Group Notes | April 2

Outsiders: One for All
April 2, 2017
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Going into “survival mode” in order to keep a job, one’s family, or even one’s position of influence or way of life can result in actions that are sometimes ruthless! Can you think of an example (it can even be from the Scripture)?

This week we look at the second of four characters who were affected by the crucifixion, and their reaction to the life of Jesus. Caiaphas, the high priest, was so fearful at his loss of position that he plotted His murder to the extent of finding people willing to lie under oath.

Focal Passage: John 11:45-57.

Further Passages: Matt. 26:57-68; John 2:19-22.


The world is always looking for another way

  1. Read Matt. 26:59. How far were the Jewish religious leaders willing to go to bring about the death of Jesus? What was more important to Caiaphas, learning the truth about Jesus or stopping Him before he lost the power of his position as High Priest?
  2. Read John 11:48. What were the religious leaders afraid of? How is that like today, when people we know, or work with, tell false accusations against you or someone you know, to keep or advance in their job? What is the difference—or is there any?

Jesus claimed to be able to do what no one could imagine

  1. Read verse 60b, 61. What was Jesus referring to? (John 2:19-22)
  2. Read Isa. 29:13. How does this verse illustrate the blindness of the religious leaders?

Sometimes in the most difficult moments of life, He remains silent

  1. Read verses 62-64. What did Jesus just tell Caiaphas? Was he now at a crossroads, able to choose to believe Jesus, or annihilate Him to retain his own position? Would he be responsible at judgment for his choice?
  2. Can you share a time when you thought Jesus was being silent, when He was actually working on your behalf?
  3. Jesus was not powerless while silent! Why is He willing to test your faith when He knows His timing is perfect? Read James 1:3,4. How does He want us to react?

Jesus’ plan was the one so desperately needed

  1. Read verses 49,50. What was significant about Caiaphas’ statement?
  2. What did it provide?
  3. Read Romans 5:15, 18. What did the death of this One Man accomplish?

Would you be willing to be “all in” for Christ?


We can probably not comprehend the group of religious leaders gathered to take down the Creator of the universe. Caiaphas is a great example of God using many different types of people for His work (as He did with Pharaoh.) Don’t ever assume because someone is plying “religion” as their trade, that they are in a close relationship with Jesus Christ! And we all have heard the story of the crucifixion so many times that we must concentrate as we read, begging God to give us a fresh perspective. Caiaphas had been ruling as High Priest for about 17 years (it is ironic that he lost his position soon thereafter), and enjoyed power and prestige; now it was threatened because of the popularity of One Man, and the entire group was afraid of losing control. Is that why we falter in our faith? Have you considered something so insignificant as “worry” being because you lack control of a situation? Taking Jesus at His word, having faith that His silence is working to bring about His timing for your good, is critical in your walk with Him, and your growing in faith. Let the evidence of His own testimony (“I am He” John 4:26, “It is as you said” Matt. 26:64) cause you to examine the depth of your trust in His perfect work on the cross, and His perfect timing for your plans. You will not regret it when you get through the trial!

Memory Verse: John 11:50: “…nor do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and not that the whole nation should perish.”