March 10, 2024                    


March 10, 2024

Matt Willmington

Today we continue our series, Beyond Belief, looking at some of the miracles Jesus performed during the three years that encompassed His ministry before the crucifixion. Miracles, as Scott Bulman shared, are those impossible acts of significance that occur during a time of desperate circumstances. Are you one of those who needs a miracle in your life today? You can’t escape the turbulence of life but you can learn to praise God in the middle of your storm, even while it is happening. When you are having a period of agonizing days (or weeks, or months) do you have a fear of what’s happening or a faith that God will show up and bring you through the storm? You don’t want to hear Him to say “O, you of little faith” but “Well done!”

Focal Passages: Matthew 8:23-28, Jonah 1, Job 1, 38, Romans 1.

The Raging Storm:

  • Read Matt. 8:23-24. As we hear often, there is no better place to be than with Jesus, in the center of His Read verse 18 to learn the current circumstances. Who gets in the boat first? As the disciples follow Him, are they doing what He asked of them when He had originally called them? What about the scribe in verse 19? These disciples, then, were doing God’s will, and yet the storm still came–one that threatened their lives.
  • How quickly did it come? Are you someone who has figured out that you can have your day planned but all it takes is one phone call or text for your schedule to be completely cast aside?
  • This storm was “seismic”! What does that mean to you? Can you share if that is a good description for something you have gone through, or are going through? Where do the storms come from? If one has been ordained by God, what may be the reasons (Jn. 9:3, 5:14, Deut. 8:2, Jonah 1:3a, 4)? If Satan or evil is behind it, what can you do (Luke 4:8, Jas. 4:7) and (Luke 22:3, 31, 1 Chron. 21:1, Luke 13:16)? Is it possible your storm is of your own making? If so, take immediate steps to get to the source, change it if you can or if you need to, or repent if there is sin involved. God will restore you!

The Reactions:

  • Read Matt. 8:25-26. How did the disciples react? What were some of the miracles they had recently seen? We wonder how they could have been so dense; are there situations in your life that cause you worry, yet you forget how faithful God has been to you the past year or decade? What is the first thing Jesus says to His disciples?
  • What was Jesus more concerned about in the moment, the faith of His disciples or the boat sinking? Read Mark 4:39. The Greek can be translated “Hush! Be still!” Read Job 9:7, 36:32, Psa. 89:9, Rom. 1:20. How can you prove that God controls all things?
  • How did the disciples react to Jesus’ command to the storm? Was it building their faith?

The Result:

  • Read Matt. 8:28a. Did the boat get to where it was supposed to go? Do you ever take notice in your life of how faithful God has been, and how He has always brought you through every storm, getting you “to the other side”? Is Romans 8:28 real to you?
  • The greater the storm, the greater the calm. Do you realize He’s always within you?


1. Jesus was in the boat! It was not about the storm, it’s not about you, and you are not the victim.

2. Don’t mistake God’s silence in the boat for His absence from the storm in your life.

3. Storms are “faith gyms.” They cause us to move from fear of the storm to faith in God. The storms cause trees to put their roots deeper so they grow stronger—just as we should, too!

4. He will always get your boat to the shore!


Are we like the disciples as storms come into our lives, resorting instantly to fear, rather than faith? Let’s face it, most of us go from one crisis to another; we have a health issue that is eventually healed by our doctor, only to have a child make mistakes that could impact their eternal life. We endure stress for something expensive that needs to be replaced and wonder where the money will come from to pay the doctor. Sometimes in frustration we’ll remark that we’ve done everything we can, so we’ll have to pray. No! We MUST cultivate an attitude of gratitude as God ministers to our needs daily, just as we take care of our children! We should be thanking Him always and intentionally for His goodness. Soon we will start seeing Him work in the moment! He provides for us, takes care of us, protects us, feeds us, clothes us, finds the things we lose, gives us patience when we’re angry, loves us when we’re upset…. how can we not fall on our knees and cry out to Him that we need Him every hour? He calms the storms in our lives every day. He never leaves us. There’s nothing that our God can’t do! 

            “For I know that the LORD is great, and our LORD is above all gods. Whatever the LORD pleases He does, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deep places. He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth; He makes lightning for the rain, He brings the wind out of His treasuries.” Psa. 135:5-7. “He does great things which we cannot comprehend!” (Job 37:5b).


By Sandy Day

March 10, 2024