteousness to satisfy His holiness! He speaks of this in  Matthew 22. Jesus tells the parable of the man who gave a lavish wedding feast for his son. The wedding guests who were invited did not come, so the servants were sent out to the highways and brought others in. Knowing they would be ill-dressed, wedding garments were furnished to them. In verse 11, when the father saw a man without a garment, he had him removed for trying to get in on his own merit. In John 10:1, Jesus tells of someone trying to get into the sheepfold by some means other than the door. Each of these can be seen as those who insist on trying to get to Heaven by their own means, rather than accepting the only Gift that has ever been given for salvation, Jesus Christ. He said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).

Have you tried for many years to do enough good that God will overlook your faults? So many people believe if their good deeds outweigh their bad ones, God will relent and let them in. In that case, they are rejecting the perfect sacrifice of God’s only Son, who would have not had to die if you could earn your own way. Please, if this is you, repent of your wilful rejection of Jesus, acknowledge to God that you believe Jesus is the only way, separate yourself from the sins of the world, and live for Him. One day you will stand before Him clothed in a perfect garment of righteousness.