October 29, 2023


October 29, 2023

Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Having finished Philippians last Sunday, today we begin with Colossians 1. It took the direct intervention of Jesus Christ on the Damascus Road for Paul to become a new person, and his life was forever afterward lived for God. He was ready in all situations—from hunger and beatings to prison and martyrdom—to live every day for his Lord and Savior. No written passage reveals that he ever looked back but was always an example of what a Christian believer should be. To live each day for Christ, whether suffering or rejoicing, was his goal. Is that your goal? Do you want to be known as a Christ-follower?

Focal Passage: Colossians 1

THE MARKS OF A BELIEVER:                                                                                                            

Faithfulness to Christ:

  • Read Col. 1:2-4. Paul had never met the believers in Colossae, so how could he love them? What were the two areas of their testimony that should be the signature of every Christ-honoring church? What constitutes faith in Christ? Why must we have love for all the believers (as well as our neighbors, whom we may not know)?
  • Read Luke 10:27. How did the Colossian believers carry this out? How did they recognize Truth when they heard it? Why do people today resist the Truth?

Faithfulness to His Word:

  • Read vv. 5-7. How can you tell that the Word of God is important to a person? What are different ways in which one shows in their own life that His Word is a top priority to them? Is it possible to grow as a Christian but never read the Bible? What fruit are you bearing in your life?
  • What did hearing the gospel preached teach these Colossians? What kind of testimony did Epaphras have?

Faithfulness to His work:

  • Read vv. 9-14. There were many things Paul asked God for when he prayed for the church at Colossae; what were they? Underline them in your Bible as you ask yourself how many of them you exhibit in your life as you pray for others.
  • Is someone praying for these things to be in your life? The list is long! Which do you consider the most important?


THE OBJECT OF OUR WORSHIP:                                                                                                    


  • Read vv. 15-18. Again, just as Paul has listed the characteristics of someone who is faithful to the work of Christ, now he lists some of the amazing characteristics of Jesus Christ. What does he mean by saying “Jesus is the image of the invisible God”? What does the “firstborn of all creation” mean? He holds Creation together as though by glue. If He were to let it go, what would happen?
  • What did He create? Read Romans 1:20-21. Does anyone have an excuse to say there is no God? Why? Just as the passage in Colossians is the pinnacle of truth about Jesus Christ, Romans 1:18-24 is the passage that should cause any or all who call themselves atheists, or unsaved by any other name, to see the error of their thinking. Why?

THE SOURCE OF OUR HOPE:                                                                                                                     

 The Cross:

  • Read Col. 1:19-20. What was the one act that was necessary for us to be able to have salvation? A sacrifice had to be made: how did Jesus fulfill the Law regarding a sacrifice for sins? Read Rom. 6:23 and Heb. 9:22. How did Jesus fulfill these two verses?
  • If Jesus had not died for our sins, how could we have been saved? Have you grasped the fact that your sins—past, present, and future—were nailed to the Cross? Does that give you the right to commit sin freely? Read Rom. 6:1-4. What does God say?

THE PROMISE OF HIS GIFT:                                                                                       


  • Read vv. 21-23. Before salvation, how does God describe us? After we accept the gift of salvation, how does God see us? Is this a conditional statement? How can we know that we were sincere when we confessed Jesus?
  • Read Matt. 13:20-21. Were these people really saved, or just moved by emotion of the moment? How do we know? Read James 1:12. Are you persevering toward approval?

 Christ in us:

  • Read vv. 24-29. How did Paul become a minister for Christ? How did he view the suffering he was constantly going through?
  • What was the “mystery” that Paul talks of so often? Does it apply to us? Do we have the responsibility to tell others of His love and salvation that is available to all?


Over the years, many peoples, tribes, or ethnic groups have been recognized by marks—or tattoos—they have on their body. As Christians, we don’t have marks that identify us, but we do have behaviors and habits (or disciplines!) that cause people to believe we are a follower of Jesus Christ. For instance, we might not curse, go to bars, watch x-rated movies, etc., any of which might cause a weaker brother to stumble. If you desire to have a testimony that will cause people to label you a Christian, you must act like a “little Christ”!

Paul was not disheartened by any suffering he endured: he got up, dusted off his knees, and put one foot in front of the other. We call it “keep on keeping on”! These marks of being a Christian that Paul wrote of, and Jonathan preached, are vital if we want to present to the world a person who is peaceful and content being a follower of Jesus. We want to hear our Savior say, “Well done, My good and faithful servant!”

Sandy Day

October 29, 2023