Group Notes | July 5

Best Supporting Actor
July 5, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Only a person of unbelievable character can endure a long-term relationship with someone who wickedly abuses the moral values and standards that he/she holds dear. Can you think of an example?
Today we begin a new series, focusing on lesser-known Bible characters who have had a major impact on history. There is much to learn as we look closely at the life of Manasseh, who was the king of Judah, and led God’s people to become worse than the pagans in the Promised Land.


God Is Patient

1. Read 2 Chron. 33:1-9. Undoubtedly you have known some young person who, when they hit puberty, began a lifestyle of rebellion and depravity. What were your inward thoughts about this person’s future?

2. How does this remind you of the voices that are being heard across the world today?

3. Read verses 10, 11. Judah’s downward spiral took decades. Where was God during this period of rebellion, and what did He eventually do?

God Will Not Be Mocked

4. Manasseh had done everything in his power to rid Judah of the influence of his father’s God, Jehovah. How is this a parallel to the depravity we see going on all over today’s world?

5. A sinful lifestyle will only be tolerated by God for a certain period of time. Can you think of other examples, perhaps even from your own experience?

God Is Faithful

6. Read verses 12 and 13. What is the key word in verse 12? What hope does this give anyone for restoration after a time of sinning?

7. What is God’s greatest desire when we have moved away from His love?

God Is Worthy To Be Praised

8. Read verse 14a. What did Manasseh do when he returned to Judah?

9. Is there a time in your own life when you backslid, and came back to God? What did you do?


As you move into small group time, take a moment of honest self-examination to see if a sinful habit may be causing you to rebel against God—in any form. There are only two things the Lord desires of you: sincere repentance and prayer, which will be evident by a changed life. Be open with each other if you need to be brought back to God in some area of your life; if you can’t name the sin, ask God to help you overcome it before He has reached His limit of time. Close in prayer that He would protect you with a constant nearness and never, ever, give up on anyone who seems beyond the reach of God’s saving grace!
Memory Verse: 2 Chronicles 7:15: “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (NKJV)

Home Study: Read the rest of 2 Chronicles 33 to see how Manasseh’s early years of wickedness taught his son, Amon, to be even more depraved than he had been. His years after returning from Babylon were not enough to stem the tide of evil in the life of his son. Read 2 Chronicles 34 and 35, however, to see that the short years he had with his grandson, Josiah, were such that Josiah was one of the godliest kings to rule in Judah—a great encouragement to any grandparent!