Group Notes | August 7

Overcomer: Overcoming Together
August 7, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Seasons of crises can overwhelm us, especially if we are trying to handle a situation by ourselves. Can you think of a time you were facing a trouble, and a friend came along side to help you shoulder the burden? Can you share?

From the creation of Eve as a companion for Adam, to the creation of the body of believers called the church, God has ordained relationships to be the heartbeat of our lives—both vertically with Him, and horizontally with our neighbors. Today we continue to glean more lessons from the life of Moses, who led the children of Israel for forty years. Was he overwhelmed? Let’s focus on the words of his father-in-law, and apply them to our own life.



It is difficult to overcome when you are overwhelmed

  1. Read Exodus 18:13-23. Scholars feel that Moses led about 2,500,000 people out of Egypt. What did verses 13-16 record his daily activity? How many people waiting for your time would overwhelm you?
  2. In verses 17-18, what did his father-in-law tell him? Can any of you relate?

Living life in a whirlwind rarely leads to accomplishment

  1. Go back to verse 14. What was Jethro asking? If any of you are totally swamped by your current lifestyle, how do you feel at the end of the day?
  2. What are some things that can cause you to want to “stay in bed” when morning comes?

Building Godly relationships is a great first step in finding your way out

  1. Read verse 21a. What kind of men did Jethro suggest Moses surround himself with? How can you apply that to your own life? Think of your most intimate friends: do they fit these qualifications?
  2. Read verse 22b. How does this verse relate to Galatians 6:2?

Overcoming together is God’s plan

  1. Why did God say He was going to create Eve? Read Ecclesiastes 3:12. What is God saying through Solomon?
  2. Who are some of those whom God has ordained to help us carry burdens and endure trials?



It is easy to relate to the incredible burden Moses was bearing, even though the times we live in are nothing like his. Most of us have schedules that we feel are going to break us. As you go into small groups, discuss things in your life that are overwhelming you, and suggest ways you can chip away at the list of responsibilities. (There is a list below).  If you are able, seek out others who need you as a friend to help them bear their burdens.  Pray this week that you will take a step toward becoming more aware of God’s amazing power to put people in your life who will help you, and whom you can help!

Steps for freedom from being overwhelmed:
1) Take time out to rest from the things that are the greatest burdens.
2) Prioritize the importance of your responsibilities, working on the most important first.
3) Don’t ever let the amount of duties or “stuff” crowd out your need to spend time with God.
4) Surround yourself with true friends who are reliable, Godly and trustworthy.

Memory Verse: Exodus 18:11: “Now I know that the LORD is greater than all the gods; for in the very thing in which they behaved proudly, He was above them.”

Focal Passage: Exodus 18:13-23