March 05, 2023


March 05, 2023

Pastor Jonathan Falwell

Most travelers who face hours of driving will choose the multi-lane highways known for offering faster speeds with an absence of traffic signals. Generally, the alternate option is a pre-modern road with low speeds and frequent obstacles. Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, likened our spiritual journey in much the same way. Most people prefer the broad highways in the road of life, easy to navigate, teeming with entertainment that appeals to the masses. But few, He said, are those who seek the way that has the obstacles, the villages and unknown trials. However, at the end of the broad way one finds an eternity spent apart from God, while the narrow way leads to a mansion in the presence of God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Focal Passage: Matthew 7:13-29.

The Most Important Choice

· Read Matt. 7:13-14. When God created man, He gave him a free will. Why do you think Adam and Eve chose the wrong path? Read Romans 5:12. What was the result? What does Romans 6:23 tell us? Read Eph. 2:4-5 and 2 Pet. 3:9. What did God provide for sin?

· What steps do we take if we wish to be saved? Do you feel anger that you are not able to work your way to heaven, or are you very grateful to God that He provided a way for you to be with Him forever? Did He have to provide salvation for us?

· What will happen to the person who resists salvation? If one dies without Christ, who all will suffer? Is your salvation the best thing that has ever happened to you?

Distractions Are Everywhere

· Read Matt. 7:15-20. Have you ever been in a church service when you realized what you were hearing was not what the Bible says? What did you do? Have you been exposed to preachers or teachers who were completely false teachers? Read Acts 17:10-12a. Have you ever been like the Bereans? Why were they so special?

· What type of distractions keep you from worshiping God? What are some tools that Satan uses to see that we are not often in church on Sunday? What about worldly pleasures? If you do not enjoy being with your fellow believers as often as possible, why do you think you will enjoy them forever in heaven?

You Better Make Sure

· Read Matt. 7:21-23. What immediately jumps out at you in this passage? What were these people depending on in order to get to heaven? Do you know personally know people who believe their good works will get them to heaven? Why is this not true?

· Read John 14:23. Is this you? Are you glad to keep God’s word, and bring glory to Him? Do you want to share Him with as many people as possible? Do you want them to know His goodness? Does your heart swell with joy when people get saved? Do you love Him?

These questions are a good self-examination to check your soul for your salvation!

The Wrong Choice Has Terrible Consequences

· Read Matt. 7: 24-27. What will be the eternal consequences that will occur from making a wrong choice with your acceptance or rejection of Jesus? What are some things you feel would be too hard to give up, if you became a Christian?

· Read John 14:24, 1 John 1:6, 8 and 2:4. What are some of the marks of a believer? What are some habits or hang-ups that cause your spirit to draw back from some people?

· Read Romans 8:16. What is the promise and the assurance in this verse that brings

He Is the Only Source

· Read Matt. 7:28-29 and Acts 4:12. Is there any way to heaven other than by believing in Jesus Christ? Have you made your decision? Read Heb.3:7-13. What will be the eternal end for those people who reject Christ as the payment for their sin? Will the world be worth it?


Have you ever noticed how many people leave their faith when they have not had a prayer answered the way they decided it had to be? Apparently, to them, God is a genie in a lamp, there to do their bidding. Is that a realistic view of God? This God, the only living God, is the one who spoke—spoke, mind you—the whole world into being. Think on that! This choice of accepting or rejecting Christ will affect your eternal destiny.

Salvation is God’s will for you. He cares so much about you that you cannot even comprehend the depth of His love. You will know it fully the moment you stand before Him. Then, although you will know, it will be too late. What can you do about it now? You can stop building the cage you have made for Him to reside in, stop confining Him to your own parameters, stop calling the shots, and submit to the one who is so mighty, so powerful, and yet so loving that it boggles our minds. Every verbal reference to Him or His name should hold Him in the highest regard, and any term you use for Him should praise and exalt Him.

Besides your salvation, He also wills your sanctification (1 Thes. 4:3)! He doesn’t want you to go through the day looking like the young people who are showing off their sexual attributes. He wants you to be pure and faithful when you come to the marriage bed. He wants you to be filled with love for Him, and for the people who cross your path daily. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you have many years to live—you might not make it until tomorrow. Make every day count. Today is the day of salvation. Be sure you make the right choice.

By Sandy Day March 05, 2023