Group Notes | September 20

Portrait of a King: Lead With Success

September 20, 2015

Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Instruction sheets that come with “assemble it yourself” items often seem a waste of time and are pushed aside—until one finishes with extra parts! Can you think of some things you have really messed up by disregarding the instructions?

Last week we began a series meant to inspire and equip us for leadership, for we do not know what the future may hold. As we looked at David’s commission to his son, Solomon, we saw David charging him to remain faithful to God. Today we will look at God’s practical lessons on effective leadership.



Copy It

  1. Read Deut. 17:18-20. Hundreds of years before a king began to rule over Israel, God gave a list of instructions for these future kings. What was the first order (verse 18)?
  2. Can anyone recall a time in school when you had to write a sentence or word “a hundred times”? Why did the teacher do this?

Keep It

  1. What was the further instruction in verse 19? What memory—past or present—do you have of carrying something with you, trying to memorize it?
  2. Read Psalm 119:11. What is God’s promise for memorizing His word? What is one suggestion you have that helps you to “hide His word in your heart”?

Read It

  1. Do you ever look at the bottles of vitamins on your shelves, mentally kicking yourself for not taking them? How does this analogy reinforce the necessity of reading God’s word?
  2. What was God’s instruction in verse19b? Someone read Deut. 6:6-9. To not read God’s word is disobedience, which is ____?

Live It

  1. Read verse 20 again. What are the results God promises if you daily read His word?
  2. Finish by reading and thinking deeply about Deut. 30:15-18a.



As you break into small groups, think for a moment what your family would be like if everyone earnestly read, memorized, and lived out the principles in God’s word. Would it transform your family? This is what God desires, what He has laid out for you in His word, and what He promises. Discuss what is holding you or your family back from this total commitment. Pray as you close that you would rise up and be the leader who will say “This is going to be the way we want to live.” Leadership takes only one person to change the direction of many. Be that one!

Memory Verse: Ecclesiastes 12:13: “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the man’s all.” (NKJV)

Ponder: Model for Christian Leaders

  • Christ-centered in all aspects of life.
  • Committed to serve the needs of others before your own.
  • Courage to lead with power and love as you serve.
  • Consistently develop others into servant leaders.
  • Continually invite feedback in order to grow.