Group Notes | June 11

What Does Service Look Like?
June 11, 2017
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



What do you fear the most when you think of being called to help in any given task outside of your home? Do you consider yourself a follower or a leader?

When you asked Jesus Christ to save you from your sins, you believed He is God and that He paid your sin debt. You confessed those sins, and turned from them, as we are told in Romans 10:10. You may have wondered “what next?” Christ said in Luke 10:27 the two things He desires is for us to “Love the Lord your God,” and “Love your neighbor as yourself”— both beginning with the action of “love.” This week we will look at verses from the Sermon of the Mount to get a further grasp of what our service should look like.

Focal Passage: Matthew 5:13-16


We Are to Speak the Truth

  1. Read the verses from Matthew 5:13-16. In the simplest analogy, share what being salt to the world means for a believer. Does that describe you? How?
  2. What are the two main uses for salt? Did Jesus mean one, or both? Explain how we do each.
  3. Read Ephesians 4:15; what is necessary when we speak truth to the world?

We Are to Show Love

  1. In verse 14a, what is the responsibility of the believer? Read John 3:20, 21. Now answer the question from this perspective.
  2. What is the condition of much of the world in this age we are living? Based on these verses, will most people actively seek out a church to try to change their sinful behavior? Does that make verse 14a hold a deeper meaning?

We Are Not to Be Ashamed

  1. Read verse 14b. Can you briefly share a “soap box” you are passionate about, when fear of others’ attitudes become secondary to your fervor? How does this demonstrate our verse? Why are we not this outspoken for Jesus?
  2. Do you have a story of sharing the gospel, and what you learned from it? If it was negative, did that cause you to quit? Why was that the wrong decision?

We Are to Share the Gospel

  1. Read verse 15. Have you ever wondered if, when you stand before God, hundreds—perhaps thousands—of souls were standing nearby, all of whom you had the opportunity to witness to, but didn’t? Will anyone be in heaven because of you? Those are sobering thoughts! If you don’t share Jesus, who will? Discuss your thoughts for a moment.

We Are to Set the Pace

  1. Read verse 16. What is the result supposed to be, when we share the light of the gospel of peace?


When the moment came that gave you a choice to accept Jesus as God’s Son, who paid your debt of sin, and you said “Yes!” that was your first step of obedience—speaking the truth (the confession). Have you ever envisioned a pitch-black room, and realized what a small amount of light it takes to make those who are inside feel some comfort? Even something so tiny as a match from a “book” is enough to bring light into the room. If you could imagine yourself being that light, in a world of darkness, would it give you a jump start to witnessing? He asks that you love Him enough to share just what you know with those around you. You’re not asked to have a degree in Theology—just tell what He did for you. Failure to share Jesus is based in fear of being asked what you don’t know.  And yet in other areas—teams, movies, politics, etc.—we usually don’t let ourselves be beaten down by fear. Have you asked yourself why?

If witnessing is something you are insecure about, ask a stronger Christian to go with you, and carry a schedule of upcoming events from your church, and a few tracts, and begin by knocking on doors. Be laid back, with a low-key invitation to church. Start with a small goal of homes for the first week, increasing it until you reach a comfortable number. This is something that God cares passionately about, which should make it a priority for us! Pray that He would send the right person to go with you, and then for the courage to “let your light shine.”

Memory Verse: Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

How Do We Let Our Light Shine?

  1. Consecration: Live your life in your own area of influence so well that others can think of nothing bad to say about you (Titus 2:7,8).
  2. Dedication: Work hard so that you don’t have to be ashamed before God (2 Timothy 2:15, 24).
  3. Motivation: Keep moving forward, even in the face of adversity (Philippians 3:13-15).

Personal Commitments

  1. Daily Bible Reading and study
  2. Committed to prayer