Group Notes | October 2

START: The Power of the Word
October 1, 2017
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Those of you who are parents or grandparents can no doubt remember the days when the children were 2 or 3, and you seldom let more than a few moments go by without knowing exactly what they were doing. Can anyone share a story when your watchfulness paid off?

Today we continue the series “START,” as we learn to recognize the different ways God directs us, guiding us to the next step in our walk with Him. Last week we made certain we are His child; this week we want to absorb what a perfect Father He is, constantly caring for us, and giving us guidance through His word.

Focal Passages: 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119:11, 105; James 1:22-25;1 Corinthians 15:3-4.



  1. Read Hebrews 4:12. What attributes does the Bible have?
  2. What does it mean that the Bible is “living?”
  3. If one is looking for a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching, evangelical church, what beliefs about the Bible should they teach that are “non-negotiables,” before you consider attending? (All start with the letter “I”.)

Read What It Says:

  1. Read 2 Tim. 3:16a. What is meant to say the Scripture is “inspired”?
  2. The Bible is God, speaking to you! How does that excite you?
  3. What are some reasons that less than 20% of “church goers” read their Bible daily?

Quote by A. W. Tozer: [The Bible] is God’s present Voice which makes His written word all powerful! Otherwise it should be locked in slumber within the covers of a Book.”

Learn What It Means:

  1. Read verse 16b. There is a difference in reading the Bible in order to check it off your “to do” list, and studying what God is saying. If you do not understand a verse, what sources are available to help you? (There is a list at the end).
  2. Read 2 Peter 1:2-4. According to these verses, why is it so necessary that you take time to study the Scriptures?

Put It Into Practice:

  1. Read verses 16c, 17. Why should you be instructed in the teaching of the Word? How do you believe you can handle the things the world throws at you, if you don’t know how God wants you to react?
  2. Read James 1:22-25. If you are going to be called by His name, how does He want you to act? 


Do you stand in awe that a book could be written 2000-6000 years ago, yet prove to be applicable to every generation, for doctrine (guidance for being taught), reproof (an expression of disapproval), correction and instruction in righteousness? To the one who loves the Lord and wants a deeper relationship, nothing compares with the Bible, and your quiet time alone with Him, when you can focus on His Word. It should be compared to the same discipline you might have for working out, eating healthy meals, romancing your spouse, or spending quality time with those you love. Be aware that Satan will throw many curve balls at you (phone calls, interruptions, etc.) to break your concentration! If you read it year after year, decide to study it with different goals: perhaps look for prayers as you read one year, and write them in a notebook; another year focus on the promises that are contained within the pages as God speaks. If you read a chapter or section, and find your attention has wavered, go back and re-read it. Seek out Life Groups of Bible Studies that will help you understand it. It will generate a feeling of humility, of love, and a greater idea of what God has done for you, to read His word and put your name in places that refer to mankind. Eventually, realizing that He is not up in the sky, far away, but residing within you as God, the Holy Spirit, you should come to the place where you talk to Him often during your day, and He will become so much more to you—the best friend you could ever have.

Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16: All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (NKJV)

Notable quotes: A. W. Tozer: “Reading the Word of God is the only way to discover the Will of God. If you’re trying to discover God’s Will for your life without reading God’s Word for your life, you’re wasting your time.”  “God did not write a book and send it by messenger to be read at a distance by unaided minds. He spoke a Book and lives in His spoken words, constantly speaking His words and causing the power of them to persist across the years.”

*Ed Stetzer, September 13, 2012

Helpful Websites:; Within both of those sites there are resources such as Original Greek or Hebrew, the meanings, Commentaries, and more study materials.