Group Notes | March 11

Crossroads: Hope for Tomorrow and Forever
March 11, 2018
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


We’ve all had the experience of hearing information but not quite understanding the complete significance of it. Often, not wanting to seem presumptuous, we have not asked enough questions, and thereby caused ourselves difficulties down the road. Can you think of an example?

This is the second week of the series “Crossroads,” as we look at Biblical characters whose lives intersected with Jesus. Today we study Thomas, the disciple who has been known throughout history as “Doubting Thomas.” However, closer scrutiny will reveal Thomas to be an enthusiastic follower of Jesus, ready to die with Him, but always trying to be sure he completely understood the significance of what Jesus was saying. He asked bold questions, not out of doubt, but to confirm the information he was hearing. Would that all Christ-followers would be so sure they have their facts straight when it comes to doing God’s will!

Focal Passages: John 11:1-16; 14:1-6; 20:24-29; Mark 8:31-37.


Thomas was unsure of what tomorrow might hold

  1. Read John 11:1-16. What reaction did most of the disciples have when Jesus told them he was going to go to Bethany? Who had a different reaction?
  2. Why would Thomas have been willing to go with Him, and possibly even to die? How do you think you would have reacted?

Jesus gave the answer

  1. Read John 14:1-6. What did Jesus tell His disciples in verses 5-6? Why do you think Thomas asked his question? If you were in Thomas’ place and was told you could go where Jesus was going, what questions would you ask to make sure you did not miss the way?
  2. How did Jesus answer? Why is He called the great “I AM”?

Thomas’ tomorrow came quicker than expected

  1. Read John 20:24-25. Thomas had followed Jesus for three years, had seen countless miracles, and watched Him be beaten and crucified. Now the other disciples are telling him they have seen Jesus, alive and well. What emotions were probably uppermost in Thomas’s mind and heart?
  2. How can you best understand his emotions? No analogy comes even close, but can you think of a time when you could not believe what you were hearing or seeing?

 Thomas forgot what Jesus had said

  1. How do you think he tried to reconcile Jesus’ words of going “to prepare a place for you” with the death he had seen Jesus die?
  2. What do you think Thomas did during that next week, hearing over and over how the apostles had seen Jesus? How far away from those closest to Jesus would you have strayed, had it been you? Why?

Jesus again gave the answer

  1. Read verse 26. Thomas made certain that he was close to the disciples during the week, and he was ultimately rewarded with the presence of Jesus. How did he probably feel, knowing he had not believed the disciples?
  2. Read verses 27-29. Jesus assured Thomas that it was He, and Thomas believed. How are we mentioned in verse 29?

Jesus’ answer is always the same—HOPE

  1. Read verses 25 and 26. What are the promises Jesus gives? Do you believe this? Do you share your story?


How like Thomas we are today! We know Jesus from the Scriptures, believe in Him, have our sins forgiven, and try to walk a holy life. Often we sense the presence, power and sometimes “feel” the voice of God. But the bad times come, the loved ones die, prayers seem not to get answered, the road gets very rocky, and we forget what Jesus tells us: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Thomas had seen it all, from the early days when Jesus called the twelve together, to the ascension as He disappeared in the clouds going back to heaven. But like us, he wanted evidence. He bluntly stated that he wouldn’t believe unless he could put his fingers in the hands and side of the pierced Savior. Often, we, like Thomas, demand signs before we’ll go further with Jesus. And yet He says, “Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believed.”

How many times can you look back and see that through the tough times, He was holding you, carrying you, leading you? The trust must be there when the going gets hard, when the faith almost deserts us, and you have to cry out “Lord, increase my faith!” And what keeps us going? His answer, that He is the Great “I AM” _______ (fill in the blank), He is whatever you need, at the moment you need Him. Share your story of HOPE for the world.

KEY VERSE: John 11:25: So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”