Group Notes | April 24

Agents of Grace: Grace ToLead
April 24,2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Often we see positions of leadership filled by those who do not have the skills to lead. Can you give examples? Why would one desire such a position if it is not their “gift”?

Today we continue the series Agents of Grace. Let us examine the qualities that make a good leader, then put into practice what we learn.


Jesus Restores

  1. What are some qualities a good leader should possess?
  2. Can you think of hindrances that might cause someone to reject a position of leadership? (Did you list A feeling of inadequacy, A fear of rejection, A fear of failing, and A feeling of a disreputable past, as possibilities?)
  3. Read John 21:15-17. What was Jesus trying to get Peter to understand? How heavy do you think Peter’s heart had been since his denial of knowing Christ?

Jesus Empowers

  1. What did Jesus command Peter? Did it entail Peter examining his heart?
  2. If Peter’s heart was full of love for the Savior, how would that influence his obedience to do what Jesus instructed?

Jesus Calls

  1. How does Peter’s restoration encourage those of us who have failed Jesus?

He Can Use Anyone!

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 1:25-27. List some in Scripture who were called by God, who felt unqualified to be a leader?

God’s Grace Is the Key For You To Be a Leader!

  1. What do you think may be the biggest obstacle to God using you?


As you break into small groups, discuss anything that might be causing you to hold back from being a leader. Possibly any one of the fears in question 2 might be your answer! No one wants to take a step outside his comfort zone, but your restoration from a tainted past might be just the answer to someone’s quest for salvation. No one can minister to someone in need as well as one who has “been there, done that.” Do you have a story that others need to hear? God might call you to be a leader of a Life Group, a mentor, or a disciple. Whatever He asks, pray that you are willing to follow Him. He wants the person who is available, and will empower you to lead as He directs!

Focal Passages: John 21:15-19a; Luke 5:11; 1 Corinthians 1:26, 27; Psalm 51:13-15; Acts 3:11-14a.

Memory Verse: Luke 5:11: “So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him.”