January 07, 2024


January 07, 2024

Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Each week all of us have the same amount of time. As we leave the church on Sunday heading to our various homes, we put into our days whatever it is that we’ve selected as important: jobs, family, school, activities, hobbies, recreation, etc.  Each of us is a steward of the same number of hours, but no one uses their days the same as others. Do you ever consider how many people you pass each week who have never met Jesus Christ? In our town, that number is lower than most towns, but it is still significant. Each of us daily crosses paths with unsaved lives who will spend eternity in hell. Why should we tell them they have an option? Because Jesus gave that responsibility to us, and because those people may want to know about Him!

Focal Passage: John 1:1-5, 8:12, 14:1-7, Isaiah 41:1-4, 10, 43:25, 48:12, Phil. 4:19, Psa. 9:9-10.

“He is the help you’ve been looking for to guide you in a difficult time and give you the hope you’ve always wanted.”

He is:

  • Read John 8:12. As we consider the statement above, stop for a moment. Who are we talking about? Jesus Himself described His deity and His character in the first two words. Read Exo. 3:14. Why did God call Himself the “I AM,” and what did He mean? What are some of the characteristics that we can fill in the blank with? Read Isa. 41:4b,48:12b, and 43:25. What more does God say about Himself?
  • Read NT passages Matt. 8:3, 11:29, 18:20, Jn. 4:26, 6:49, 7:29. Who is Jesus declaring to the people that He is? How did the Pharisees take this?
  • Read John 1:1-5. Is there anything that Jesus cannot do? Can He handle all our trials?

The help you’ve been looking for:

  • Read Jn. 8:12b and Jn. 1:6-9. How did John (the Apostle) describe John the Baptist in these verses? How did he describe Jesus? Read Gen. 1:1 and Rom. 1:19-20. God (the Trinity) created the world and holds it together. Read Heb. 1:3. How can you grasp the totality of these statements?
  • Read Rev. 5:13. If you read the previous verses in Revelation, you’ll see the throne is surrounded by billions and billions of people, creatures from the sky, sea, and earth, all crying out in praise to God and the Lamb. Even the rocks and creation praise Him! If you believe this, what problems do you have that are outside of His control?

To guide you in a difficult time:

  • Read Jn. 8:12c. What are some of the problems that we encounter on a fairly regular basis? Why do these trials drive you to your knees? Why do you think you pray much more fervently when your family is facing a crisis than when things are going well?
  • What do you think Jesus means when He says “follow Me” in this phrase? Read Isa. 41:10. God gives promises to believers such as is in this verse. Why do so many not wish to trust Him with their lives? Read Psa. 9:9-10. Why does it seem that we need reassurance that God loves our family member who is in a trial as much as we do?
  • Read Phil. 4:6. Based on the verses we’ve read, why do we worry instead of resting in our Father’s arms?

And to give you the hope you’ve always wanted.

  • Read Jn. 8:12d. If you are a person who can reason well, what is the greatest desire of your heart? If you named something earthly that would pass away, are you saying that you value that more than knowing what will happen after death?
  • Read Phil. 4:19. Is this verse speaking of your physical needs, or does it include spiritual needs also? Read Jn. 14:1-7 and Jer. 7:17. If you are not in doubt about your salvation, are you able to put into practice the verses we have just read, as you follow Jesus?
  • Read John 11:25-26. Answer the question in your own heart. Do you feel comfortable telling your story of salvation to others, who might be unsaved?



Last week Charles Billingsley encouraged us to set goals for 2024. Many of us may have done so, but almost all of us have areas in our lives that need improvement—and New Year’s is a great time to put into place a new set of resolutions to strive for. Charles mentioned “big, hairy, audacious goals,” and smaller goals that we can set that will get us to the final push of those “b-hag” goals that some may remember from Dr. Falwell, Sr.  If we feel overwhelmed at the big ones, having smaller ones that will get us there is a worthy pursuit.

Charles also suggested listing the areas of life (i.e., emotional, physical, spiritual, etc.), and working in those weak areas daily. The first and most important will always be our walk with Jesus Christ. If we follow Him, it seems so many other issues will usually fall into place. But in order to follow Him, we must know Him for who He truly is. Do you know that the name, Jesus, is the Greek name Joshua, and Joshua in Hebrew is Yah-shua. YaH is the shortened word of YaHWeH, which means the name “Jesus” is literally Yahweh-Hoshua, which is “I AM THE SAVIOR”!* God was very particular to give His Son the name Immanuel (“God with us”), and Jesus (“I AM the Savior”). As God, He took on flesh to come to the earth, fully God, yet fully man. That is why He could say, “If you’ve seen Me, you have seen the Father.” (Jn. 14:9). As His child, we have everything in this life that we need: His presence inside of us, His guidance, protection, love, and on and on. We have eternal life, and a story to tell. Why would we keep this amazing gospel to ourselves?


By Sandy Day

January 07, 2024


*Information from The HeadStrongBoy on AskMe Help Desk