Group Notes | March 8

Don’t Give Up On God
March 8, 2015
Dr. Ben Gutierrez


It is so easy to give up on someone when they disappoint or hurt us. Often, removing them from our life can be easier than facing the situation. Can you share a time when you were so disappointed that you erased someone from your life?

This week we are looking at one of the most important promises of comfort and hope ever given, as the disciples, hours away from the crucifixion, tried to sort out their feelings of confusion and pain as their hearts cried out “Jesus! Do You really care?”


1. Put yourself in the place of the faithful disciples. What are some of the feelings you would have had if you had been at the Last Supper, and heard Jesus tell of His immediate up-coming death?

2. Would you have felt betrayed, having seen Him perform thousands of miracles, yet meekly ready to die? Why?

3. Read John 14:1-3. Instead of focusing on His imminent suffering, what does He do?

4. What is His deep desire in verse 1a? Explain how that same compassion is available to us when we deal with chaos, pain, fear or doubt that He cares?

5. In verse 1b Jesus begs them to remember He is God. Why did this matter at this time?

6. Give some examples of His past faithfulness to you; address the statement “Never once, did I ever walk alone?”*

7. What is the promise in verses 2 and 3? What attributes of His character is Jesus revealing as He speaks?

8. What are some ways you can reinforce that His faithfulness to you in the past, when you wanted to give up on Him through the worst times of pain or fear, means that you can trust Him with your future, no matter what it holds?


Imagine! Jesus is comforting this small group of eleven believers who will become the nucleus of His church worldwide hours before He goes to the cross! If you had been in that group, could He have depended on you to hang in there? As we go into small group time, discuss those valleys you are going through, and decide if Jesus is really with you. Resolve if you are willing to trust Him, rather than giving up and feeling alone. Pray for each other, that each would trust their most intimate troubles to His faithful care.

Memory Verse: John 4:16: “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” (NKJV)

*Writers: Jason Ingram, Matt Redman, Tim Wanstal. Recording Artist Matt Redman sings “Never Once Did I Ever Walk Alone” on his CD “10,000 Reasons,” 2011.