Group Notes | February 28

One Week To Live: Getting The House In Order!
February 28, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


How would you react if your doctor told you that you have only a few short months to live? How can there be blessings in that knowledge?

Today we begin looking toward the resurrection of Jesus, with emphasis on the last week of His earthly life. He began that week by getting His house in order. We will focus on making certain our lives are fit for Him to do His work as He indwells us.



Recognize who Jesus is

  1. Read Matt. 21:10- 11. To ask Jesus to save us, why is it necessary to believe He is the Son of God? How can an incorrect view of who He really is affect whether we are truly saved? Think of other religions for examples.
  2. What are some of His attributes? Do you see Him with those qualities and treat Him as the Holy God that He is?

Recognize what He expects

  1. Jesus expected the people to regard the temple with the respect it was designed for. How does He expect us to live our lives (as His temple) in order for Him to work His purpose for us? Someone read 1 Cor. 6:19, 20.
  2. Read Joshua 3:5a. What did Joshua tell the people? What does that mean to us?

Recognize what brings Him sorrow

  1. What possible actions or thoughts in our lives can grieve the heart of God?
  2. What are some things we do that bring God joy?

Recognize what happens next

  1. All we need for salvation is to come to Christ “just as we are.” But after salvation, what changes would God expect to let Him be at home in your life? Is this a one-time “house cleaning” or an on-going action?
  2. Read Joshua 3:5b. Why should we live our lives expecting miracles each day?



The religious leaders who saw Jesus as He ministered were so filled with envy and disbelief that their hearts were hardened against Him. One needs to be watchful that your heart is always sensitive to the Holy Spirit. As you break into small groups, discuss the situations you face that could grieve Jesus. Pray for Him to show you areas where you are weak, and pray also for discernment as you live daily, to be aware you are working with Him to bring His kingdom “on earth, as it is in heaven.” Search out the life groups, if you are not in one, or start one! Everyone needs as much encouragement, wisdom and support as possible in these hard times.

Focal Passages: Matthew 21:10-14, Joshua 3:5, Matthew 26:28

Memory Verse: Joshua 3:5: “And Joshua said to the people, ‘Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.’”