September 13, 2020

September 12, 2020
Scott Bullman

Do you have a recollection of being so disobedient as a child that the ensuing consequences last to this very day? Can you share?


Today Scott Bullman brings us a message that centers around the calling of Elisha, the prophet who came after Elijah. When Elijah called Elisha to join him and take over his calling after his death, Elisha asked only that he be allowed to kiss his parents goodbye. Are we always so ready to follow God’s calling, or the urging of the Holy Spirit? How often does He nudge your heart to perform an action and you ignore Him? Today let’s find out what it takes to be “All In”!

Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:20: “We are Christ’s ambassadors: God is making His appeal through us.”(NLT)

Focal Passage: I Kings 19:19-21 (NLT)

Elisha’s ALL-IN moment

  • Read 1 Kings 19:19-21. Most farmers owned only one yoke of oxen; how many did Elisha’s family have? What does that tell you? Where was he plowing when Elijah came along? How would you have felt to be the heir to a large fortune?
  • What was the significance of Elijah throwing his cloak over the shoulders of Elisha? What was Elisha’s immediate response? What did Elijah mean by his statement in 20b?
  • What did Elisha run home to do? How was this the same as us throwing a “goodbye” party for someone? What did he do then?


ALL-IN Obedience Will Be Tested

  • List some of the things that Elisha was probably giving up to follow Elijah?
  • In those three verses, what were some thoughts that the enemy could have used to test Elisha’s commitment?
  • Have you ever made a decision to do what you felt God was calling you to do, only to have things in your life fall apart? Can you share? What was happening? Did you let Satan discourage you through the testing?
  • On the other hand, have you given up for God what you desired most in life, only to be happier than you ever thought possible? Can you share?

ALL-IN Obedience often Releases God’s Miracles

  • Read 2 Kings 2:8. Elisha had been with Elijah several years when it was time for Elijah’s death (read verses 1-7 of this chapter at your leisure). What did Elijah do when it was time for them to cross the Jordan River? What did he ask Elisha in verse 9?
  • Read verse 10.-11 How did Elijah respond? What did Elisha see, in verse 10? What is so special about that?
  • Read verse 12.-14. What miracles occurred in just these three verses?
  • There are many miracles performed by Elisha in the rest of the book of 2 Kings. Can anyone remember some things he did in his role as prophet?

ALL-IN Obedience Always Requires Faith

  • How does your faith grow during your life? With each testing, comes more endurance (Jas. 1:2-3). What does that mean to you when you are being tested? Are you able to see God working in the test?
  • Our church sings a song that illustrates God’s faithfulness; can anyone recite some of the phrases in it?
  • What are some verses about His faithfulness that we need to have memorized, in order to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit moving us to do something?


We all should have stories that illustrate how faithful God has been in the past. The song in the question above says, “Your promise still stands, great is Your faithfulness, faithfulness; I’m still in Your hands, this is my confidence, You’ve never failed me yet!” (Elevation Worship). He has been faithful all our lives, but sometimes it takes a lifetime to see how many times He has rescued or delivered us; how many times we have been saved by Him as the enemy seeks to destroy us.

Today, fear is a by-word. It is on everyone’s lips, all wondering what the next weeks, or months, are going to bring to America. One thing is sure: if you’re not ALL IN, your commitment will not get you through. We may well face some days where it seems evil has been loosed upon our country. Whatever happens, make certain your faith is the faith of Elijah and Elisha, the faith of the disciples who saw Jesus after the resurrection, the faith of believers through the ages who have seen incredible miracles, the faith of those who have been martyred.

Probably all of us have heard the story of George Mueller, who had an orphanage of 300 children. One morning he had the housemother sit them at the breakfast table, although there was no food. He prayed, thanking God for food. Soon a knock at the door was heard, and a local baker brought loaves of bread. “God laid it on my heart last night that you would need bread this morning,” he said. Soon another knock was heard. A milk cart, filled with fresh milk, had had a cartwheel break, and the milk would be spoiled before the wheel could be fixed. Oh, that we would all have the faith of men like George Mueller!