November 8, 2020

November 08, 2020
Pastor Jonathan Falwell

This year has been a year of trials and unknown paths! What is one of the biggest “storms” that happened to you during 2020?


As we are getting close to this year winding down, this is a good time to reflect on the challenges we have faced while dealing with a worldwide pandemic, the like of which has never been seen during the lives of today’s generations. Have you handled the storms in a way that gives glory to God? Perhaps you’ve tried to take care of all situations in your own strength. We still have seven weeks before the new year is here. Let’s examine ourselves to be certain we are going to finish strong, knowing God has sent His Holy Spirit to accompany us every step of the way.

Focal Passages: John 14:25-31; Psalm 34:17-18, 147:3; Prov. 18:10; 1 Cor. 15:58.

God is with us

  • Read John 14:26. What is one of the most hopeless times you have ever experienced? What was the turning point for you?
  • How does Satan use a storm to try to make us believe that we are truly alone, with no help coming? What are some scriptures that say this is a lie?
  • Why does the Holy Spirit come into our lives? What are some of His titles?
  • What are three of His very important roles?
  • What does He do to turn us back to a blameless life if we get off-track?

He still gives peace

  • Read John 14:27. What is God’s desire for us, through every trial? Read James 1:3. What is produced by having our faith tested in trials? How?
  • Read Phil. 4:7. How do we get peace beyond understanding? What are some of the things that will take that peace from us?
  • Read Rom. 5:1-3. How do we get peace with God initially? What should we do with it?
  • Read Psalm 34:18. Have you fit into either of these two categories this past year? Were you able to trust Him to pull you out of your troubles?

Nothing can stop it

  • Read John 14:30. What is the most assuring phrase in this verse? Do you often feel that Satan has the upper hand in making you miserable? How do you handle situations where he is making you feel defeated?
  • What is the only way Satan will be able to take us down? What can we do to prevent it?
  • Read Phil. 4:13. Why are we able to win the battle through Christ?

So Keep on keeping on

  • Read John 14:31 This verse, also, has a very reassuring phrase; what is it? Did you ever tell a sibling, or a friend, “Come on, let’s get out of here!”? What were some reasons you said that?
  • Read James 4:7. How can you teach yourself to recognize that it is Satan who is ready to attack you, and realize you need to flee?
  • Jesus didn’t want them “stuck” in the circumstance. Do you ever become mired in a situation, and remain uncertain how to get out? What are some things that can defeat us?
  • What situation do you need to leave today that is keeping you stuck in discouragement?


Although most of us have had times this year when it seemed as if nothing was moving forward, incredibly the end of 2020 is almost upon us. That doesn’t mean the months afterward will improve, but it does show us that nothing—not even misery—lasts forever. Is that encouraging?

With the end of summer, we are experiencing beautiful weather. However, the beauty of fall does not make an idyllic atmosphere. This past week we’ve all experienced a range of emotions that has pushed our stress levels into high gear with our national election. For some of us, it has been a week when we’ve had to remind ourselves over and over, “God is in total control.” And although we know this with our heads, there have been times when it was necessary to “leave this place” of mud and filth to seek His peace.

The disciples were about to have their faith tried severely, as they watched Jesus being beaten, crucified, killed and buried. Their hopes were destroyed and they weren’t able to understand the warnings Jesus had given them that they would see this happen, and that He would rise again. In the same way, we often feel so overpowered by what we see that we let circumstances dictate our peace, rather than keep our focus on Jesus, who has power that we can’t even grasp. He spoke the world and all it contains into being—and He is still on the throne, while His Holy Spirit indwells us. That should be very comforting!