Group Notes | July 24

Overcomer: Overcoming Insecurity
July 24, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



It is often said that failure to try something is worse than trying, then failing. “Failure to try” is frequently because we perceive ourselves incompetent to accomplish a certain task. Can you share an example?

Today we continue to learn lessons from the life of Moses, who seemed to consider himself totally inadequate for the job God was calling him to do. His personal perception of himself kept him from hearing God’s promise to be with Him through it all. Let’s focus on how he pushed through the obstacles to trust God.


I’m Not Good Enough or Smart Enough

  1. Read Exodus 4:1-3. When was the last time you actually did not take an active part in something because of fear that you weren’t good enough?
  2. How does that differ from the answer Moses gave God?

I Don’t Know What to Say

  1. Read verses 10-12. If you’ve been saved very long, you recognize the “nudge” God gives when He is asking something of you. How have you let this fear stop you from obeying Him? Does it also keep you from witnessing?
  2. How can you trust God enough to obey Him to equip you if He has called you to a certain work?

I’m Too Scared; Someone Else Should Do It

  1. Read verses 13-16. Moses continued to beg God to “let someone else do it!” Yet God had not only personally picked Moses, but had constantly given His promise to be with him. Why did God not give up on Moses?
  2. What arguments do you use with God? What would it take for you to trust Him to be with you, and give you the words to speak?

When You Trust God with Your Today, God Will Take Care of Your Future

  1. Read verse 31. After Moses’ last protestation, when God became angry, He still used Moses. Trust is a day-to-day issue. How can you better trust Him today to push forward victoriously?
  2. If you feel that God wants you to witness, or minister, and promises to be with you, how will you trust Him then? As we asked last week, would you feel differently if you heard God say to you aloud, “I will be with you”?


Moses obviously had the same hang-ups, habits, and hurts as we experience. None of us are exempt from feeling inadequate to serve a holy God. As you break up into small groups, discuss the reasons why you feel self-doubt, writing them down so that you can see whether they are as valid as you feel they are! Perhaps they are old burdens from childhood years, and you have let Satan browbeat you with a constant barrage of “not worthy.” Go to Scriptures that address your lack of confidence, understand that you are a child of the King, and write beside each of your insecurities the blessings God has given you, and the things you have done for His kingdom. Let them make a difference in your life. Pray this week that you trust God with a full heart!

Points to Ponder:
1) No one is ever smart enough on our own but with God, all things are possible (Philippians 4:13).
2) Our words will always be insufficient, but if our heart is available, He will speak through us.
3) Yes, there’s always someone else, but He called you for a particular task.
4) It is only when we trust God that we will begin to see how powerful He really is!

Memory Verse: Exodus 4:31: “So the people believed, and when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel and that He had looked on their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshiped.”

Focal Passage: Exodus 4:1-31