Group Notes | November 21

Being Thankful
November 21st, 2016

Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Although (hopefully) we evidence a spirit of gratitude for things done for us all year, at Thanksgiving we intentionally take time to be thankful for our many blessings. What are some things that you are especially thankful for this year?

David, a man after God’s own heart, filled his life composing beautiful Psalms of praise in gratefulness to God for His care. Remember that many of David’s praises were written when he was pursued by enemies, running for his life, or in a situation that would make praise difficult. Yet today we will look at Psalm 100 and see what we can learn as we fill our hearts with our own praise and thankfulness to God, even if we are in the midst of hard times.

Focal Passage: Psalm 100:1-5

Think About or Discuss:

We Serve Him

  1. Can you name anyone you enjoy serving? What is it about your helping them that brings you a feeling of delight?
  2. David wrote that you should serve God with gladness! What would that look like for you? Read Matthew 25:40. How can you serve someone today that will bring a bit of pleasure to their life?

He is Our Creator and Sustainer

  1. When you discussed or wrote down an answer in the Ice Breaker, according to verse 3 what should one of the answers have been?
  2. Which do you stand on when you are trusting yourself to God’s care: your feelings, or the promises He has given you? Give or write down some examples.

We Can Stand in His Presence

  1. When is the last time you prayed, without distractions, and then remained quiet so you could hear Him if He answered? How often are you quiet in His presence?
  2. Read John 10:29. What promise is in this verse? How do you know it’s true?
  3. Can you remember the freedom you felt as a child to run into your mom or dad’s arms (or someone you loved) whenever you needed comfort? How do you relate that to your feelings about your heavenly Father?

He Has Shown Us Mercy

  1. What does mercy mean to you? How does God show that to you?
  2. Read Heb. 4:16b; what is the promise in this verse? Why is it not accurate to trust your feelings?

His Truth Will Never End

  1. How long will His truth endure? How many chances will He give you to come running back to Him? Isn’t this something wonderful to share with those who are hopeless?


Focusing on total praise to God during this Thanksgiving season begins, not with family, your salvation, your children, or material blessings, but with those things He gives us so freely that we take for granted: He knit your life in your mother’s womb, and brought you forth; as soon as you hit the world, air was supplied to you; food and water were given, without which you would not have grown. When you became aware of Him and His great love for you, you could make the decision to turn from your sin to Him, and begin a new life. So many foundation stones were built upon to bring you here to this place where you can worship Him! As you continue through this week, dwell on the wonderful gifts He has given you freely to enjoy. If you meet someone who needs to be thankful, gently point out how much you value the loving Savior and Creator who gave you life.

Memory Verse: Psalm 100:1-5: “Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations.”

Focal Passages: Psalm 100; Heb. 4:6.