June 11, 2023


June 11, 2023

Matt Willmington


Today we continue the second sermon in our series on the Book of Revelation. God wanted to reveal through revelation and visions what will be occurring in the “last days.” Why did He warn seven churches in Asia Minor of their performance? What are some nuggets we can glean from Revelation? These and other questions will be answered today by Matt Willmington as he opens chapters two and three of this amazing but somewhat confusing book!

Focal Passage: Revelation 1-3, 22:18-19.

The background of the Book of Revelation:

  • Read Revelation 1:9. Where was John when he received the revelation? Why does he say he was on this island? What did he hear the loud voice saying? Who was it?
  • Read verse 12-13. What did the seven lampstands represent? Who was in the center of them? In verse 16, what were the stars in His right hand?
  • Read vv. 17-19. What does Jesus tell John He wants him to do?

The church at Ephesus—the Loveless church

  • Read 2:1-7. Where was Jesus standing? (Verses 2-3, 6). Why did He praise this church? Were these all good things? How does Eph. 2:8-9 explain what this church was doing?
  • Read vv. 4-5. What was the problem in the church? What did Jesus mean, that they had left their first love? How would you describe a first love? Why is that so important? What was going to be their punishment if they did not repent? What would be their reward for repenting?
  • What about you? Are you more in love with Jesus today than when you got saved? Are you so busy about the Father’s business that you have no time for prayer or Bible study?

The church at Smyrna—the Persecuted church

  • Read 2:8-11. How is Jesus described? In verse 9, what does He praise these Christians for? Were they poor in the sight of God? In verse 10, what is going to happen to them? What would be the result of the prediction? What would their reward be?
  • What about you? If you knew you would face tribulation and possible death, would you run the other way, like Jonah? What would you do? Would you keep your eye on the prize?

The church at Pergamum—the Compromising church

  • Read 2:12-17. What does the two-edged sword stand for? In vs. 13, why does He praise them? In vv. 14-15, what were their sins? Were all of them involved in sinful activities? Read Rom. 1:32. By not putting these sinners out, was the church approving them?
  • What was their fate if they were unrepentant? What reward would the saved receive?
  • What about you? Are you speaking out against world agendas that God hates? Are you taking a stand to say they are sin and violate God’s will? Why is it scary to stand alone?

The church at Thyatira—the Corrupt church

  • Read vv. 18-29. How did Jesus appear? In vs. 19, what did He praise them for? In vv. 20-23, were their sins vile? How is this again described in Romans 1:32, above?
  • Were all the Thyatira Christians involved? What does He ask of those who are standing against Satan? In vs. 26-28, what is their reward going to be?
  • What about you? Are you aware of sins within your church that are affecting many of the body, but you are keeping quiet? Worse, are you participating in sins that are evil?

The church at Sardis—the Dead church

  • Read 3:1-6. How is Jesus portrayed here? In vv. 1, 4, who is the praise for? What is the problem of this church in general? What will be their punishment if they do not repent? In vs. 3, how does a thief come? In vs. 5, what will be the reward of the faithful ones?
  • What about you? Are you holding to a steady course within the church or are you worshiping from a distance? Are your works perfect? Are your sins confessed daily?

The church at Philadelphia—the Faithful church

  • Read 3:7-13. How is Jesus described? Why is this church complimented by Jesus? What does He want them to do? What will be the rewards of those who overcome?
  • What about you? Is there anything in your life that would keep Jesus from calling you faithful? If your family were grading you, would you come up lacking or faithful?

The church at Laodicea—the Lukewarm church

  • Read 3:14-22. Do you see Jesus as He has been described in all these letters? What is so daunting about praise that has been given to the previous churches, but nothing here? Why does Jesus condemn them? What is their biggest problem? What will be their reward if they repent?
  • In verse 19, what is the amazing invitation that is being given to the Laodiceans? Does He, in fact, love them? How can you tell? How can this letter offer hope today?
  • What about you? When your coffee gets cool or your Coke gets warm, do you still want to drink them? Do you appear lukewarm to Jesus? Does He love you enough to give you another chance? Do you believe in Jesus with all your heart, knowing He has the rest of your life in His hands?


The intense judgment in the letters to the Seven Churches underscores the vital need we all have in order to make certain our lives line up with the commands of God. Our salvation is not to be taken lightly, making the sacrifice of Jesus Christ something that can be picked up or laid down at our will. We all need to examine our lives, comparing it to these letters, repenting where it is due, and being faithful to those things to which He has called us. Tomorrow, as we all know, may be too late.


By Sandy Day

June 11, 2023