Group Notes | September 25

Unfinished: Living Faith in the Margins
September 25, 2016
Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Almost everyone has a “to do” list, or an unwritten variety of tasks that need to be have been begun, but have not been completed. Can you think of an example, and how do you feel when you can mark one off the list?

As we continue the series, “Unfinished,” we are focusing on the wealth of wise counsel in Paul’s final words to Timothy. He knew death was imminent, and wanted Timothy—and us by extension—to live life to its fullest through Jesus Christ. Today we focus on taking the word we hear preached in the church on Sunday and apply it to our daily activities as we go through the routine in the other areas of our lives.

Read Focal Passage: 2 Timothy 2:1-26


Be Strong

  1. Think about how often you take on a task, and feel it is too overwhelming, and you want to give up. If God has called you to do this (job, duty, mission), how does He expect you to see it to completion? At the end of the day, where has your strength come from?
  2. Can anyone share a situation where you felt it impossible to get through, but later could look back and see His strength being poured into you daily?

The Gospel Still Works

  1. As verse 9 was read, Paul reminded us that whatever our own situation, God’s omnipotence is still working. 2 Cor. 5:17 tells us that when we become believers, our old nature passes away and all things become new. Explain how that change is made manifest through your time on earth?
  2. How important is it that you internalize the knowledge each day that you are living a new life?

Live Differently

  1. Why does Paul say in verse 15 to “study” God’s Word? What can you apply God’s desires for your life unless you know His revealed will from His word?

Use Your Faith in the Real World

  1. Without a doubt, Paul spent his time in the “real world.” His entire focus was telling lost souls how to respond to the love of God and be saved. How are you different from those around you every day?
  2. What are some ways you can draw strength and encouragement throughout your week, or when times are hard? And how can you yourself give strength and encouragement to others when they are going through tough times?

To Finish What Christ Began

  1. In verses 24-26, Paul admonishes us to treat others with love and humility. You cannot separate love and truth. Who will listen to you if you do not show love to them first?
  2. How can you continue the work Christ began? What are some things you can do in your sphere of influence?


Coming to church, meeting with friends on Sundays and possibly Wednesdays, or attending a Life Group, all feed your spirit and encourages you. But in those situations, all (or most) in attendance are of the same mindset as you, and in a way, isolated from the filth, obvious sins, profanity, and hatred that you might face in your day-to-day activities. As you close this session, it is so imperative that you study the chapter with the intention of learning and applying how God wants you to carry out His mission. Perhaps even write down some of the ideas Paul’s instructions create in you. He wants you to be living in victory every day, no matter what circumstances you find yourself in, while you are dealing with people who may be living so differently than you live. Treat them with respect, love them, invite them to come to church with you. Most of all, show them that each day you want to live your life pleasing to Him who died for you!

Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 2:15: “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the world of truth.”

Focal Passage: 2 Timothy, Chapter 2