March 20, 2022


March 20, 2022

Pastor Jonathan Falwell

As we live our lives, it is almost constant that we must make decisions requiring simply a “yes or no”—even something as simple as “Do you want a hamburger?” Can you think of an example?

This series on the basic doctrines of the Christian faith has been filled with information that can increase our faith. These doctrines are non-negotiable and are the foundations of Biblical faith. We have used the doctrinal statement of our church to give you a plan of action should you ever need to relocate and choose a new church, or even assess your current church, being certain it stands on Biblical values. From TRBC: “We affirm that at the end of this age the unsaved will be raised and judged according to their works and separated forever from God in hell. The saved, having been raised, will live forever in heaven in fellowship with God.”

The Coming Wrath

We affirm that at the end of this age the unsaved will be raised and judged according to their works and separated                  forever from God in hell.

           The Doctrine of Sin: They are therefore subject to eternal punishment, under the just condemnation of a holy God.

  • In Genesis 3, sin enters the perfect world God had made. Can someone paraphrase what happened there? Read Romans 5:12. What was the punishment God gave man? Why did He create man with free will?
  • Read Romans 3:23. What has been the condition of man’s heart since the Garden of Eden? Where do we all deserve to spend eternity?
  • Read Hebrews 9:27 and Romans 6:23. What can mankind expect after death?
  • Read Matthew 22:12-13 and 25:41. How is hell described? Read Rev. 20:14-15. Who was hell originally designed for?
  • Read Gen. 3:15. In eternity past, God knew man would choose to sin, and made a way for him to be forgiven. Can you think of other Old Testament passages that promise a Redeemer?
  • Read Matt. 25:46. What is the hope that will save us from the coming wrath?

The Promised Path

The saved, having been raised, will live forever in heaven in fellowship with God.

            The Doctrine of Salvation: The believer is declared righteous, born again by the Holy Spirit, turned from sin and                      assured of heaven.

  • Read John 3:16-17. Although God knew man would choose sin in his free will and would deserve separation from Him, what did He prepare for His Son to do? Read Romans 5:17. Why was it necessary for God to take upon Himself the payment for our sins?
  • Read John 14:1-3, 6. What is the consequence of rejecting Jesus as Savior? Does God send mankind to hell? Why is Jesus the only way to eternal life?
  • Read Rev. 21:3-5. What are some of the joys that will be experienced eternally by those who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior? What are some of the things that will never be known in heaven?

So, Let’s Do the Math

The Doctrine of Salvation: assured of heaven

  • Read Ephesians 1:3, 10. There are so many promises that tell us about heaven! What has He given us already, just as if we have already received it?
  • Read 2 Cor. 5:17. Do we wait for heaven before beginning life as a new creation? What are some of the fruits that will show we are a new person in Christ?
  • What are some reasons people reject Jesus Christ? Do you think they have made their decision from the word of God, or movies, fake news, and hearsay?
  • If a person walks the aisle, or raises their hand in acceptance of Jesus, but never gives up their sinful lifestyle, have they truly met and loved the risen Lord? Why?
  • Read Romans 7:22-25. How can we be victorious until the day we meet Christ?


Many years ago a documentary was made on the life of a man who had been on drugs since a young child but had accepted Jesus as his Savior. The reporter asked how it had come about, and the man was clear in his message: “I was sleeping on the streets, not knowing if or when I would get another meal; I had no job, no home, no friends, and no parents in my life—nothing but drugs. One day, as I was passing a church, I felt led to enter the doors into the sanctuary. Although it was a weekday, it was only a few moments before a pastor approached and began to speak to me. As I listened, God awakened something inside me, and I felt as though He was saying, “You have nothing but pain and suffering. Accept my Son and let Him be your Lord, and I will meet your needs each day.” Can you wonder that I would be so dense as to not understand I was holding on to nothing and God was offering me a new life? It was a “DUH?” moment for me!” He went on to become a preacher.

The truth is, it’s easier for people to hope that the goodness of God will cause Him to disregard His plan of salvation on that day (if they believe there will be one) when they stand before Him than to accept Jesus now. They are certain He will relent and allow them into heaven because, as we hear so often, “My good outweighs my bad, so I’m sure God will accept me.” Wrong. Can you imagine martyrs by the thousands who have given their lives, been burned at the stake, crucified, enduring excruciating deaths, watching as God says, “You’re right! Go on in.” That’s absurd. He is a loving Father, but a holy God. We get the just recompense for our deeds, Ezekiel 9:10 tells us, unless our sins are forgiven.

What is at stake during these few years on earth is our eternal soul! The choice is very clear, and Jesus spoke nearly 170 times about an eternity in hell. It is a place of pain, suffering, darkness, fire, and more. Think of the vilest people you have ever known, and multiply their number by millions, including Satan and his demons. Those are the residents of hell, and there will be no parties, no friends to hang out with, and no good days. Then envision the eternal life lived by those who have trusted in Jesus Christ to save them. There is eternal light, eternal joy, eternal deliverance from all that hurts, and eternal celebrating the God who loves us. For the rest of eternity, we will be with the millions who love Jesus Christ. Only the truly foolish would choose hell.