Group Notes | June 14

Greater Things: Being A Follower!
June 14, 2015
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Beginning a venture with fervor is normal; continuing through obstacles takes work and determination; but ending well? That is the reward of commitment for a winner! Can you think of times when you began well but quit, or when you began, then finished well?

We have been looking at the Greater Things God promised we would do. Last week we examined our hearts for sins that could keep us from doing His will. Today we will focus on the need to be a committed follower, ready to move forward with God beside us!


You Must Be Obedient

1. Read Luke 14:33. What is the difference between being a Christian, and being a disciple?

2. Read John 14:15. What area of our life does this short statement from Christ refer to? How is this analogous to our own children, and the obedience we desire from them?

You Must Know You Are Not Alone

3. Share the occasion when you realized that He cares about every step you take?

4. Read verses 16 and 17. These verses are full of promises of His ever-abiding presence with us. Why, then, is it so difficult to remember we are not alone, especially when we come to those “obstacles” we talked about?

You Must Fully Trust Him

5. Read verse 19. Who is there in your life that you fully trust? Why?

6. When you look back at the faithfulness of God, has He ever failed you?

7. If He has been faithful in the past, what would keep Him from being faithful in the future?

You Must Look For Him

8. Read verse 21. How can we exercise our awareness of His love for us? Oswald Chambers wrote “In the initial stages [of abiding], it will be a continual effort, but as you continue [it will be] without any conscious effort.*

9. Once you begin to notice evidences of His love for you personally, what can you do to make conscious efforts to see Him acting on your behalf?


As you break into small groups, share one-sentence examples of ways in which God has shown Himself to you in the past week. Soon you will realize He is beside you every moment. The more you become aware of this, the more your relationship with Him will flourish. Pray that He will send you evidences of His great love for you this week! Finish by having someone read Micah 6:6-8.

Memory Verse: John 14:15: “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” (NKJV)
*Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, June 14 Reading,