July 9, 2023


July 09, 2023

Dr. Troy Temple

Today we are heading into intense parts in the Book of Revelation—God’s revealing of not just future events alone, but the victorious completion of the plan of God that has been in place before the foundation of the world. From eternity past, God existed, still exists, and will always exist. As the visions from Jesus to John are studied, we see God was, is, and always will be in control of every event that occurs. Rev. 1:3 promises a blessing to the person who reads and/or hears the words of this book and responds by obeying. It is a book that has much symbolism, but the happenings it foretells will come to pass, and no one will be able to stop them.

Focal Passage: Revelation 13.

THE FIRST BEAST                                                                                                                                        

 The Agenda of the First Beast                                                                                                                   

He will establish and control evil leaders and governments.

  • Read Revelation 13:1-2. What is rising out of the sea? He is one creature, but how many heads? How many horns? What is on each horn? What is written on each head?
  • Who is he? What will he look like? What are his feet like? What is his mouth like?
  • Read Dan. 7:3-8. How many heads are on the four beasts Daniel saw in his vision? How many horns are on the fourth beast? What are the similarities in the beasts’ animal likenesses to those John saw? What is the commonality of these four beasts?
  • Did the beast have power when he came out of the sea? Where does he get it? What else does he get from the dragon? From last week, who is the dragon?

The worship of world leaders:

  • Read Rev. 13:3, 12b, 14b. What happens to the beast that John sees? What does it usually mean if one is “mortally” wounded? What happens to the wound? In verse 14b, how does John say the wound occurred?
  • Read verse 4 and Isa. 14:12-15. What has Satan always wanted? Why will everyone worship him during the Tribulation? Why do they worship the beast as well?
  • Read 2 Cor. 11:14. What are characteristics that Satan will try to use to imitate Jesus that will ingratiate him with world leaders? How could he resurrect someone dead?
  • Read Micah 7:18. Is anyone like our God? What will the world cry about the beast?

The temporary war of evil leaders:

  • Read Rev. 13:5-6. How long will the peaceful reign of Antichrist last? How will he get the authority? How will he control people by his words? What does he do after that?
  • Read verse 7. Who “grants” Satan the authority to let Antichrist have a war campaign?

Who will die in this war? Will there be people who are saved during this time?

The deception of evil leaders:

  • Read verses 8-10. Who is going to be leading this war? What does God mean in verse 9?
  • Why is it so vital for people to stand against Satan and the Antichrist? What option will there be for those who won’t take the mark of the beast?

THE SECOND BEAST                                                                                                                                       

Seven Characteristics of the Second Beast                                                                                              

He is a deceiver—a lamb, even friendly.             

  • Read vs 11. This beast rises out of the ground. Who is he trying to imitate? What does John mean, “he spoke like a dragon”?

He speaks the words of Satan.

  • Read Matt. 7:15 and Matt. 24:24. This False Prophet has an agenda as well; what is it? What has been Satan’s main goal since the Garden of Eden?

He is a false worship leader.

  • Read verse 12. We must keep in mind the first beast is the Antichrist; who is this second beast, the false prophet, imitating in the Trinity? What are the main functions of the Holy Spirit? Will He seal believers to God (1 Jn. 3:24)? With Satan desiring to be “like God,” what kind of trinity do these three have (Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet)?
  • What are the main functions of the false prophet? Who will he point men to worship? Will he mark unbelievers for Antichrist?

He uses miracles to amaze and deceive.

  • Read 13:13-14. Who were other “magicians” who used great signs, deceiving people of Egypt, in the OT? What OT king made an image for the people to bow down to (Dan. 2)? Is Satan doing anything new or unusual for him? Read Matt. 24:5, 11.
  • How can believers be aware of what is true and what is false during the Tribulation?
  • Read 1 Kings 18:28. Can someone retell the situation when Elijah called down fire onto the altar of Baal? How does the False Prophet do the signs? Who grants him the right?
  • Why do people tend to believe that which they see? With technology growing by the day, could there be ways in which technological illusions could be used by Antichrist?

He will kill those who reject worshiping the first beast.

  • Read verse 15. Go back to re-read verses 7 and 10. What must be decided by those who will be saved during this time? How is this like Dan 3:1, 6? Does it seem as though Satan continues to re-do activities that have worked for him in the past?

He marks all antichrist worshipers as his.

  • Read verse 16-17. What will be the outcome of those who are saved during that time? What would it be like to see one’s child starving to death? Is death the worst that could happen to people?

He will, ultimately, lead all people to worship a mere man.

  • Read verse 18. No one knows what is meant by the name of Antichrist being 666. There are learned theologians on all sides, but no one knows. There will definitely be a price to pay for not taking the mark.
  • In the end we must remember the words foretold by Isaiah: “Those who see you [Satan] will gaze at you, and consider you, saying: Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, who made the world as a wilderness and destroyed its cities…”!!

BUT CHRIST IS OUR HOPE! He will never die! He will never fail! He will never reject His people! He will always answer! He will keep every promise!


By Sandy Day

July 09, 2023