Group Notes | January 4

Get Fit Spiritually
January 4, 2015


In today’s culture to speak of “getting fit” is usually assumed to mean a change in diet or exercise for the benefit of appearance. Is this sentence right or wrong, and why? What other areas could fall under someone “getting fit?”

Last week we looked at our mission statement, the past year, and the possibilities for improvement in 2015. Today we are going to look at getting fit in our spiritual life as we focus on growing in our relationship with Christ.


1. Read Psalm 119:1-11. As you listened to the Psalm, what seemed to be the passion of the writer’s heart? Give specific instances.

2. It is impossible to live a sinless life, but how would you rate yourself in trying to obey God’s commands?

3. Which verses encourage us to remove ourselves from sinful situations?

4. Spiritual health requires worship! What are some ways to worship, and what benefits are in each?

5. Why does worship require that we recognize God for Who He is? What are some of the words of “worship” in the verses that were read?

6. When we desire something, we actively pursue it. What are some examples showing we are actively pursuing a relationship with Christ?

7. Discuss the impossibility of being spiritually fit, but Biblically illiterate.

8. Quote Psalm 119:11. What is the greatest benefit of memorizing the Word of God?


As we break into small groups for prayer, let us be mindful that there are groups that will be meeting at church to help us follow up on “getting fit.” TRBC also encourages daily devotions through the “My Time” on the website. As you close, pray that God will help you memorize the verses each week, as you seek to “hide His word in your heart.”
Verse for Week 1: Psalm 119:1: “I have hidden Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”