Group Notes | March 20

One Week To Live: The End of the Beginning
March 20, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Often we assume that in the event of a certain type of crisis or disaster we will react in a rational or logical way. The truth is, until we are tested, we do not know exactly how we will react! Can anyone share?

As we continue to focus on the last week of Jesus, we see the disciples all pledging to remain steadfast as He reveals His upcoming death. He knows what is going to occur, while they have no idea the horror that is coming or foresee their unpredictable behavior. We will let the Scriptures tell us of those hours.



It Was Not Only Inevitable, It Was Imperative

  1. Read Matt. 26:47-56. As Jesus took the disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane, what were they probably expecting?
  2. Re-read verse 54. Can you think of any Old Testament scripture that had to be fulfilled this night? (Is. 50:6,7; 53:2-11).

It Was Difficult To Comprehend

  1. Why do you think the disciples all fled?
  2. Read verses 69-75. Can you think of an instance where you have not spoken out for Christ, or admitted you are His child? Were you thinking only of your own safety or reputation?
  3. Why is it so hard to comprehend the enormity of Jesus’ sacrifice?

It Is Critical To Believe

  1. After the events before the Sanhedrin, Jesus was taken to Golgotha, where He was crucified. Read Matt. 27:39-54. What were some of the groups of people watching and blaspheming God as Jesus died? How is that a description of today?
  2. What was the result for some of those who watched? Many believe there is a God, but what has to occur in their lives besides belief?



Because it is so easy to read the account of the crucifixion in “auto-mode,” it is imperative that the Word of God, breathed by Him, be read with the focus of how God felt watching His Son bear the sins of the world. It is hard to grasp the horror of that day. As you break into small groups, pray that you can find something new that will grab your attention, causing your heart to break with the sacrifice He made for YOU. As you prepare for the Resurrection Sunday, celebrate the fact that Christians are the only people who serve a God who was dead, buried, and now is alive!

Focal Passages: Matthew 26:47-56, 69-75, 27:27-54.

Home Study:: Is 50:6,7, 53:2-11.

Memory Verse: Matthew 27:54: “So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, “Truly this was the Son of God!”