Group Notes | September 11

Unfinished: Here and Now
September 11, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Basic learning falls into one of two categories: learning by experience, or learning by observation. For instance, your parents may have divorced, and the consequences made you determine you will never do that to your child. Experience in getting a $150 ticket for speeding may teach you the consequences were not worth the moment of fun! Can you think of an illustration for either that has impacted your life?

Over the next few weeks we will focus on finding answers to questions like “Why am I here? Why was I born? Do I have a purpose?” as we start a new series called “Unfinished.”  We may find some of the answers through having experienced God’s movement in our individual lives, while other answers may come as we observe the changed lives of those who have given their heart to Christ.


  1. Before we look at the focal passage, does anyone know a Scripture that may tell us why God says He made man? (Psalm 86:9 is one).
  2. How do you know God has a purpose for you? (Read Jeremiah 29:11).

We are going to study Paul’s last words to Timothy, encouraging him to carry on the work of the ministry. We need to apply these instructions to our own life, knowing the work of spreading the gospel to the world is not yet finished.

Life exists only in Christ

  1. Read 2 Timothy 1:1-7. What does verse 1b tell us? Why must we know this by our own experience, or by observing the changed lives around us?

In a crazy world, hope comes only from Him

  1. Read verse 2b. What are some ways the world uses to avoid believing this verse? What is our hope and how is it so different from that of the world?

Finding purpose in life starts with Him

  1. Read verses 3a and 4. If we believe that God created us with certain gifts, with a specific purpose, how can we know them? Read 1 Peter 4:10. Why did He give us a gift/gifts? Will we find true joy if we are not serving others in some way?

It’s been entrusted to us

  1. Read verse 5. Who had passed on the gift of faith to Timothy? God has delivered it to us; who are you passing it on to?

Our starting point

  1. Read verse 6. What does Paul mean by “stir up”? Is your gift like that of your friends? What are ways in which we can recognize our gift (question 5)? When we find it, what are we to do with it?

Peace through strength

  1. Read verse 8. Where do our fears come from? What has God given to us? Can anyone share the extent of the “power” that God gives us?


These verses are so filled with important content that it’s hard to condense the time it takes to study it in depth! Below will be some points for you to think on during the coming week, expanding on what God has done for us. He has given us so much, both in our life on earth, as well as gifts of service for our brethren, and a future with Him. Examine your life to see if these things are alive and well in you, and discuss ways that you can increase your awareness of them. Pray for each other, that you would be able to vanquish the fear that Satan tries to use to destroy these wonderful blessings from God. If you know someone who would benefit from being in a small group, invite them to come with you next week, especially if they are new to your area. Loneliness is a tool Satan uses too often in the life of a believer to destroy the work we are called to finish.

Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Focal Passage: 2 Timothy 1:1-7

Home Study: Take some time to list all the benefits that God had blessed Timothy with, and then do a self-examination to see that they are active in your own life. In verse 1, the “life” Christ promises is not only for here and now, but for eternity. Verse 2, “grace” in the original Greek implies God draws the heart, then keeps us, grows us, encourages us through kindness, and pushes us forward to complete the task He has given us. Mercy is to exercise kindness toward the miserable and afflicted, and stop looking at the world. Peace is that tranquil state of a soul that knows its future is secure in Christ Jesus. Joy (verse 4) is the natural result of a life lived in service to God. Power (verse 7) is our word for dynamite—an explosive, immense capability to choose what is right, true, honorable, and pure (Phil. 4:8) over what is bad; love for the brethren, and a sound mind, which is one filled with being content in whatever state you are placed in (Phil. 4:11).