Group Notes | August 30

Our Playbook: Strategy For Success
August 30, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



The wise person knows, when taking on a project, a battle or even a heavy school assignment, that a well-planned strategy is a necessary part of a successful outcome. Think about this for a moment, and then give some illustrations.

We are finishing the series Our Playbook having looked at the changes that would be necessary to see our church be everything God intended. Today we focus on the strategy that we need to have in place to see that the success of our church begins in our individual hearts.


Being Versed in Our Values

  1. Read Acts 2:42. What four areas did the disciples focus on in this verse? Read verse 45. These five commitments were their lifestyle, not one worship service per week!
  2. Put these five areas in today’s words and discuss how your church or life differs.

Joined Together in Our Mission

  1. Read Hebrews 10:25, and Acts 5:42. What were the two areas of corporate worship the early church engaged in? Which is more important?
  2. Why are smaller groups so effective? If you are in a small group that meets regularly, what are some of the extraordinary benefits?

With Eyes Wide Open

  1. Read 1 Corinthians 16:13.