September 10, 2023


September 10, 2023

Pastor Jonathan Falwell


Last week as we studied chapters one and two of Galatians, we saw Paul upbraiding the Galatian church for “quickly” deserting the faith he had preached to them concerning Jesus Christ—and which they had believed. Now they have been “bewitched” (led astray) by false teachers who want them to go back to living under the Mosaic Law. Chapter three opens with Paul’s pain and outrage at their defection from Christ, when they had so clearly understood the gospel message of grace. He asks several serious questions, trying to get them to reason logically through their shallow thinking, which had resulted in their falling away from their faith.

Focal Passage: Galatians 3, 4.

An All-Important Question:

  • Read Gal. 3:1-5. Why is Paul trying to get them to use reasonable logic as to why they accepted Jesus Christ, and why they are now embracing the “works” salvation that would entangle them again? In other words, why have they exchanged truth for a lie?
  • Who were the ones actually misleading them? When Paul had preached Jesus, when had they received the Holy Spirit? Having understood that salvation was by grace alone, through Jesus Christ alone, why were they now convinced they must add works to it?
  • Paul reasoned with them: when God supplied the Holy Spirit and worked miracles among them, did He do it by works of the Law or through faith?
  • What about you? Did you believe the gospel message, but later thought your old sins might keep you from being saved, so you added teaching, taking meals, or trying to do acts of righteousness to your faith? Read Titus 3:5. Is this what Paul is saying?

The Answer from History:                                                                                                                


  • Read Gal. 3:6-9. The Jews loved to proclaim Abraham was their father; who does Paul say are the true children of Abraham? What did Abraham’s promise involve?
  • Read Gen. 15:4-6. What was the Abrahamic Covenant? When God walked alone through the halves of the animals (the contractual sign) what did that indicate to Abraham?
  • How many children did God tell Abraham he would have? Who also are included as his children? What was Abraham doing when God made this promise? Could it be annulled?


  • Read vv. 10-14. If you decide to live based on the Mosaic Law, how will you be judged? Has anyone been able to keep the Law? (Reference Deut. 27, esp. 11ff).
  • How could something God commanded be a curse? (Because no one can keep it).


  • Read vv. 15-18. When God was talking to Abraham and spoke of his Seed, who was God speaking of? Can anyone achieve righteousness through the law? Can a promise by God be broken? Who are the only Two who can change it?
  • Read Gal. 3:19. What purpose did the law serve, if no one could keep it? When was it going to end? What changed when Jesus came?
  • What is another word for “works”? Read Titus 3:4-7. Do works save you? What does spiritual fruit prove?
  • Read Mat. 5:17. What was Jesus’ relationship to the Law? Read Rom. 13:10 and Jas. 2:8!

The Explanation for the Free                                                                                                                    

A Dad Taking Care of His Children

  • Read Gal. 4:1-7. What is Paul’s point in this passage? As unbelievers, are we like the children in a home, with elemental needs provided, but having no freedom until reaching an age of blessings (salvation)?
  • What are some of the blessings we inherit when we reach “adulthood” (go to Eph. 1)

A Dad Trying to Control His Children

  • Read Gal. 4:8-10. Prior to salvation what are some examples of idols that people worship? However, after salvation, what were the believers in Galatia doing?
  • 13:1-23. Which soil are these people? Read Luke 15:11-24. How is this analogous? Read 2 Cor. 3:4-6. Why is going back under the law denying the sufficiency of Christ and His sacrifice? Read verse Gal. 4:17. Who are these false teachers really working for?

The illustration of our Choice

  • Read vv. 21-31. Why was Ishmael not the child of the promise? Would anyone expect Abraham and Sarah to have a child? Is anything too hard for God? How is the sacrifice of Jesus the only way the Law could be fulfilled? Read Eph. 2:8-9.


There are few things more sad than meeting a friend or someone in your family whom you love and knowing they have chosen to live life on their terms, believing themselves to be on the way to heaven based on their good works. Those of us who love Jesus, who desire to trust Him with every part of our lives, know that any “good” we do is because our roots are in Him, and the fruit (works) that is produced is only because His Spirit lives in us. Others can achieve civil good—giving money for humanitarian projects, taking a meal to a grieving family, etc.—but those “acts of righteousness” count as nothing if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior. He alone is the way to heaven. Acts 4:12 tells us, “…for there is no name under heaven, given among men, whereby we can be saved.” Meditate on that verse this week and examine your heart. Are you saved through Jesus, or trusting your works for reaching heaven?


By Sandy Day

September 10, 2023