May 2, 2021


May 02, 2021

Pastor Jonathan Falwell


How do you respond when you’ve said something you know to be true, and someone contradicts you, either publicly or privately?

Last week we read King Solomon’s wise words regarding the dangerous sin of pride, coupling it with like passages from Isaiah. As we continue reading the Bible through in six months, this week we read the book of the prophet Jeremiah, who time and again warned those in Judah that God was angry at their many sins—so angry, in fact, that they were about to go into exile. Today we ask, is it ever okay to have a sense of pride? We see that Jeremiah wrote there is a time when it can be acceptable to God to boast. The largest book of prophecy in the Old Testament, he wrote all under the inspiration of and authority of “Thus says the Lord.”

Focal Passages: Proverbs 16:18; the book of Jeremiah.

 Pride in Knowing God

  • Read Jeremiah 9:23. As we learned last week from Isaiah, pride is a sin that God hates. What does Jeremiah say that one should never boast about? Why?
  • Who is the braggart thinking of, as he boasts of wisdom, strength, or riches?
  • Read Verse 24a. What can we boast of within God’s framework? How is it possible to take pride in one’s knowledge and understanding of God without sounding self-righteous? In boasting that you know God, where must be the focus?
  • Read 2 Peter 3:18. How does this verse encapsulate the admonitions of Jeremiah, as Judah was embracing idol worship while rejecting God’s truth?


Pride in Seeking God

  • Read Jer. 9:24b. Have you ever made an appointment to meet with someone when you had no idea what to expect? As you search for God, what do you need to know and believe about Him in order to find Him? Read Prov. 8:17. What are some false expectations that must be cast away in order to find God?
  • Read Psalm 63:1. Was David seeking for God in a manner that was pleasing to Him? Explain your answer.
  • Read Jer. 29:13. What do you know about God’s promises? Can you trust Him?


 Pride in Seeking Truth

  • Read Jer. 9:24c. Why can no government or civil organization legislate laws to empower our country with love, justice, or righteousness?
  • Where is the only place you find Truth? Is it relative, as the world teaches? Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. What is the only way man’s heart can be changed?
  • Read John 8:31-32. Why is it so vital that we know the word of God?


Pride in Glorifying Him

  • Read verse 24d. What does “these” refer to? How does this verse end? What does that mean?
  • The Westminster Catechism’s first question is “What is the chief end of man?” If you ever memorized it, what is the answer? Read 1 Cor. 10:31 and Romans 11:36. Do these verses answer the question, “why was I born?”
  • Do you often meditate on God, contemplating His love for you, and your security within His hand? What can you do to know Him better?



Becoming parents—or functioning in a role that requires parental control—gives us a glimpse of the excitement that comes to most families when they learn a baby is coming. Much time and preparation is involved in planning for a lifetime of joy, hoping for great happiness in watching them grow, and imagining the loving relationships in the family. If then, we are able to get so filled with gladness over an expected “bundle of joy,” how can we ever doubt that God has put all His resources together to provide a lifetime of delight for His children? He made us to be in a relationship with Him, as we learned, to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever, and our joy and humble pride that He has chosen us should fill us with awe and wonder.

Where does it often break down? Within a family, we see a child hit the “Terrible Twos,” so called because of behavior problems that begin about that age. In reality, most little ones are just then becoming aware of their small ability to accomplish tasks and they want to exercise their touch of independence. What they feel as a “Big Boy moment” may be seen by parents as a rejection of them, as the child becomes someone other than their sweet baby, resulting in times of friction. Is that what God sees from us? Do we begin to exert independence from Him, and decide to go our own way into the world?

The child who grows in knowledge and understanding of loving parents, and whose life is in harmony with them, brings joy. Is that how we interact with our heavenly Father? Are we bringing glory to Him by our lives, and in return enjoying His fellowship and goodness? These are not rhetorical questions but should be something we are concerned about in our spirit, just as we concern ourselves with physical and emotional needs. Those who love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and spirit will want to please Him in every way they can. And certainly, times of sin breaks our heart, and hopefully brings quick repentance. Anything less is not giving Him the glory due His name, nor enjoying Him as He desires. He has all creation at His call to share with us! Why would we settle for a life of mediocrity?