January 08, 2023


January 08, 2023

Scott Bullman


After beginning the new year last Sunday, making resolutions to do better in some area(s), did you tank this past week? Fall off the wagon of food, or of drinks, or cell phone time or too much binge-watching? Today’s sermon will help no matter how this past week has been lived, as we all need to hear that everyone—which means everyone—faces temptation! No one is exempt, and yes, you can have victory. It helps if you expect it if you’ve just been on a mountaintop. For some reason, a time of temptation often happens soon after a victory. Let’s join Pastor Scott as he preaches a timely message on being victorious over temptation.

Focal Passage: Matt. 3:16-17; Matt. 4:1-11; Jas. 1:13-15; Eph. 6:10-17.

Everyone faces temptation

· Read Mark 1:9-13. How quickly did Jesus transition from being baptized by John, rewarded by hearing the voice of the Father, to being led into the wilderness for forty days? Why did God allow Jesus to be tempted by Satan?

· Read Heb. 2:17-18. Would Christ understand our struggles had He not been tempted? Why does God allow temptation to enter our lives?

· Why is temptation not a sign of spiritual weakness? Is it a sin to be tempted? Read Jas. 1:14. When does temptation become sinful? What can be the result of those actions?

· If you act on temptation and lose fellowship with God, how can it be restored? Will you ever outgrow temptation?

The Source of temptation

· In the passage we read in Mark, who tempted Jesus in the wilderness? Read Gen. 3:1. Who tempted Adam and Eve? How did he tempt Eve? Is he still as active today in the lives of believers? Why does he relish taking us down?

· Pastor Scott read a statement by Dr. Tony Evans, citing the difference between a trial from God and a temptation from Satan. What was the result of the trial from God? What was the result of the temptation from Satan?

· What are three ways Satan tempts us to disregard God? What was the method he used with Eve? Can he make you DOUBT God? How can he use DECEIT to get us to sin? How hard is it to distract us from a godly intention by causing a DETOUR in our life?

· Read Heb. 4:15. Jesus did not pull on His Deity to conquer temptation! Otherwise, He would not have been tempted “as we are.” What was the difference between Jesus in His temptation, and Eve when Satan confronted her?

· If God allows you to be subject to temptation, does He already know how you’re going to respond? If you are victorious, how does it glorify Him? If you fall, who gets pleasure?

Victory over temptation

· Read 1 Cor. 10:13. What is the promise tucked inside this wonderful passage? Do you believe this promise with your whole heart?

· Read Jas. 4:7. How do you resist those thoughts that come into your mind seemingly out of nowhere? Each time you resist, what happens in your spirit?

· Read 2 Pet. 2:9. What can be some ways in which God provides a means to flee? Why do we think that running away is cowardly?

· Read Eph. 6: 10-17. What are the weapons of warfare that God gave us to defeat Satan? Discuss what each piece represents. How many soldiers would go into battle without armor? Why do we ignore the Christian’s armor each day? How can we change?


· What is the best way to go into the world each day? Besides your pieces of spiritual armor, how can you develop a discipline of prayer?

· How can you help other believers be victorious? Read Gal. 6:1. Can you do this? Will you?


Over twenty-one years ago, when the Twin Towers of New York were destroyed and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. was bombed, a prevailing pain in the hearts of Americans made us ask, “How could anyone hate us so much?!” Most were naïve about the state of the political structure that would show itself over the coming decades. But the hatred—the all-consuming willingness to see human life eradicated—is the same hatred for life that is at the heart of Satan. He knows his end, and ignorance is not one of his problems. He’s read the end of the book, and he knows God will fulfill what He has written. It’s enough for Satan that he takes as many with him to hell as he can. We can’t understand such hate.

As we consider the results of temptations and trials, it might help us to keep in mind the differences between them. “A trial can be created or allowed by God to produce spiritual maturity, spiritual development, or spiritual growth. However, a temptation is a solicitation to evil…an enticement to sin…an invitation to rebel against God in order to stifle our spiritual life…and limit our capacity to bring greater glory to God” (Dr. Tony Evans). If we reflect for a moment on the two issues, take a cold second to ask, am I being tempted to _______ in order to rebel against God, or to be victorious and bring Him great glory? Few of us would want to do something to hurt our loving Father, and perhaps reminding ourselves of the difference would help us choose the right response. Let us try to keep these differences in mind this week as we serve Him.

By Sandy Day January 08, 2023