Group Notes | August 27

Flannelgraph of Faith: Jonah
August 27, 2017
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Occasionally we’re asked to take a responsibility in an event or situation for which we’re competent, but don’t wish to participate. Sometimes we will go so far as to make plans to “be away” in order to escape taking on the task. Can you share an example?

Today we will conclude our Flannelgraph series, having used a modern twist on the old visual aid style of teaching. We have reframed the precious stories we learned as children, looking for deeper meanings to apply to our lives as we continue to grow in Christ. We are going to learn from Jonah, the prophet who was commissioned by God to go preach repentance to a people whose sins were leading to their destruction.

Focal Passages: Jonah, Chapters 1-4



  1. Jonah, an Israelite, was called by God to prophecy to the enemy country of Nineveh. Instead of obeying, Jonah ran from God. Can one or two share the first part of Jonah’s life, to give us the background?

God’s Call Trumps Our Comfort

  1. What is the most astonishing fact that stands out after God calls Jonah to go preach to Nineveh?
  2. How is his fleeing in the opposite direction the same as our knowing to obey God, but not doing it? How does God view the difference?
  3. Where was Jonah when the storm from God came upon the ship? How can we compare this to the storms that may come into our lives when we are in disobedience to God’s will? Why does He bring those storms (Heb.12:5,6)?

God’s Redemption Trumps Our Contempt (Anger)

  1. Can someone tell what occurred after the sailors threw Jonah into the sea?
  2. Read Jonah 2:2-10. We can certainly understand Jonah’s fervent prayer of repentance when he found himself inside the belly of the whale, miraculously alive. Why does incredible trouble cause us to repent of known sin and turn to God? Can you relate? Was 9/11 a good example? Why?
  3. Will someone tell us what happens next? How was he received in Nineveh?
  4. How did Jonah react? 

God’s Salvation Trumps Everything

  1. Read 4:1-4. It is easy to criticize Jonah’s reaction to God’s incredible mercy to the people of Nineveh, but what was his real problem? What was he missing that had just happened in his own life? Are you ever aware that God is merciful toward you, but subsequently you get angry as He shows mercy to someone you think unworthy?
  2. God acts again in mercy, even following Jonah’s angry response. Can someone tell what happens in the last several verses of chapter 4? Even though Jonah was in sin, reacting with hurt pride, God still granted him grace and mercy. Can you think of an example when He gave you grace when you didn’t deserve it? (Share if you can).


What a short book to be so full of lessons for life! We have seen how God in His omnipotence wanted to save an ungodly heathen nation, calling them to Himself. In calling Jonah, He showed His power over nature by bringing the storm over the boat; His power was again manifest as He provided a sea creature to not only swallow Jonah, but provided air for him in the belly of the whale. He gave Jonah another chance to go to Nineveh, where He used him to cause an entire kingdom to repent and be saved. He administered grace to an angry prophet, and in love spoke to the word for a plant to grow for shade. His power over His creation provided a worm to devour the plant, making Jonah all the angrier, yet God was trying to get him to understand how much more valuable a human soul is than a plant.

We can also learn totally different lessons from the first chapter. We have an enemy who is alive and well, roaming the earth to tempt and devour the saints. As we read the first few verses we see that Satan is willing to help those who would run from Jesus, seeking to do their own thing. He will provide a way (i.e., the ship), to make it as easy as possible. But (verse 3b) there is a “fare” that must be paid for running. And Satan cannot stop the Almighty God when He is ready to rescue and use His servant.

Hopefully, as you go about your daily activities this week, you pay special attention to your actions, choosing always to follow God. God is our Rescuer, our Deliverer, and our Strength. Share Him with those you love—and those you may not love!—this week.

Memory Verse: Jonah 2:9: But I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay what I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord.

Ask Yourself: Am I running from anything God has asked me to do?